“bonds” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “bonds”:

– Bill Bonds was an AmericansAmerican television anchor and reporter.

– Many Complex complexes have coordination bonds between a metal and organic ligands.

– Archibald Scott Couper in 1858 and Joseph Loschmidt in 1861 suggested possible structures that contained multiple double bonds or multiple rings, but the study of aromatic compounds was in its earliest years, and too little evidence was then available to help chemists decide on any particular structure.

– Rubber products also degrade as sulfursulphur bonds induced during vulcanization revert; this is why old rubber bands and other rubber products soften and get sticky as they age.

– The term “metalorganics” usually refers to metal-containing compounds lacking direct metal-carbon bonds but which contain organic ligands which bind them to an organic compound.

– They want the bearer bonds in the building ‘ s vault and ask the CEO, Joseph Takgai, for the access code to the first barrier.

bonds use in-sentences
bonds use in-sentences

Example sentences of “bonds”:

– The sulfur has two double bonds to the two oxygens.

– A common way chemists describe chemical bonds is through the number of electrons each atom has on itself.

– Fluorine bonds very strongly with carbon.

– Rufous treepies form pair bonds for life.

– He moves to New York, to be a bonds salesman.

– Cohesion holds hydrogen bonds together to create surface tension on water.

– It also paid the banks millions of dollars of fees for their help in selling the bonds and setting up the county’s debt.

– Finally, the Bank of America, which was based in San Francisco, agreed to buy all the bonds to help the local economy.

– Overton Jr., also helped to bring it back by selling the company’s bonds for seven cents on the dollar.

– This is not done by chemical bonds but by weaker forces such as hydrogen bonds.

- The sulfur has two double bonds to the two oxygens.

- A common way chemists describe chemical bonds is through the number of electrons each atom has on itself.

More in-sentence examples of “bonds”:

- People who purchase bonds want to know the source of the money to pay back the bonds.

- The water-soluble and charged molecules such as proteins, amino acids, and peptides bind to moieties which are oppositely charged by forming ionic bonds to the insoluble stationary phase.The equilibrated stationary phase is made of an ionizable functional groups where targeted molecules of mixtures are separated and quantified while passing through the column.

– People who purchase bonds want to know the source of the money to pay back the bonds.

– The water-soluble and charged molecules such as proteins, amino acids, and peptides bind to moieties which are oppositely charged by forming ionic bonds to the insoluble stationary phase.The equilibrated stationary phase is made of an ionizable functional groups where targeted molecules of mixtures are separated and quantified while passing through the column.

– Covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing valence electrons.

– Usually, when an epoxide reacts with a nucleophile, the first thing it does is break one of its chemical bonds between the oxygen atom and the carbon atom.

– The chemistry of molecules is explained mostly by their bonds, and their bonds are caused by their structure of electrons.

– In that group a carbon atom has three chemical bonds to a nitrogen atom.

– Wealth was defined by Arthur Cecil Pigou as “the sum of the money supply and government bonds divided by the price level”.

– His lyrics are characterised by a free use of the vernacular, and is unfettered by the grammatical bonds of his day.

– A conjugated system has a region of overlapping p-orbitals, bridging the single bonds that are between.

– Scientists used BATS to show that vampire bats can make social bonds when being kept by humans that they remember after being released.

– When “more” heat is added, the liquid substance evaporates and becomes a gas, which has no bonds at all.

– Chemical bonds in a molecule make molecular vibrations at frequencies that are characteristic of the bonds.

– The end result is making two new bonds to one atom.

– Any photon with sufficient energy can affect the chemical bonds of a chemical compound.

– The match brings the energy to break the first bonds, which release enough energy to break the bonds below them, until the candle has burned down.

– Retreating to a church’s bell tower, upon realizing high-pitched sounds weakens the creature, Peter removes the symbiote, where it bonds with Brock, transforming him into Venom.

– Plasma is usually very hot, because it takes very high temperatures to break the bonds between electrons and the nuclei of the atoms.

– Chemical bonds are negatively charged electrons that are pulling protons into each other.

– The four electrons are used by the semiconductor atom in forming bonds with its neighbouring atoms.

– So the oxygen bonds to haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin.

– Early ads tried to tell people about the purchase of war bonds and saving of war things.

– Ceramics and glasses use covalent bonds and ionic-covalent bonds with SiO, silica or sand, as a fundamental building block.

– But it was difficult for the governments to sell the bonds at the time because of the Wall Street Crash of 1929.

– He once said that “Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets” It reflects on his writing because he likes to write more on the bonds between individual and society rather than only character.

– Using Newtonian mechanics the vibrations of a molecule can be calculated by treating the bonds like springs.

– Dyotropic reactions can also happen with N-O bonds or N-N bonds.

– Morgan to sell the bonds and to make interest rate swaps on its debt.

– Covalent bonds form when atoms share electrons.

– When in a set of 3 Pi bonds two pi bonds interact with each other by “conjugation”.

– Chemical bonds are what joins atoms together.

– Disrotatory and conrotatory tell how the bonds in the π-system are rotating.

– Iranian authorities said Iraee and Sadegh could be temporarytemporarily out of prison on bonds worth 7 and 10 billion rials for Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee.

– Jefferson County was spending more than its total revenue, so it sold bonds to finance its operating deficits.

– IUPAC defines bond energy as the average value of the gas-phase bond dissociation energies for all bonds of the same type within the same chemical species.

– Note 1: carbon and silicon in Group 4 usually form covalent bonds by sharing electrons.

– This is because the molecules form bonds with the hydrogen in the water, too, helping them dissolve.

– In terms of bent bond theory, this preference is explained by assuming favorable orbital overlap between the filled cyclopropane bent bonds and the empty p-orbital.

– Pi bonds happen when two atomic orbitals are in contact through two areas of overlap.

– Its usage has grown specially in the investment sector, where it is used to refer to the bonds emitted by these emerging markets governments.

– Both theoretical studies as well as experiments now show that C-H bonds can be broken.

– The Spartan tradition of military heroism has also been explained in light of strong emotional bonds resulting from homosexual relationships.

– The water reacts with the cement, which bonds the other components together, eventually creating a strong stone-like material.

– He was known for creating the high-yield bonds and leveraged buyouts to take over control of major companies, then doing paper switches of the assets into companies he owned.

– Hydrogen bonds can occur between molecules.

– Other common double bonds are found in azo compounds.

– The mitochondria’s main role in the cell is to take glucose and use the energy they stored in its chemical bonds to make ATP in a process called cellular respiration.

– Because a molecule’s structure and bonds break apart in characteristic ways, they can be identified from the difference in peak masses.

– Metallic bonds causes many of the traits of metals, such as Strength of materialsstrength, luster, conduction of heat and electricity.

– Some forms of financial capital, such as stocks, gold or bonds are not wanted by everybody.

– The hydrogen bonds can re-form if moisture touches them, such as water or dampness.

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