“blow” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “blow”:

+ After the fuse blows, the problem that caused it to blow must be corrected and the fuse must be replaced to restore power to the circuit.

+ For example, if an action movie shows a very big battleship blowing up, it would be expensive to buy a battleship and dangerous to blow it up.

+ More importantly, the discovery of celestial bodies orbiting something other than the Earth dealt a blow to the then-accepted Ptolemaic world system.

+ This is because about 30% of the Sun’s mass will blow away in the solar wind.

+ There Holmes is about to deliver a fatal blow to Moriarty’s criminal organization.

blow use in sentences
blow use in sentences

Example sentences of “blow”:

+ To blow this horn, the lip and lung strength of the blower has to be strong to make a sound like a foghorn or an elephant.

+ As in the pipe organ, the sound is made by air blowing through the pipes, but power to make the air blow does not come from bellows or from electricity as in the modern organ, but from water, for example from a waterfall.

+ Michael Wise had been appointed as choirmaster, but then he died, so Blow was given the job.

+ When a person sneezes, many small drops of saliva and mucus blow out from the nose and mouth.

+ Once all scrap has melted, a special pipe called “oxygen lance” is lowered in the pig iron, and a very fast and sharp blow of oxygen is blasted in.

+ Most action movies use special effects if they want to show something blow up.

+ With the introduction of the Railway line, the “Posta” suffered a severe blow as Wagons and Carriages replaced Horses.

+ His main weapon is a rocket launcher which he can use to blow up enemies, or, if fired at his own feet, can be used to make him jump very high.

+ The Naples Plague is a Plague plague epidemic that occurred in Italy from 1656 to 1658, which caused a devastating blow to the population of Naples.

+ When the SWAT team enters the building, they shoot Dyson quite a few times which really hurts him, he stays behind to press the button to blow the place up.

+ This is because westerly winds blow in from the Sea of Japan.

+ The country has a tropical climate but modified by elevation and the “trade winds which blow from the Atlantic all year long.

+ To blow this horn, the lip and lung strength of the blower has to be strong to make a sound like a foghorn or an elephant.

+ As in the pipe organ, the sound is made by air blowing through the pipes, but power to make the air blow does not come from bellows or from electricity as in the modern organ, but from water, for example from a waterfall.

More in-sentence examples of “blow”:

+ Second, that storms occur which may blow winged birds right off the island so far that they cannot find they way back.

+ They fly very high, making use of long streams of air that blow from north to south in different seasons.

+ It was a terrible blow to morale for those who had fought long and hard to capture it.

+ Nonetheless, the very existence of a Bangladesh state is a blow to the rhetoric of Islamic Unity that most Pakistanis and Muslims in general like to crow about.

+ Using these usually blow a fuse but sometimes they don’t.

+ During summers dry winds blow in this region.

+ Any country that has a shore or river, where such pieces blow or wash out to sea is a source.

+ This symbolizes the power of lust to blow one about aimlessly.

+ Whether a style is soft or hard or how many points are gained with a blow are details and subjects of discussion which appear in periods of peace, when there were hand to hand combats.

+ Winter storms and blizzards can make several feet of snow that blow into big drifts.

+ Other boys in the choir included John Blow and William Turner.

+ These early brass instruments were round so that the hunter could put his arm through it and carry it on his shoulder and blow it while riding a horse.

+ The other product of fermentation is carbon dioxide, which is the gas that can make beer bottles explode or blow their tops off.

+ A bungalow often has a hall down the middle of the house to let the breeze blow through.

+ His plan is to blow up Fort Knox so that the price of gold will go up.

+ She helps Din Djarin and Greef Karga blow up an Imperial base.

+ General Winkelman ordered the artillery bin the Hoekse Waard to try to destroy the Moerdijk bridges and sent a team to Rotterdam to blow up the “Willemsbrug”.

+ The Joker has wired both boats with explosives and has given each boat the detonator to the other one, saying that he will blow up both boats at midnight if one boat does not blow up the other.

+ When Pelham Humfrey died, Blow took over two of his jobs.

+ In the end, supernova explosions and strong stellar winds from the most massive stars blow away the gases of the HII region.

+ Alexander was made the blow off for the show.

+ Some volcanic eruptions blow off the top of the volcano.

+ The trade winds blow from the east and northeast, off of the Atlantic Ocean onto northeastern South America.

+ They blow from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.

+ They would sneak for miles giving locations for the main invasion landing vessels to land on, bomb coordinates for the Air Force to strike, map terrain, mark danger zones and hidden mine fields for the upcoming invading soldiers and plant charges to blow during the invasion.

+ Second, that storms occur which may blow winged birds right off the island so far that they cannot find they way back.

+ They fly very high, making use of long streams of air that blow from north to south in different seasons.

+ Magnesium is also used in incendiary bombs, which are bombs that blow up and spread fire everywhere.

+ Mines are a way to blow up the enemy and really shock them.

+ Strong stellar winds blow the gas and plasma in the outer layer of the star outwards.

+ Fast acting fuses blow immediately once the current rating is exceeded.

+ To this end, a one chance proposal is probably good with a ban for 3 or 6 months if they blow it; then a indef ban if they blow the second chance after being unbanned within 6 months of the unbanning.

+ Of this event, Avery wrote in a letter to his youngest brother Roy, a bacteriologist at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine: “It’s lots of fun to blow bubbles but it’s wiser to prick them yourself before someone else tries to”.

+ The dating for ‘Eve’ was a blow to the multiregional hypothesis, and a boost to the hypothesis that modern humans originated relatively recently in Africa and spread from there, replacing more “archaic” human populations such as Neanderthals.

+ RC wars: Players must drive remote-control cars into each other, to try to make the other car blow up.

+ At the time of her death, Detmar Blow had been her husband since 1989.

+ He won by a slashing blow to his opponent’s buttocks so he could no longer stand.

+ Some of their outer layers will blow away, leaving interstellar gas and dust circling the star.

+ So Germanicus dealt a significant blow to Rome’s enemies, and quelled an uprising of troops, actions that increased his fame with the Roman people.

+ The warriors of ancient India would blow conch shells to announce battle, such as is famously represented in the beginning of the war of Kurukshetra in the Mahabharata, the famous Hindu epic.

+ This was a major blow for the maratha side.

+ Also a positive, he took a long wikibreak after the one RfA, which shows he is very stable and doesn’t blow up when things go wrong.

+ The blow was applied with the point directed under or through the armor.

+ She was the first winner of the Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration in 2002 for the song “Let Me Blow Ya Mind”, with Gwen Stefani.

+ Existing wind patterns that blow offshore lower the effect of the Atlantic Ocean.

+ This is because the liquid flux is protecting the hot metal and it will not blow away.

+ The Austrian Grand Prix at the Österreichring, the fastest Grand Prix circuit of the year was next, and this was perhaps the most exciting race of the season: all the turbo cars eventually fell out or hit trouble, and Prost, still in contention for the championship was dealt a serious blow to his championship hopes when his car suffered turbo failure 5 laps from the end.

+ There were concerns that sand would blow onto the track and disrupt the race.

+ Other operating principles for self-loading firearms include blow forward, gas operation, recoil operation, revolver, Gatling, and chain.

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