“blaze” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “blaze”:

– She played Blaze Starr in the 1989 movie “Blaze“.

– In the introduction to the Bachman novel BlazeBlaze“, King claims, with tongue-in-cheek, that “Bachman” was the person using the Swithen pseudonym.

– Firefighters were expecting to continue tackling the blaze for at least a further 24 hours.

– When the Governor and the police gave Blaze a standing ovation, she was dumbfounded.

– The blaze was caused by the burning of small wooden tally sticks.

– I went down in a blaze of glory last time I had an Rfb.

– When Blaze Starr first met Governor Long in 1958, her first feeling was fear.

– StrainMike Strain, the blaze scorched several thousand acres and was propelled by past drought conditions combined with high winds coming from the aftermath of Tropical Storm Lee Tropical Storm Lee in the Gulf of Mexico.

blaze how to use?
blaze how to use?

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