“blame” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “blame”:

– Many of Bad Religion’s songs are about what they think are social problems, but they do not blame causes of these problems to any single person or group.

– Plausible deniability refers to the denial of blame in chains of command.

– People who claim to have EHS blame it for headaches, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin symptoms like prickling, burning sensations and rashes, pain and ache in muscles and many other health problems.

– Many blame them for the bad name of communism.

– However, when they fail they blame it on bad luck or the task being too hard.

blame - example sentences
blame – example sentences

Example sentences of “blame”:

– Some people say North took the blame and punishment rather than Reagan.

– The goal posts are still where they were, you just keep trying to change, hide or distort the facts to make your case then blame others for changing the rules on you when things don’t seem to be working out the way you wanted them to.

– Whenever something bad, that was not someone’s fault, happened to a member of the Azande, they would blame witchcraft for the issue.

– Oliver North was tried in court for the affair because he took the blame instead of Reagan.

– Wyatt once wrote a letter to his son that put blame in both parents for the bad marriage, “but chiefly in her.” Both Thomas Wyatt and his wife Elizabeth cheated on each other.

– Loomis betrays Mickey and shoots him, as she plans to blame the murders on Mickey.

– Conservation groups blame people doing the challenge for dropping litter and damaging the landscape.

– However, this blame is not fair as most GMs are not developers and cannot fix those types of problems.

– Before her death, she wrote a post on Facebook asking the public to blame the Russian Federation for her death.

– Other historians blame the unstable system of leadership.

- Some people say North took the blame and punishment rather than Reagan.

- The goal posts are still where they were, you just keep trying to change, hide or distort the facts to make your case then blame others for changing the rules on you when things don't seem to be working out the way you wanted them to.
- Whenever something bad, that was not someone’s fault, happened to a member of the Azande, they would blame witchcraft for the issue.

More in-sentence examples of “blame”:

– In court at Darlinghurst, Sydney, Scott tried to take the blame for the crime.

– Some people blame Ronald Reagan for the crisis because he signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986 which some might think was a direct result of the crisis.

– Some people also blame the sparrowhawk for decreases in the numbers of smaller birds.

– Brad at the beginning had to take drugs and alcohol every time they got together, so that he had something to blame for the next day.

– Moses tries to take the blame and tells Pharaoh that Rameses only wanted his approval.

– In the tape, V tells them that they are all to blame for the current state of government.

– Initially, I was not thrilled with the concept of having to do IEP 2 in a wiki I am not familiar with, but what Hisham has told me, its a very nice community, I’m sorry English editors, but a lot of students as well as CA’s left en wiki, only because the en editors were really being mean, I don’t blame them, with their amount of work though.

– Ratan persuades Chandana to go to a beauty parlour so that he can meanwhile steal the jewelry and blame it on Amloki.

– Quoting an article of K F Rustomjee, the former DGP of Maharashtra and BSF, “Captain Panduranga Reddy” said that the policemen from Akola district in then Central Province were sent in to Hyderabad state in the garb of Razakars to create turmoil and blame the Nizam government.

– Often, players who aren’t happy with the game will blame the GMs for any problems.

– He was interviewed by the “National Enquirer” of January 2013 and said: “I don’t blame anybody but myself and my drug abuse for my career going haywire.

– The official inquiry into the escape placed most of the blame onto prison staff.

– If he does not blame the crime on Jones, he is refusing to defend Smith the way Smith wants.

– Momus is the Deitygod of blame in Greek mythology.

– After questions about her handling of the war, Meir left her job even though she had been found to be not to blame for problems with the war.

– A client named Smith wants to blame his crime on another client named Jones.

– I do not want to blame anyone, because that is not productive.

– In 1983, the group claimed they were to blame for a parcel bomb sent to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s headquarters.

– They said they did not want the name to have any person, place, or animal in it, like “Wuhan” or “pangolin,” because then people might blame the disease on that place, person, or animal.

– Later in 2006, Megadeth performed a live concert in Montreal and responded to the blame they and their music received.

– Vikernes called Blackthorn’s claims a “defense to make sure I couldn’t blame him “.

– President Trump tried to call Heyer’s mother, but after Trump said there was blame on “many sides”, she refused to take his calls.

– They blame the United States, saying it is a conspiracy to make sure they cannot compete.

– Herakles however lay the blame for the theft on Eurystheus.

– A mouse is loose in the Pickles’ garage and house, knocking things off of the shelves, and Stu places the blame on Spike.

– The song advises not to believe in theories such as superstitions and the song references how adults blame children for the bad luck they have faced -.

– If you want to bring up the fact he emailed me, then blame me, as it was I who requested it.

– This is when people say that someone who has been raped is the person to blame for their rape.

– In the spring of 190, Rome was afflicted by a food shortage, for which the official actually in charge of the grain supply managed to lay the blame on Cleander.

– HumanHumans are to blame due to cutting down animals’ natural habitat such as forests.

– The doctors and nurses blame him for Dr.

– Gatsby tells Nick that he will take the blame in order to save Daisy.

– I admit that the recent debacle regarding flood flag was blown out of proportion – and that I am partly to blame – and I think now that the guidelines around this tool have been made clearer such an incident won’t happen again.

– Automobiles can cause air pollution if too many are used in a small area like a city, and the combined pollution of the world’s automobiles is partly to blame for climate change.

– The Israelites become thirsty and blame Moses for lack of water.

– Shifting blame and discounting the opinions of others just because you yourself have issues with that opinion is a moot point.

– They were named after Herbert Hoover, who was the President of the United States during the start of the Great Depression and was given the blame for it.

– Batman offers to take the blame for all the murders.

– Scar does not want to die and lies to Simba that the hyenas are to blame for everything.

– He said that the band was no more than “a manufactured product of a major-label.” He also blame Hayley Williams for treating the rest of the group members as her solo project.

– In a phobia, someone has an irrational fear, but does not blame anyone for this fear.

– In the end, when the project failed, everyone was quick to jump the gun and blame IEP and us ambassadors, it was more of passing the buck instead of helping out.

– Her grandmother Bhabho ignores and looks down upon Kanak because according to her, Kanak is to blame for her parents’ death, but later upon realising her love for Kanak, Bhabho accepts her as family.

– They will try to prove whether the person is to blame or not.

– Do not blame the victim.

– Both sides blame each other for starting the war.

– However, the building’s owner continues to blame overcrowding on the balcony for its complete structural failure, although he has taken steps to strengthen the balconies at his properties to prevent a recurrence of the disaster.

– This Declaration also affirm the universal worth of human rights, freedom and democracy and blame any terrorism, unlawful drug trade and also kidnapping as their destructions and insists international cooperation to combat against them.

- In court at Darlinghurst, Sydney, Scott tried to take the blame for the crime.

- Some people blame Ronald Reagan for the crisis because he signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986 which some might think was a direct result of the crisis.
- Some people also blame the sparrowhawk for decreases in the numbers of smaller birds.

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