“biplane” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “biplane”:

+ The Pomilio PE is an ItalyItalian reconnaissance biplane aircraft.

+ The Fiat CR.42 Falco is a biplane fighter aircraft used by Fascismfascist air force in the World War II and before in the Spanish Civil War.

+ The Henschel Hs 123 is a biplane built in Nazi Germany as a dive bomber.

+ It was the last biplane fighter in service in UK.

+ The Pfalz D.III is a biplane fighter aircraft.

+ The feathers not directly employed in the biplane wing, like those on the tibia and the tail, could have been used to control and alter the flight path.

+ The Nieuport 11 is a FranceFrench single-engine biplane fighter aircraft used during World War I that allowed France to defeat the German Fokker Eindeckers.

biplane how to use in sentences
biplane how to use in sentences

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