“bind” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “bind”:

– Atypical antipsychotic drugs on the other hand block the sites where dopamine or serotonin would bind to a cell.

– The water-soluble and charged molecules such as proteins, amino acids, and peptides bind to moieties which are oppositely charged by forming ionic bonds to the insoluble stationary phase.The equilibrated stationary phase is made of an ionizable functional groups where targeted molecules of mixtures are separated and quantified while passing through the column.

– Layla does not want to fight, but when they hit her, she uses her power to make all the plants come out and bind the cheerleaders down.

– This allows a B cell to bind to a specific antigen.

– Glycoproteins on the surface of the envelope help to identify and bind to receptor sites on the host’s membrane.

– Cannabinoids that bind to CB receptors get into the bloodstream after being used and can change how the body functions for a short amount of time.

bind - some sentence examples
bind – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “bind”:

- Their active centre has two copper atoms which reversibly bind a single oxygen molecule.

- They contain light-absorbing pigments, including chlorophyll and carotenoids, as well as proteins which bind the pigments.

– Their active centre has two copper atoms which reversibly bind a single oxygen molecule.

– They contain light-absorbing pigments, including chlorophyll and carotenoids, as well as proteins which bind the pigments.

– Sockets bind the application to service ports that functions as the endpoints of data transmission.

– Hox genes are a complex of genes whose proteins bind to the regulatory regions of target genes.

– In a series of experiments with the fruit-fly “Drosophila”, Lewis was able to identify a complex of genes whose proteins bind to the regulatory regions of target genes.

– His group showed that cyclins bind and activate a family of protein kinases, now called the cyclin-dependent kinases.

– When bacteria touch a phagocyte, they bind to the receptors on the phagocyte and are eaten.

– Endorphins are three compounds which bind to receptors.

– They block the sites where dopamine would bind to a cell.

– At the molecular level, an antigen can be characterized by its ability to bind to an antibody’s paratopes.

– The basis of the sense of smell is that different groups of scent molecules bind to different receptor cells and so fire different groups of neurons.

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