“bible” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “bible”:

– Many members of the Christian right believe that the Bible says it is bad to be homosexual.

– He helped create a monthly newsletter from the ministry and Bible study tapes, hosted a radio show called “66/40”, and spoke at conferences.

– The band chose the name “Kutless” from a Bible verse, Romans 6:23.

– Zion, is one of the seventy names of Jerusalem, and in the Bible is the second name for Jerusalem after the name “Jerusalem”.

– In church, explaining the Bible was the priest’s work.

– Atheists do not believe that gods exist, so the Bible is only an ancient book.

– Aramaic is the language of long parts of the two Bible books of Daniel and Ezra.

bible how to use?
bible how to use?

Example sentences of “bible”:

– Wycliffe did this so that people could see for themselves what the Bible said.

– The “Second Passover” on the 14th of Iyar in the Hebrew Calendar is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a make-up day for people who were unable to offer the Passover sacrifice at the appropriate time.

– The Giant Bible of Echternach was made at the Abbey Echernach.

– The Epistle to the Romans is a book from the Bible which was written about the year 56 or 57.

– The Queen of Sheba ruled over the ancient kingdom of Sheba, and is mentioned in the Bible and the Qur’an.

– The Bible uses a few different words for alcoholic drinks.

– The New English Bible was also put together here in the 20th century.

– Old English literary works include epic poemepic poetry, biography, sermons, Bible translations, legal works, chronicles, riddles and others.

– The Hebrew word “aron” is used in the Bible to designate any type of ark or chest, for any purpose.

– While the Bible itself gives the count as “10”, using the Hebrew phrase “ʻaseret had’varim”—translated as “the 10 words”, “statements” or “things”, this phrase does not appear in the passages usually presented as being “the Ten Commandments”.

– John Newbery called it the Bible and Sun.

- Wycliffe did this so that people could see for themselves what the Bible said.

- The "Second Passover" on the 14th of Iyar in the Hebrew Calendar is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a make-up day for people who were unable to offer the Passover sacrifice at the appropriate time.
- The Giant Bible of Echternach was made at the Abbey Echernach.

More in-sentence examples of “bible”:

– He spent a lot of time looking at different translations of the Bible and combining sentences from several of the versions.

– Cayce also claimed while in a supposed trance that the Essenes had believed in reincarnation but that view was expunged from the Bible following a popepapal council decision in around 500 AD.

– Hasbro initially hired Faust to create a pitch bible for the show, allowing her to get additional help with conceptualization.

– Satan in The Satanic Bible is just a symbol of freedom from the restrictive rules of Christianity and other right-hand path religions.

– Although the Bible mentions Satan, this is not ditheism as he is not equal to God, but merely an angel.

– The Missouri Synod also teaches biblical inerrancy, Missouri Synod which is the teaching that the Bible does not have errors.

– The Bible says that the Lord said to Solomon, “I have consecrated this temple…by putting my Name there forever.

– There are many translations of the Bible in English.

– The Hebrew Bible was originally written in Biblical Hebrew.

– Many Jewish Bible translations show the English and original Hebrew on facing pages.

– Psalm 151 is a short psalm that is controversycontroversial because it is in some versions of the Bible but not others.

– In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church began to use theatre as a way of telling the stories from the Bible to people who did not know how to read.

– The English languageEnglish Bible of 1560 which is called the Geneva Bible is a different translation.

– In Christianity, the Old Testament is the name of the first part of the Bible which was completed before Jesus Christ was born.

– Most English Bible translations are written from a Christian point of view.

– Most of Isaiah’s Bible passages begin with ‘God’s message to’.

– It is used to explain complex ideas in the Bible in a simple way.

– Any Christian respects the Bible and considers it sacred.

– Between about 100 and 300 CE, a group of Jewish Bible specialists called the Tannaim copied this Hebrew Bible.

– One of the Puritans’ most important beliefs was that every person needed to understand the Bible in his own way.

– The original Septuagint was a translation of the Torah, the five books of Moses from the Hebrew Bible into the Greek language.

– The Bible says that wine was also important at the Last Supper – the last time Jesus ate with his disciples before he was arrested.

– They also refuse blood transfusions because the Bible says not to eat blood or consume it in any other way, and they believe that putting blood in their veins is equivalent to consuming it.

– He read the Bible many times starting when he was 10 years old.

– There is also a TV show which doesn’t mention religion, two shows on Netflix, two movies, one of which retells the Bible story of Jonah and another which is a parody of pirate movies, and a hand-drawn animated spinoff show which is a parody of Batman.

– It is currently found on the YouVersion app and on its on EasyEnglish app, with portions published by the British and Foreign Bible Society.

– Others point out that the ‘Apocrypha’ was in every Christian Bible until 1828.

– The Satanic Bible teaches that God and the Devil do not exist, and encourages people to worship themselves instead.

– Then between about 300 and 500 CE, another group of Jewish Bible specialists called the Amoraim continued the work of the Tannaim.

– Manasseh is recorded in the Bible as one of the most idolatrous and turns from his ways of worshiping idols.

– Bruce Manning Metzger was an American biblical scholar, Bible translator and textual critic, a longtime professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and Bible editor of the American Bible Society and United Bible Societies.

– A quarter of the 180 copy edition of Johannes Gutenberg’s first Bible printed in 1455 was also printed on vellum, presumably because his costumers expected this for a high-quality book.

– Raymond Brown argues that it is important to look at when each book in the Bible was written.

– The Masoretic Text is an authority because it is the source for most translations of the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament.

– The Missouri Synod believes that the Bible is the first source for the teachings of the church, and that the Bible is best explained by the Book of Concord.

– Luther translated the Bible into German.

– Below, there is a list or table that compares the Books of the Bible in Judaism and in the Roman Catholic ChurchCatholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Slavonic Orthodox, Georgian, Armenian Apostolic, Syriac, and Ethiopian Churches.

– The Bible Belt is term for a part of the United States in which many people believe in Conservatismconservative Evangelical Protestantism.

– Lutherans believe the Bible is the first and only authoritative source for Christian faith and teaching.

– In the 19th and 20th centuries, Western scholars studied Fuzhou dialect, compiled a dictionary, and translated the Bible into Fuzhou dialect.

– Moderate and liberal Christians generally think the Bible texts are historical, and reliable.

– The Bible is the best selling book of all time.

– He surprised many when he worked on the redecoration of the Gothic cathedral in Ribe, working on the murals, painted glass and mosaics to illustrate Bible stories from 1983 to 1987.

– The story is told from the beginning of the Bible in which Adam disobeys God, to the coming of the baby Jesus.

– Also, there are many references to movements within Christianity and different versions of the Bible and the Tanakh.

– It has a dictionary and parts of the Bible were translated into Shawnee.

- He spent a lot of time looking at different translations of the Bible and combining sentences from several of the versions.

- Cayce also claimed while in a supposed trance that the Essenes had believed in reincarnation but that view was expunged from the Bible following a popepapal council decision in around 500 AD.
- Hasbro initially hired Faust to create a pitch bible for the show, allowing her to get additional help with conceptualization.

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