“belief” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “belief”:

+ Knowledge in religion is different in that it depends on faith, belief and the authority of religious leaders, not on evidence of a scientific or legal kind.

+ This shows a belief that Ghostdead spirits were present among the living.

+ The book is constructed of a series of poems, each containing a rule, way or belief to becoming successful.

+ And they uphold the belief that the Quran is the Speech of Allah, His Revelation and Light.

+ There is a belief that door gods stop evil spirits from going into the building.

+ Pope’s poem expresses the typical Age of Reason belief that men are everywhere and in all times the same, which was also Christian doctrine.

+ Pythagoras’ most important belief was that the physical world was mathematical and that numbers were the real reality.JOC/EFR 1999.

+ Monism is the opposite of dualism because it is the belief that minds and bodies are not separate things.

belief use in-sentences
belief use in-sentences

Example sentences of “belief”:

+ In pluralistic ignorance, people support a norm or a belief in public, even though they really think it is wrong.

+ With the belief that music should be for God, and him alone, Ethiopian "mezmur" does not have ethnic or cultural boundaries, nor restriction on what style or instruments to use.
+ Broadwater later posted a letter on his website against "Da Ali G Show" explaining that his statement referred to a theological belief that anyone that "accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will spend eternity in Heaven, while everyone who rejects Him will spend eternity in Hell." Broadwater did not apologise for his comments.

+ In pluralistic ignorance, people support a norm or a belief in public, even though they really think it is wrong.

+ With the belief that music should be for God, and him alone, Ethiopian “mezmur” does not have ethnic or cultural boundaries, nor restriction on what style or instruments to use.

+ Broadwater later posted a letter on his website against “Da Ali G Show” explaining that his statement referred to a theological belief that anyone that “accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will spend eternity in Heaven, while everyone who rejects Him will spend eternity in Hell.” Broadwater did not apologise for his comments.

+ I mentioned before how he never signed on to a full belief in our remit, and instead he has been trying to make our pages look like English wiki.

+ Mysticism is the belief that people can “directly” experience God or true reality, rather than through books, ritual or other people.

+ The main Christian belief is that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, sinful humans can be reconciled to God.

+ I think he was trying to help the article by adding that some people do have the belief that Obama is not a Christian, just like some believe he is Muslim.

+ People who reject belief that God or any deities exist are called atheists.

+ The belief is not orthodox, as the Church does not profess a belief as to what happens to unbaptized infants; however, it is also not heresy, as the Church accepts that such a scenario “might” be possible.

+ I also object to references of suppression of other belief systems in the KSA.

+ Another controversial idea is that scientism, belief in science as if it were a religion or ethical tradition, comes from this paradigm.

More in-sentence examples of “belief”:

+ This belief was made up of UFO, New Age and Christian ideas.

+ Irreligious theism is the belief that there is a higher being, but doesn’t follow organized religion, this belief can be often confused for Deism, however irreligious theists often believe that god can still interfere in the world, also Irreligious theists believe in supernatural events like miracles, while Deists don’t believe in that.

+ As Margaret was in Scotland at the time the battle had taken place, it was impossible that she issued the orders for their executions despite popular belief to the contrary.

+ The belief that James, not William III or Mary II, was the one true ruler became known as Jacobitism.

+ The main belief is an idea that the Earth and nature is sacred, and is worthy of worship itself.

+ Materialistic monism is the belief that everything in the universe is made of a single substance.

+ There is no evidence that Presley or his mother shared this belief in a Jewish heritage.

+ That shows she put her belief in her letters and her poems to tell the people what she thinks is right.

+ It is the opposite of theism, which is the belief that at least one god exists.

+ He is known for his conservatism, Catholic ChurchCatholic religious belief and being enemies with liberal strongman Eloy Alfaro.

+ The prosecutor in the book says, “…Dmitry Karamazov represents Russia directly, as it is today…she is all there, our old mother Russia; we can smell her! Oh, like him, we are such a…sincere people; we are an amazing mixture of good and evil; we love enlightenment and Schiller, but we also love to rage and storm in and to tear out the beards of our drunken drinking friendcompanions.” He becomes a better and stronger man in the end, and this shows the writer’s belief in hope for humankind.

+ That belief is called Trinitarianism.

+ To have faith in a belief is to have the belief without proof that it is true.

+ He found none of the answers he sought and came to the conclusion that his belief had no basis.

+ El Lissitzky’s entire career was based on his belief that the artist could be an agent for change.

+ Popular belief asserts that individuals of either sex who are not in sexually active relationships tend to masturbate more frequently than those who are; however, much of the time this is not true as masturbation alone or with a partner is often a feature of a relationship.

+ The opposite of polytheism is monotheism, which is the belief in only one god, practiced by the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, etc.

+ Heresy is a belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion.

+ The gradual changes in belief through time shape the concept of Bhuvaneswari and express how the different Goddesses, though very different in personality, all carry the power of the universe on their shoulders.

+ Unitarianism can be described as the belief that God is just one person.

+ The “Theory of Karma” is a major belief in Hinduism, Ayyavazhi, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

+ P’ent’ay Christians use the alleged “secularized teaching” of the current Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches, the alleged inability of most Orthodox followers to live according to the instructions of the Bible and the deuterocanonical books used by rural priests, as a proof to their belief in the Orthodox Tewahedo teaching is also mainly syncretized.

+ A superstition is a belief that has no logical explanation or scientific evidence.

+ Buddhism originated in India as a belief of rebirth or reincarnation.

+ This belief was made up of UFO, New Age and Christian ideas.

+ Irreligious theism is the belief that there is a higher being, but doesn't follow organized religion, this belief can be often confused for Deism, however irreligious theists often believe that god can still interfere in the world, also Irreligious theists believe in supernatural events like miracles, while Deists don't believe in that.

+ These Gospels started the belief that Jesus’ creation was a miracle.

+ Min Won-sik was Joseon dynasty Korea and Japanese rule under Korean bureaucratcys and politicians, belief pro-Japanese group thinkers.

+ Reincarnation is a belief that after the body dies, the soul will be born again in another body.

+ The JudaismJewish faith recognizes a single creed called the Shmah or Shema Yisrael, a statement of faith in strict unitarian monotheism, the belief in one God.

+ She later explained her belief that her hair – which “had never been combed and…

+ Her one eye is due to a belief that her stepmother Chandi burnt one of her eyes out of jealousy.

+ A belief can be true or false, but there is no such thing as false knowledge.

+ The belief of the Karaikal people is if we bath once in this temple tank, all the bone related diseases and fractures will get cured.

+ Atheism is rejecting the belief in a god or gods.

+ One of the things that led to the belief that Nero survived was the fact that he died in a location that was not well known.

+ To support the action with the belief ‘I am the doer’ is called binding the karma.

+ He was tried, convicted, and forced to retract his published belief in heliocentrism.

+ The Indonesian government has recognized this animist belief as “Aluk To Dolo”.

+ Much of the Mormon belief system is oriented geographically around the North and South American continents.

+ Huey has a strong belief that the concepts of fate and coincidence are somehow mysteriously linked together; he also believes that they are judges on whether the trio are able to have something or not.

+ When the client reports no distress related to the targeted memory, he is asked to think of the preferred positive belief that was identified at the beginning of the session.  At this time, the client may adjust the positive belief if necessary, and then focus on it during the next set of distressing events.

+ Many of those who thought Dreyfus was a spy hated Jews and believed that he was a criminal because he was a Jew, and that a Jew could not be a good Frenchman; this belief is called anti-Semitism.

+ Some people have the religious belief that life on Earth was created by a god.

+ This belief is usually held by Objectivists.

+ After this demotion, the one remaining potential buyer withdrew their offer to buy the club., BBC News, June 2 2008 In the belief that Gretna has ceased to exist, they resigned their place in the Scottish Football League on June 3.

+ Casley then lodged a claim under the Law of Tort for $52 million in the belief the claim would force a revision of the quota.

+ The editorial board of media outlets such as the press or broadcast news chooses what information to present, so the editors’ selection may be biased toward one position or belief system.

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