“behavioural” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “behavioural”:

– CBT combines cognitive and behavioural methods to maximise its effect.

– Cools was one of the founders of the European Behavioural Pharmacology Society.

– This may also include behavioural or physical assessments as well as intelligence tests or developmental tests.

– It can be treated with behavioural therapy.

– Specifically, it’s the myopic loss aversion introduced by Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler, which indicates the behavioural characteristics of “loss aversion” and “frequent evaluations” of investors.

– Therefore, parents’ behavioural response to stress can be transgenerational and can be proven via neural activity

– Emotions, Darwin decided, were behavioural traits which evolved.

– An issue of anxiety or Depression depression related to a doubt about one’s gender identity or sexual orientation has been classified as WHO in the ICD-10, under “Mental and behavioural sicknesses/problems connected with sexual development and orientation”.

behavioural use in sentences
behavioural use in sentences

Example sentences of “behavioural”:

- This can lead to behavioural problems and poor health.

- Plants and animals living in arid or periodically arid environments such as temporary streams or ponds may face desiccation, therefore Physiologyphysiological or behavioural adaptations are necessary to ensure survival.
- The symptomatic "dumb-bell"-shaped bite marks on either side of the leaf vein on a fossilised leaf have been identified as the death-grip of a carpenter ant terminally parasitized by a fungus that, apparently then as today, took over its behaviour to release its spores at a good location; it is the earliest clear example of fungal behavioural manipulation.

– This can lead to behavioural problems and poor health.

– Plants and animals living in arid or periodically arid environments such as temporary streams or ponds may face desiccation, therefore Physiologyphysiological or behavioural adaptations are necessary to ensure survival.

– The symptomatic “dumb-bell”-shaped bite marks on either side of the leaf vein on a fossilised leaf have been identified as the death-grip of a carpenter ant terminally parasitized by a fungus that, apparently then as today, took over its behaviour to release its spores at a good location; it is the earliest clear example of fungal behavioural manipulation.

– However, in theoretical discussions in behavioural ecology, the term “herd” is used for all these kinds of assemblage.

– Because they are always geneticsgenetically identical clones, the group of four young is a good subject for scientific, behavioural or medical tests.

– The difference between these parts is not behavioural displays.

– A special issue of the scientific journal “Behavioural Pharmacology Behavioural Pharmacology” was dedicated to his memory in 2014.

– These adaptive traits may be structural, behavioural or physiological.

– The children that are helped often have mental, physical or sensory disabilities, or have behavioural or psychological disorders.

– It is the official journal of the International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society.

– Like other fairy-wrens, it has several peculiar behavioural characteristics.

– Fragile X syndrome is a Genetic disordergenetic intellectual disabilities as well as unusual physical and behavioural characteristics.

– Stratigraphic, chronological and behavioural contexts of Pleistocene “Homo sapiens” from Middle Awash, Ethiopia.

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