“bearing” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “bearing”:

+ This happened after large veins of a rare earth bearing mineral were found there.

+ Commission of Inquiry on Syria: civilians bearing the brunt of the “unrelenting spiral of violence”publisher=Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rightsdate=18 September 2012accessdate=21 October 201}} More than 4 million Syrians were forced to relocate because of the battles and more than 2 million refugees left their country.

+ It is in the district of Fatih, in the neighbourhood bearing the same name, “”.

+ The temple has 70-year-old wooden chariot, bearing the statue of Lord Muruga.

+ Several counties are divided into ridings, but are usually governed by a council bearing the same name as the county.

+ So much so that it has been proposed protists bearing either should be unified in the Phylum “Undulipodia”.

+ Larvae have globular abdomens and narrower, flattened heads bearing sickle-shaped jaws.

+ The crankshaft is made of alloy steel, with five main bearing caps.

bearing use in-sentences
bearing use in-sentences

Example sentences of “bearing”:

+ Load Bearing Wall is a structural element.

+ A window in the bar contains 15th century glass depicting angels bearing the arms of Henry VI and his Queen Margaret of Anjou.

+ Despite the claims of the artist’s “huge success”, there doesn’t appear to be any news links on her and the only websites bearing her name are social networking sites, spam links and YouTube videos.

+ An extraterrestrial atmosphere, if present, has a large bearing on visible characteristics.

+ As a granddaughter of Queen Victoria in the male line, Princess Alice was entitled to use the Royal Arms, with a 5-point label as a difference, the central point bearing a cross gules, the others hearts gules.

+ With the amalgamation bearing down on them Sector V And Numbuh 86 activate the T.R.E.E.H.E.M.O.T.H.

+ Why are a lot of candidates when it has no real bearing and ultimately unverified? I thought we always judged one’s contributions, and not whether they’ve progressed in the outside world.

+ Eventually they begin bearing fruit.

+ Load Bearing Wall is a structural element.

+ A window in the bar contains 15th century glass depicting angels bearing the arms of Henry VI and his Queen Margaret of Anjou.

+ It has a horizontal bands of red and green with the black isosceles triangle based on the hoist hoist-side bearing the golden boar’s fimbriated in black against the red and the green bands while the two points of the “Y” faces on each corner and encloses the triangle on the hoist-side.

+ Marching bands use a uniform, often bearing the name and emblem of their organization.

+ To distinguish him from other rulers bearing the title Duke of Saxony, he was commonly called “Elector of Saxony”.

+ The most common are radio beacons, which broadcast a radio signal which is picked up by radio direction finding systems on ships, aircraft or cars to determine the bearing to the beacon.

+ In navigation, the word bearing is used for different methods that try to find out the angle between an object used for this purpose, and a reference direction.

+ An official task he insisted on performing in his later years was bearing the Sword of State during the State Opening of Parliament.

More in-sentence examples of “bearing”:

+ The pin flower has a long style bearing the stigma at the mouth and the stamens half-way down; and the thrum flower has a short style, so the stigma is half-way up the tube and the stamens are at the mouth.

+ With the enemy bearing down on them the remaining shots were fired as quickly as possible and were almost always poorly aimed.
+ The Jeopardy! College Championship is one of the traditional tournaments held each season on the TV quiz show Jeopardy! Contestants in this tournament are full-time undergraduate college students with no prior degrees and traditionally wear a sweater bearing the name of their college or university during their appearances.

+ The pin flower has a long style bearing the stigma at the mouth and the stamens half-way down; and the thrum flower has a short style, so the stigma is half-way up the tube and the stamens are at the mouth.

+ With the enemy bearing down on them the remaining shots were fired as quickly as possible and were almost always poorly aimed.

+ The Jeopardy! College Championship is one of the traditional tournaments held each season on the TV quiz show Jeopardy! Contestants in this tournament are full-time undergraduate college students with no prior degrees and traditionally wear a sweater bearing the name of their college or university during their appearances.

+ However, it must be noted that this does not have any bearing on the torsional rigidity provided to an object by its constituent materials; the polar second moment of area is simply rigidity provided to an object by its shape alone.

+ On top of its head, the sea spider has a knobby projection bearing two, three, or four simple eyes.

+ The 367th V-2 rocket which hit England fell near the Hoffmans’ ball bearing factory.

+ The flag of Samoa is a red field with the blue rectangle on the upper hoist hoist-side quadrant bearing the Southern Cross of four white larger five-pointed stars and the smaller star in the center.

+ Seventeen Contrade run for the prize,a painted flag, or “Palio” bearing an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

+ Whereas other theropods walked with three toes on the ground, fossilized footprint tracks show that most dromaeosaurs held the second toe off the ground, with only the third and fourth toes bearing the weight of the animal.

+ The flag of the Republic of China is a red flag with a navy blue canton bearing a white sun with 12 triangular rays.

+ The only other order of insects bearing two true, functional wings plus any form of halteres are the Strepsiptera, a small order of insects.

+ It is also both a feminine symbol, bearing sustenance; and a masculine, phallic symbol – another union.

+ In typesetting by hand compositing, a sort is a piece of type representing a specific Letter letter or cast from a matrix mould and assembled with other sorts bearing additional letters into lines of type to make up a “forme”, from which a page is printed.

+ The hawk holds with its claws a red parchment bearing the inscription of the name of the federation.

+ The true segments can be seen from the ventral side, each segment bearing a single pair of walking legs.

+ The flag of South Sudan is a horizontal tricolour of black, red, and green, fimbriationfimbriated with hoist side bearing a gold star.

+ Rotation about the vertical axis varies the compass bearing of where the instrument points.

+ Investigations bearing on the age and development of Chesil Beach, Dorset, and the associated area.

+ Coast Guard’s ceasing to administer Navassa’s use did not have any bearing at all on the United States sovereignty over the island, which remained constant regardless of the administering Federal agency or office.

+ Boog tries to run over the dam, but it’s not a “load bearing structure”.

+ A functional analysis of the skull of “Goronyosaurus nigeriensis” and its bearing on the predatory behavior and evolution of the enigmatic taxon.

+ It has a red field with the black isosceles triangle based on the hoist hoist-side bearing a white five-pointed star in the center superimposed on the larger yellow triangle, also based on the hoist-side, that extends to the center of the flag.

+ Pilot must set the correct frequency of the beacon to determine the bearing and fly to it.

+ The intro shows Mason standing beside a gravestone bearing her name.

+ When he was 26 his father bought a bearing company and made him president.

+ In 1997 a memorial stone bearing an engraving of a chess knight was raised over his grave at Kensal Green Cemetery in London, which had previously been unmarked and neglected.

+ The chromosomes of Afrotheria and their bearing on mammalian genome evolution.

+ The name of the game likely descended from the French “poque”, which descended from the German “pochen but it is not clear whether the origins of poker itself lie with the games bearing those names.

+ Dio, having stolen Jonathan’s body at the end of Part 1, fathered a few sons bearing the Joestar bloodline while awakening use of Stands in Jonathan’s descendants.

+ Much of the region is rich in oil and gas below the sea bed, and control over the creek would have a huge bearing on the energy potential of each nation.

+ Children often receive red envelopes bearing the Takarabune which contain gifts of money around the New Year.

+ Another member of the same species, with the name Mary, was seen in the “Torchwood” episode “Greeks Bearing Gifts”.

+ Parth’s family conducts a ritual for his and Shorvori’s prospective child’s welfare but on Shorvori’s insistence, Teni sits in the puja with Parth as she is bearing the child.

+ To those of you who already understood this, thank you for bearing with me.

+ Elephants lead the procession, bearing the sacred tooth.

+ Historical records seem to indicate that a shroud bearing an image of a crucified man existed in the small town of Lirey in France around the years 1353 to 1357 in the possession of Geoffroi de Charny.

+ One day the baby she is now bearing will grow up, become a hero, and use the bits to make another sword.

+ Please do not take his change from Strong Support and Co-nom to oppose as a bearing on BG7’s ability.

+ Non-Load Bearing Wall doesn’t help the structure to stand up and holds up only itself.

+ However, for the very pliant systems such as base isolated structures, with a relatively low bearing stiffness but with a high damping, the so-called “damping force” may turn out the main pushing force at a strong earthquake.

+ If the term is ambiguous, see if there is a disambiguation page for articles bearing that title.

+ A bearing is a device to permit fixed direction motion motion between two parts, typically rotation or linear movement.

+ The Joestar Family is a family with English roots with a majority of its members bearing a star-shaped birthmark above their left shoulder blade.

+ Staff were transferred to a hospital bearing the same name elsewhere in London.

+ In the Launguedoc, on the 22nd of July 1209, a force of about 30,000 Crusaders arrived at the walls of Beziers bearing the cross pattee to mislead and create ease among the Cathars, thinking they were friend, not foe, and demanded that about 200 Cathars be surrendered.

+ The morphology of the tunicata, and its bearing on the phylogeny of the Chordata.

+ A mosque bearing his name has been constructed as a national shrine in Constantine.

+ Because the trees are small due to the needs of the hobby, but still show the abundant fruit bearing of full-sized crab apples, it is important to thin out fruit so that trees do not stress themselves.

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