“basket” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “basket”:

+ A woven basket is made of spokes and weavers: the spokes run up and down and the weavers go over and under the spokes.

+ If that basket costs $100 in the US and $200 in the United Kingdom, then the purchasing power parity exchange rate is 1:2.

+ A half-pint pewter pot in the basket is the girl’s measuring cup.

+ The extraction cycle begins by draining the solvent from the washing chamber and accelerating the basket to 350 to 450 rpm, causing much of the solvent to spin free of the fabric.

+ This is because their next basket would put them over 21 points, and the object of the game is to get exactly 21.

+ A rapier is long and thin, with a basket protecting the hand.

+ The basket he picks is filled with many good things.

+ Each made basket is worth two points, while a basket made from beyond the three-point line is worth three points.

basket in-sentences
basket in-sentences

Example sentences of “basket”:

+ Naismith wrote the basic rules and then nailed a peach basket onto a 20-foot tall pole.

+ The male stitches strips of straws to make a basket with a roof.

+ Unlike Sitka, who receives the eagle of guidance, and Denahi, the wolf of wisdom, Kenai receives the bear of love, to which he objects, believing them to be thieves; he makes his point a fact when a grizzly bear steals their basket of fish.

+ Fearing for her own son’s safety, she places him in a basket on the Nile.

+ Unlike modern basketball hoops, the bottom of the peach-basket was still there, so after a point was scored, somebody had to get the ball out of the basket with a long stick.

+ Fruits Basket is a Japanese manga and anime series about an eponymous student.

+ He married Mae Thelma Basket in 1963.

+ The girl balances a large basket of shrimps and mussels on her head.

+ In economics a customer basket, market basket or commodity basket is a set of different amounts of different goods and possibly services.

+ Ford and his men start to search another part of the house, and the women hide Falstaff inside a big laundry basket with dirty clothes.

+ In addition to performing very well in general in the Finals, his 101-degree fever in Game 4 didn’t stop him from scoring the winning basket to tie the series 2-2.

+ In place of a winnowing basket a colandar can be used.

+ While Sally is gone, Anne moves the ball from the basket to the box.

+ The basket can hold between about 10 and 40kg.

+ Near the lake are a pair of monumental sculptures in the form of large basket handles, donated to the Memorial by New Zealand.

+ In basketball, the basket is an open net fixed to a metal ring in which players try to throw the ball.

+ Also in the collection are important works by Pierre-Auguste Renoir such as “Two Sisters ” and Henri Matisse’s “The Bathers”, Paul Cézanne’s “The Basket of Apples”, and “Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Chair.” “At the Moulin Rouge” by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is another highlight, as are Georges SeuratGeorges Seurat’s “Gustave Caillebotte’s “Paris Street; Rainy Day”.

+ Over time, people made a hole at the bottom of the basket so the ball could go through more easily.

+ Naismith wrote the basic rules and then nailed a peach basket onto a 20-foot tall pole.

+ The male stitches strips of straws to make a basket with a roof.

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