“bail” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “bail”:

+ He has charged with multiple murders in April 2013 and was given bail in October 2013.

+ They spent 11 months in jail before their friend Nikola Koljević paid their bail so they could get out.

+ This is a system where part of the bail amount is paid to a company, and they do the bail paperwork.

+ He was released on a $1 million dollar bail later that day.

+ He was later released on a $15,000 bail the next morning.

+ At that time Spaliviero was already on bail from Melbourne in relation to another drug case.

+ Leia was raised by the family of Alderaan’s Senator Bail Organa as his daughter.

+ The Bail Project got more than $15 million.

bail in sentences?
bail in sentences?

Example sentences of “bail”:

+ In 2009, the company obtained significant losses and decided to bail on the franchise, leaving the government to directly operate the railway under the brand East Coast, It remains to date only the second time an operator has defaulted on its franchise.

+ Carroll was granted bail on the condition that he resided with then Newcastle captain Kevin Nolan until the case resumed in January.

+ On November 13, a judge denied bail for Gregory and Travis McMichaels.

+ After the Republic turned into the Empire, small cells of rebels loosely fought the Empire, led by Bail Organa.

+ The National Bail Fund Network got $75 million in two weeks.

+ Chamberlain, Bail Hall.

+ He was found groping two 12-year-old girls at an autograph signing and was subsequently held with bail set at $50,000.

+ Spaliviero was arrested, refused bail and sent to Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre in Silverwater, New South Wales.

+ Chatham County Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley decided not to release William Bryan on bail because he was worried Bryan would run away.

+ He stayed in jail overnight and posted bail the following day.

+ In 2009, the company obtained significant losses and decided to bail on the franchise, leaving the government to directly operate the railway under the brand East Coast, It remains to date only the second time an operator has defaulted on its franchise.

+ Carroll was granted bail on the condition that he resided with then Newcastle captain Kevin Nolan until the case resumed in January.

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