“bacterial” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “bacterial”:

+ Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming, antibiotics have been used to fight bacterial diseases.

+ Bdelloid rotifers currently hold the ‘record’ for HGT in animals with ~8% of their genes from bacterial origins.

+ Because of aromatic hydrocarbonaromatic compounds in the leaves they eat, and the bacterial fermentation, the bird has a disagreeable, manure-like odor.

+ Eukaryotic chloroplasts have an RNAP very similar to bacterial RNAP.

+ The bacterial flagellum is the best known example.

+ Bacterial croup includes laryngeal diphtheria, bacterial tracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis.

+ Bacteria have one bacterial chromosome.

bacterial some example sentences
bacterial some example sentences

Example sentences of “bacterial”:

+ Nutritional change may also cause bacterial filamentation.

+ In 1946, Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum first described the phenomenon known as bacterial conjugation using “Escherichia coli” as a model bacterium.

+ The binding of bacterial molecules to receptors on the surface of a macrophage triggers it to engulf and destroy the bacteria.

+ Genome construction between bacterial species in vitro: replication and expression of “Staphylococcus” plasmid genes in “Escherichia coli”.

+ A doctor must determine if a patient’s infection is of viral or bacterial origin before taking antibiotics, this is another reason why a medical doctor should prescribe antibiotics instead of relying on self-medication.

+ He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Edward Tatum; they shared the prize with Joshua Lederberg, who worked with Tatum on bacterial genetics.

+ These things are: Sexual intercoursesexual activity, increased age, IUD insertion, chlamydia infection, bacterial infection, sexually transmitted disease.

+ The backbone will include bacterial resistance genes for growth in bacteria, and promoters for expression in the organism.

+ If you go into a hospital and have a blood test which measures viral proteins, cancer proteins, hormones, vitamins, bacterial proteins, drugs, it will almost certainly use this technique”.Rincon, Paul 2013.

+ The two main forms of meningitis are bacterial meningitis and viral meningitis.

+ An abscess is usually caused by a bacterial infection.

+ For many years it had been known that bacterial and other cells could respond to external conditions by regulating levels of their key metabolismmetabolic enzymes, and/or the activity of these enzymes.

+ Also, its DNA shows substantial similarity to bacterial genomes.

+ Plasmids are often associated with bacterial conjugationconjugation, a mechanism of horizontal gene transfer.

+ The causes of appendicitis include blocking in the appendix, or bacterial infections.

+ Nutritional change may also cause bacterial filamentation.

+ In 1946, Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum first described the phenomenon known as bacterial conjugation using "Escherichia coli" as a model bacterium.
+ The binding of bacterial molecules to receptors on the surface of a macrophage triggers it to engulf and destroy the bacteria.

More in-sentence examples of “bacterial”:

+ Hoatzins use bacterial fermentation in the front part of the gut to break down the vegetable material, much as cattle and other ruminants do.

+ Low acid levels in the stomach are also linked with Small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndromebacteria growing too much, which can stop the body taking in nutrients or vitamins.
+ A bacterial cell will make an endospore when it is low on food so it can survive until there is more food available in the environment.

+ Hoatzins use bacterial fermentation in the front part of the gut to break down the vegetable material, much as cattle and other ruminants do.

+ Low acid levels in the stomach are also linked with Small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndromebacteria growing too much, which can stop the body taking in nutrients or vitamins.

+ A bacterial cell will make an endospore when it is low on food so it can survive until there is more food available in the environment.

+ Chlamydiae is a bacterial phylum and class whose members are obligate intracellular pathogens.

+ At the bottom of the bacterial flagellum, where it meets the cell membrane, a motor protein acts as an engine.

+ Sebum has no smell, but its bacterial breakdown can produce a bad smell.

+ His decade-long work on sulfa drugs led to his discovery of a Bacterial pneumonia#Treatmenttreatment for pneumococcal pneumonia with sulfanilamide.

+ They do have bacterial microcompartments.

+ Fossil bacterial mats, called stromatolites, are found throughout the Archaean after about 3,500mya.

+ Lederberg and Tatum showed that the bacterium “Escherichia coli” entered a sexual phase during which it could share genetic information through bacterial conjugation.

+ An investigation has later determined that an electrical problem was the culprit, and no bacterial contamination was found.

+ Childbed fever is an bacterial infection of the female reproductive tract, which occurs after a woman has given birth or after a miscarriage.

+ There are also vaccines for rabies, bacterial meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, Human Papillomavirus, and some other diseases that can cause encephalitis.

+ Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat a number of bacterial infections.

+ There are about 1:1 bacterial cells as human cells in each of our bodies.

+ These bacterial causes are not common and usually happen when the person has an abnormal urinary system or the person has a urinary catheterization tube inserted into the bladder.

+ It might have been a giant bacterium or bacterial colony.

+ The bioluminescence is made by bacterial symbionts; the host cephalopod is able to find the light made by these animals.

+ Strains are therefore an essential part of bacterial identification.

+ In 1906, in Ohio, he fell sick because of a chronic case of erysipelas, a bacterial skin infection, in an era without any antibiotic treatments.

+ Chlamydia infections are the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infections in humans and are the leading cause of infectious blindness worldwide.

+ Transformation is one of three processes by which outside genetic material may be brought into bacterial cells.

+ Both virusviral and bacterial causes of kennel cough are spread through the air by infected dogs sneezing and coughing.

+ Bacteriophages have evolved to enter bacterial cells, which have a different type of cell wall from eukaryote cell membranes.

+ The lysozyme enzyme can also damage bacterial cell walls.

+ He was known for his work on bacterial Transduction transduction, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.

+ These problems could be inflammations, abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea or bacterial overgrowth.

+ Gas gangrene is a bacterial problem.

+ In most cases, pus is the result of bacterial infection, but it can also result from other conditions, such as psoriasis.

+ Each repetition is followed by short segments of “non-coding DNAspacer DNA” from previous exposures to a bacterial virus or plasmid.

+ Sometimes longer fermentation rests are used to allow for some bacterial activity to build flavor.

+ The term “saprophyte” refers specifically to fungal and bacterial saprotrophs; animal saprotrophs are known as saprozoites.

+ They caught a bacterial infection called leptospirosis or Weil’s syndrome in the early 17th century.

+ Before them, for a long period of the Archaean and most of the Protoerozoic, the only fossils were those of bacteria and bacterial mats, a form of life which continues to the present day.Narbonne Guy M 1998.

+ In women, urinary tract infections are the most common form of bacterial infection.

+ Those bacterial colonies that can grow have successfully taken up and expressed the introduced genetic material.

+ Such beneficial plasmids may be considered bacterial endosymbionts.

+ Respiratory diseases range from mild and self-limiting, such as the common cold, to life-threatening diseases such as bacterial pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, Asthmaacute asthma and lung cancer.

+ Replica plating and indirect selection of bacterial mutants: isolation of preadaptive mutants in bacteria by sib selection.

+ Phylogenetic characterization and molecular evolution of bacterial endosymbionts in Psyllids.

+ In 1886, Adolf Mayer first described the tobacco mosaic disease that could be transferred between plants, similar to bacterial infections.

+ Most of these secretions might be effective against bacterial and fungal infections of the epidermis, but some secretions could also be dangerous to human life.

+ Encephalitis can happen when a person gets a bacterial infection, like bacterial meningitis.

+ In developed countries, Group B streptococcal infection is the most common cause of bacterial infections in newborns.

+ This process takes advantage of the fact that a single bacterial cell can be induced to take up and replicate a single recombinant DNA molecule.

+ They are called bacterial microcompartments.

+ Complete atomic model of the bacterial flagellar filament by electron cryomicroscopy.

+ Originally it was thought that, in the bacterial RNase P complex, the protein subunit was responsible for the catalytic activity of the complex.

+ The complete DNA sequence is known for many bacterial strains.

+ They worked on their idea that there was a bacterial cause of peptic ulcer and stomach cancer.

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