“bach” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “bach”:

+ It was a famous performance in music history, because people suddenly realized how great Bach was.

+ Johann Sebastian Bach and Handel were born in the same year.

+ The “Six suites for unaccompanied cello” by Johann Sebastian Bach are some of the most often performed and recognizable solo compositions ever written for cello.

+ Adela Christian Bach Bottino was an Argentine-Mexican actress and producer of telenovelas.

+ He led the Leonhardt Baroque Ensemble with the English counter-tenor Alfred Deller with whom he made one of the first recordings of some Bach cantatas.

+ He also helped people to like Bach whose music had been forgotten for a long time.

bach - example sentences
bach – example sentences

Example sentences of “bach”:

+ Two other very great choral works by Bach are his “St Matthew Passion ” and “Mass in B minor “.

+ He took all the music that is known by Johann Sebastian Bach and gave each piece a number.

+ Some famous composers of minuets include Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel.

+ The idea for this music started at a meeting between Bach and Frederick II on 7 May 1747.

+ In 1849 he formed the Bach Society in London to produce and conduct the first English performance of Bach‘s “St Matthew Passion” on 6 April 1854.

+ ComposerComposers like Johann Sebastian Bach wrote music for instruments which sounded differently from the way they do today.

+ When Bach was a very young man he walked over 200 miles to hear Buxtehude play the organ.

+ Along with Bach and Beethoven, Mozart is regarded as one of the greatest composers who has ever lived.

+ Two other very great choral works by Bach are his "St Matthew Passion " and "Mass in B minor ".

+ He took all the music that is known by Johann Sebastian Bach and gave each piece a number.

+ Thomas Church, where Johann Sebastian Bach worked as music director from 1723 until his death in 1750.

+ Later composers such as Bach and Telemann used Vivaldi’s form in their works.

+ Baroque musicBaroque composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach in Germany or Arcangelo Corelli in Italy often require double stopping when writing for solo string instruments.

+ Dirk Bach was a GermansGerman voice actor and moderator.

+ At the end of his concerts, when the audience applauded, he would often hold up a picture of Bach, so that the audience was thanking Bach for his music.

+ Today Steinitz’ wife Margaret continues her husband’s work with the London Bach Society, of which Steinitz Bach Players is an integral part.

More in-sentence examples of “bach”:

+ It is partly because it has become fashionable to use men for the alto parts in music by Bach and other Baroque composers, like it would have been performed in those days.

+ However, it is always fascinating to see how Bach has put all these ideas together.

+ The great composer Johann Sebastian Bach learnt from these composers and wrote some of the most famous organ music of all times.

+ This set of variations are a good example of a piece of music in which Bach is trying to show different techniques of composing.

+ He also wrote 22 suites for Keyboard instrumentkeyboard, and Bach wrote “French Suites”, “English Suites” and “Partitas” for keyboard as well as partitas for unaccompanied violin and suites for unaccompanied cello.

+ Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach wrote a book called: “An Essay on the true art of playing the Keyboard”.

+ In 1723 Bach moved to Leipzig to take the job of “Cantor” at the St Thomas Church, a very large church in the town.

+ Composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach wrote suites which were collections of dance movements.

+ Catherine Bach is an AmericansAmerican actress.

+ He played in many bands, most recently Deicide, Millenium, Iced Earth, and the Sebastian Bach band.

+ Some of what Schmieder wrote in 1950 has been updated because some new music by Bach has been discovered.

+ Two months later, after he had gone home to Leipzig, Bach made up a six-voice fugue based on the king’s theme.

+ It is said that Bach wrote this collection of music to show how keyboard instruments like the harpsichord can be tuned in a way to make playing in any key possible.

+ Sometimes small vocal groups such as the Swingle Singers make lighthearted versions of works by Bach and others.

+ The music of Johann Sebastian Bach was especially important for him, and he composed several pieces called “Bachianas brasileiras” by which he meant: Brazilian music in the style of Bach.

+ One of his early successes was a cantata called “Cain and Abel” which was performed by the London Bach Society.

+ The first collection was written in 1722 and the second was written in 1742, but they were not published until 1801, fifty years after Bach died.

+ Gustav Leonhardt made his audiences aware of what music by Johann Sebastian Bach would have sounded like in Bach‘s day.

+ This shows that where his father was mainly influenced by religion, Bach was influenced by ideas from art and philosophy.

+ The organ was not very good, and it was not used much, so Bach did not write any organ music during this period.

+ The Duke was angry and did not want him to go but Bach insisted, so the Duke put Bach in prison for a month.

+ They were most likely composed during the period 1717–1723, when Bach served as a Kapellmeister in Köthen.

+ In 1714 the Duke made Bach “Konzertmeister” He had to write cantatas for church services.

+ The Feller Bach is a right tributary of the Moselle River in Rhineland-Palatinate.

+ He became conductingconductor of the Bach Choir and then he was made professor of music at Cambridge.

+ He also hosted the 1978 documentary on the life of Johann Sebastian Bach called the “The Joy of Bach” in which he also portrayed Bach in different vignettes in this documentary.

+ The composers he liked best and who influenced his style were Bach and Brahms.

+ Between 1958 and 1987 the LBS choir performed all the cantatas by Bach which survive.

+ Some people think that Bach may have used a few instruments to accompany these motets.

+ The Duke had an orchestra, and Bach was in charge.

+ He often conducted the passion cantatapassions of Bach and music by composers such as Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Haydn, Schumann, Wagner and Carl Orff.

+ Giebel’s career was based on the works of music such as cantatas, oratorios, passions, and masses and was thought to be one of the greatest Bach singers of her generation.

+ The king, a music lover, gave Bach a theme to improvise from on the harpsichord.

+ Later Bach wrote a very long composition for flute, violin and harpsichord with cello accompaniment, in many movements, all based on this theme.

+ In 1968 Steinitz got a group of players together, calling them the Steinitz Bach Players.

+ He copied many fugues by Bach and other composers.

+ At Cöthen, Bach worked for Prince Leopold.

+ During the last years of his life Bach composed several works which were based on canons.

+ It is actually a Russian dance called “Korobeiniki”, or “The Peddlers.” Other themes include music by Johann Sebastian Bach and the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

+ At the very end we hear the BACH motif again.

+ Along with Mozart and Beethoven, Bach is regarded as one of the greatest composers who has ever lived.

+ It was probably first performed on Good Friday 1727 in the Thomaskirche in Leipzig, where Bach was Kapellmeister.

+ Johann Sebastian Bach wrote six very famous suites for solo cello.

+ The “French Suites” are six suites composed by Johann Sebastian Bach between 1722 and 1725.

+ The Bach Choir gave its first concert on 26 April 1876 with a performance of Bach’s “Mass in B minor”.

+ They also went on tour, travelling to the USA, Israel, Bulgaria and twice to the German Democratic Republic where they sang at ThomaskircheSt Thomas Church, Leipzig, where Bach had been Director of Music.

+ In 1958 he started to perform all the 208 Bach cantatas that are known.

+ He started a choir and an orchestra there: the Leamington Spa Bach Choir and the Warwickshire Symphony Orchestra.

+ These are the four notes that Bach often uses to represent his name.

+ Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was a GermanyGerman musician and composer.

+ It is partly because it has become fashionable to use men for the alto parts in music by Bach and other Baroque composers, like it would have been performed in those days.

+ However, it is always fascinating to see how Bach has put all these ideas together.
+ The great composer Johann Sebastian Bach learnt from these composers and wrote some of the most famous organ music of all times.

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