“baal” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “baal”:

– At first, membership was only for academics because BAAL wanted people to think it was a group of experts, not a teachers’ meeting.

– Then the priests of Baal all prepared the bull, and called to Baal all morning till noon.

– At a meeting at Birkbeck, University of LondonBirkbeck College in July 1965, the original idea for BAAL was to study mainly language teaching and machine translation.

– It is a sequel of Baal Veer, which ran from 2012 to 2016.

– Then, when all the Israelis and prophets of Baal were summoned, they prepared two altars – one for Elijah, and for the Lord the God of Israel – and one for the priests of Baal.

– He continually rebukes Ahab for being so disobeying to the Lord, and when Ahab summoned all the prophets of Baal against Elijah at Mount Carmel, and set two altars for them, Elijah won by calling on God and letting fire come and burn the sacrifice, and the prophets of Baal were immediately killed by the Israelites.

– She serves the idol Baal and tries to make Ahab and all the Israelites worship it as well.

baal some example sentences
baal some example sentences

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