“aware” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “aware”:

– People with acrophobia experience a fear or phobia when they are at a certain height, and they are being made aware of it.

– If we could get more people aware of this wiki and get more people from EN helping out this project could turn out great.

– In the social sciences and general usage, the effect refers to how people change their behavior when aware of being watched.

– Be aware that small amounts of information can be linked to others which can reveal a lot more about you.

– This was also how the German command became aware the Dutch had surrendered.

– The local government was aware of safety problems but was reticent to place heavy industrial safety and pollution control burdens on the struggling industry because it feared the economic effects of the loss of such a large employer.

– Problem though: the average consumer is not aware of the company that produces the soy sauce or chicken nuggest of his/her favorite retailer.

aware how to use?
aware how to use?

Example sentences of “aware”:

– It’s not a “good” or “bad” thing, in my view, but at least something you should be aware of, so you can discuss if you’d like it changed.

– Both children and adults are very aware of their safety needs.

– If they are not aware of what they are doing this is unconscious behaviour.

– To this day, she is proud of these efforts, though she was aware of the strategy to promote it.

– Doing this made Prejean more aware of the process involved in executions.

– Alonso was not aware of this at the time, or before to the crash.

– This album was not as popular as the next album, but it made people aware of who and what System of a Down stood for.

– Sysops should also be aware of the general advice given on Help:Deleting a page In particular, note that there are many situations where a deleting is too drastic.

- It's not a "good" or "bad" thing, in my view, but at least something you should be aware of, so you can discuss if you'd like it changed.

- Both children and adults are very aware of their safety needs.

– With specific environmental sensors we can regulate,monitor and control data center’s temperature, airflow and hotspots and in general be aware of the quality of the “internal” environment and temperature in the data center.

– Be aware that the Latin letter “i” can be used as either a vowel or a consonant.

– The second way they are said is “Risk Aware Consentual Kink”.

– Since checkuser requests are normally made on a publicly accessible page on wiki, and since the result of a request is then posted to that page, it seems obvious that users will be aware that they have been checked.

– In order make people aware of the situation, I have created, which basically explains that statements need sourcing, and that people are innocent, until proven guilty.

More in-sentence examples of “aware”:

– It is about partying and being aware of things in society.

– God told them not to eat from the tree of knowledge, which would make them aware of good and evil.

– Hello! I am Krett12, master ClueHuman vandalism revert-er! I am aware that I do not meet *some* criteria such as the several hundred edit requirement, however, I believe I would be a good exception because I am a skilled vandalism revert-er, and there have been at least a dozen times where I have needed an admin and not had one.

– Is it possible to get instances of “website” automatically mapped to the “work” parameter? I have no idea how many times citations from EnWiki have been copied over, but this information simply does not display the way it was intended when the citations were created, and it is unlikely that very many editors are aware that this particular template works differently here than on EnWiki.

– The police were initially aware of only three killings, those of Edward Evans, Lesley Ann Downey and John Kilbride.

– Frémont, aware that his candidacy could result in victory for the Democrats, made a deal to drop out of the presidential race in exchange for Blair’s removal from office.

– The author was acutely aware of the quality of the novel and publication of the work went to the highest bidder.

– During production of the “On the 6”, Lopez was aware of the fact that she received her recording contract on the premise of her looks and having an already established name in the entertainment industry, and wanted to prove that she had musical talent.

– Hulda was aware she made a mistake, and did not rest until she retrieved the gold wand and returned it to the fairy.

– It remembers a time when the colony of New South Wales became more aware of its isolation and wealth.

– Bruce destroyed their temple after he is made aware of their true intention of destroying Gotham City.

– While the concept itslself is not Christian in nature, I am not aware of any non-christian ID ideas…

– Michelle is aware that Sid Jenkins, her boyfriend Tony’s best friend, is in love with her, and tries to help by setting Sid up with her friend Cassie Ainsworth.

– By 1548, Edward Seymour and others responsible for running the country were becoming aware that Thomas was trying to take power.

– People with microsleeps usually are not aware of them.

– On the other hand, the Japanese Army, keenly aware that it is not easy to pull out the bifurcated base, will begin to march on an open road from Assabu to Uchiura Bay over the mountains from April 17.

– However, visitors to Bermuda should be aware that using the non-possessive forms when speaking to Bermudians is likely to cause as much offence as saying “Bermudan”.

– Ford was not aware of his biological father until he was 17, when his parents told him about the circumstances of his birth.

– In general, people are not aware of this inability to move, as it usually stops as soon as they wake up.

– First of all, I would like to state that at no time between NotGiven’s appearence and the strike NotGiven’s vote on my latest RfA was I aware that Kennedy and NotGiven were the same.

– I am aware that tasks done with a bot must be approved, but I am not doing this with a bot.

– You might also establish a system for labeling the page with a delete/merge proposal template, to make everybody aware of your intentions.

– I am aware that a will face other issues here than a Brazillian who has learnt Spanish before he had a go at English.

– She later said she was aware of her surroundings while appearing to be asleep.

– I became aware of this problem after the fact, and for that I am disappointed in myself.” He retired from playing professional ice hockey in 2009.

– To monitor or monitoring generally means to be aware of the state of a system.

– Please be aware that you are also not supposed to surpase 12 edits a minute with any automated/semi automated editing per the bot policy.

– Poulenc was becoming aware that he was gay.

– If a free image of the actual aircraft is not available then an aircraft of the same type can be used, be aware that aircraft in other operators markings may be misleading and focus on an operator not related to the accident.

– There is a foul line, in the run-up area, that the athlete has to be aware of; jumping from beyond this line results in a ‘foul jump’.

– New Age people do all believe that a new future time is coming in which people will be more aware of their own special spiritual nature and this will make the world a different and better place.

– Now that the US was aware of the approach of the large Japanese convoy, the US tried to think of a way to attack the convoy before it could reach Guadalcanal.

– I guess not a lot of editors are aware that that category exists, so there aren’t many who actively go through it.

– Teachers and students must be made aware of the “politics” that surround education.

– Linehan’s ideas about how to be aware of your feelings come from BuddhismBuddhist meditation.

– You King Gelon are aware the ‘Universe’ is the name given by most astronomers to the sphere the center of which is the center of the Earth, while its radius is equal to the straight line between the center of the Sun and the center of the Earth.

– This is different from philosophers who say that things only exist because of people who are aware of them.

– Vandegrift was aware that Kawaguchi’s troops had retreated to the area west of the Matanikau and that numerous groups of Japanese troops were in the area between the Lunga Perimeter and the Matanikau River.

– Benito Mussolini the Fascist Italian Dictator started the Plan and Began to Build up His Armies on the Italian Water Border.Albania was aware of the Invasion but did not Know when it would happen, Zog I the King of the Albanians ordered out his Armies in Defense in case.

– Because Claude worked on his music around his son Eric; he became aware of music when he was very young.

– He was not aware of any danger to the Grebbe Line.

– In seventh grade, Laura became aware of families that were less fortunate communities and decided to donate her life to philanthropy.

– In many cases, the woman is not even aware she was pregnant.

– Usually, people’s minds focus almost completely on the pleasure of the orgasm, and become less aware of what is going on around them than usual.

– When a woman is using hormonal birth control, she and her man are usually not even aware of it during intercourse, which seems and feels very natural.

– Though Bella has not longed for a child, she becomes immediately attached to her baby when she becomes aware of its existence.

- It is about partying and being aware of things in society.

- God told them not to eat from the tree of knowledge, which would make them aware of good and evil.
- Hello! I am Krett12, master ClueHuman vandalism revert-er! I am aware that I do not meet *some* criteria such as the several hundred edit requirement, however, I believe I would be a good exception because I am a skilled vandalism revert-er, and there have been at least a dozen times where I have needed an admin and not had one.

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