“awake” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “awake”:

– Some people use drugs to make themselves more productive or to help themselves stay awake in this case they would use a stimulant such as amphetamines or caffeine.

– It consists of treating a suspect brutally, keeping them awake for long periods of time with no food or water.

– Birds that are awake at night are called “nocturnal” birds.

– Shrek and Donkey stay awake and watch the stars while Shrek informs Donkey that he plans to build a 10-foot wall around his swamp when he returns.

– Animals which are awake during the night are called nocturnal.

– Dreams can seem so real while they happen that the person might think that they are awake when actually they are asleep.

awake some ways to use
awake some ways to use

Example sentences of “awake”:

– They instead believe that they were awake all the time.

– Because of Ramadan, many were awake at the late hour.

– Contrary to a popular misconception—that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep—some contemporary research suggests that hypnotic subjects are fully awake and are focusing attention, with a corresponding decrease in their peripheral awareness.

– It was first reported that Roberts had become unconscious but it was later confirmed that he was both alert and awake during the flight and had notified the flight attendant of pain and shortness of breath.

– They become awake from hibernation to work before they land on another planet.

– Maintaining a healthy diet, with rich proteins and iron, can keep your brain awake and healthy.

– A Buddha is one who is said to be awake to the truth of life.

– In ARSE he had brain surgery and his conscious and sub-conscious mind make him dream when he is a awake and vice versa.

– Animals which are awake during the day are called diurnal.

– There is always a friend, a friend in the crowd, a friend in the solitude; or while he is asleep, unconscious of this outer world, and when he is awake and conscious of it.

– A person with awake kundalini can help, by sending energy to them.

– Kasica was with the band for 9 years, contributing to the albums Alien Youth, Collide, Comatose, and Awake as well as the live album Comatose Comes Alive.

- They instead believe that they were awake all the time.

- Because of Ramadan, many were awake at the late hour.

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