“auditory” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “auditory”:

– When compared to adults though, children tend to show less susceptibility to the McGurk effect since their primary sense of speech perception is dominated by auditory information.

– Space perception in early infancy: perception within a common auditory space? “Science”, 186, 649-650.

– Visual information in the form of reading the lips is also taken into account and combined with the auditory information that is heard to produce the final stimuli perceived.

– Instant messaging opens new methods of spontaneous communication for people that have an impairment in hearing, auditory processing, or speech.

– This can get particularly interesting when the auditory information of one sound, paired with the spoken lips of another sound, ultimately combine to form the perception of a third different sound.

auditory how to use in sentences
auditory how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “auditory”:

– The temporal lobe is involved in Hearingauditory perception and is home to the primary auditory cortex.

– ASMR is often set off by some auditory or visual stimuli.

– The absence of the auditory ossicles would cause moderate-to-severe deafness.

– An auditory hallucination is a type of hallucination in which a person thinks they Hearinghear sounds, but the sounds are not actually there.

– Mucus protects Epitheliumepithelial cells in the auditory systems in mammals; the epidermis in amphibians; and the gills in fish.

– An area in the Sylvian fissure is the first place where auditory signals from the cochlea reach the cerebral cortex.

– The cochlea is the auditory portion of the inner ear.

– Riders are made aware of the closest connection point by way of in-train visual and auditory messages.

– After the patient’s death, Wernicke found damage to an area at the upper portion of the temporal lobe, just behind the auditory cortex.

- The temporal lobe is involved in Hearingauditory perception and is home to the primary auditory cortex.

- ASMR is often set off by some auditory or visual stimuli.
- The absence of the auditory ossicles would cause moderate-to-severe deafness.

– This is also known as the auditory threshold.

– Measurement of the absolute hearing threshold provides some basic information about our auditory system.

– For example, occipital lobe is the region for visual reception, temporal lobe for auditory reception, and parietal lobe for touch, smell, temperature and conscious association.

– Other areas of the temporal lobes are involved in high-level auditory processing.

– Researchers study their auditory system to show how sounds can be changed into a neural representation of sound.

– It had characteristics of the inner ear which are found only in cetaceans: the large auditory bulla is formed from the ectotympanic bone only.

– The McGurk effect describes a phenomenon that shows how speech perception is not dependent only on auditory information.

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