“attendant” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “attendant”:

– The attendant will then drive the car and park it so that all the cars are bunched up close to one another.

– Early of January this year, after joining the #JusticeForChristineDacera trending topic on Twitter, Francis and other prominent public figures and celebrities like TV personality Bianca Gonzales, and singer Kakie Pangilinan, all later issued their public apologies on social media, after admitting to having shared inaccurate and misleading information surrounding the death of PAL Flight Attendant Christine Dacera, and to having unwittingly made the “persons of interest” in the ongoing case by the Philippine National Police look guilty.

– It is said that Krishna is both Govinda, and Shiva’s attendant is Nandi, the bull.

– Large lots are usually supervised by an attendant stationed in a small booth at the lot’s entrance.

– An attendant is usually stationed at the entrance to advise drivers on where to park.

attendant some example sentences
attendant some example sentences

Example sentences of “attendant”:

– One flight attendant said that many of the Chinese passengers, at first, could not understand the instructions to evacuate because of a language barrier.

– It was first reported that Roberts had become unconscious but it was later confirmed that he was both alert and awake during the flight and had notified the flight attendant of pain and shortness of breath.

– He will pay the fee when he leaves to an attendant typically stationed in a small booth at the exit.

– An article in a 1908 issue of “Scientific American” accused a careless museum attendant of causing Bass’s death by letting the man fall to the pavement while being lifted from a carriage.

– An attendant may or may not be present.

– He leaves his ticket in the car where the attendant can see it.

– In contrast to the NeoclassicismNeoclassical perfectionism of his chief rival Ingres, Delacroix took for his inspiration the art of Rubens and painters of the Venetian Renaissance, with an attendant emphasis on color and movement rather than clarity of outline and carefully modeled form.

- One flight attendant said that many of the Chinese passengers, at first, could not understand the instructions to evacuate because of a language barrier.

- It was first reported that Roberts had become unconscious but it was later confirmed that he was both alert and awake during the flight and had notified the flight attendant of pain and shortness of breath.
- He will pay the fee when he leaves to an attendant typically stationed in a small booth at the exit.

– He takes a ticket stamped with his arrival time from an attendant or a mechanical device.

– In January 2003, Cole punched a toilet attendant in a nightclub in Guildford, Surrey.

– The children sneak inside, meeting Maid Marian and her attendant Lady Kluck.

– Four passengers and one flight attendant survived and were rescued from the crash.

– Other workers discovered the body of a flight attendant with her hands tied up.

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