“at once” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “at once”:

– It was staged almost at once by other ballet companies in Europe, Russia, and the United States.

– Paradiso The Film is a movie that is at once comic, and also intensely profound and tragic.

– Thoughts on Science: The scientific method is at once experimental and rational, requiring such evidence as will make doubt impossible.

– After the Popish Plot in England, Ormonde at once took action that would make Roman Catholics powerless.

– The most he has brought home at once is eleven things, his owners say.

at once how to use?
at once how to use?

Example sentences of “at once”:

– The player can hold up to two weapons at once or three when dual wielding.

– She is at once a brilliant scientist and a loving mother who cooks meals for her family on her Bunsen burner.

– When he returned, Henry II at once took him into high favor, and made him a member of his household.

– Just to clarify, do you guys mean the “welcome” banner with all the links, or do you mean the first paragraph of the /Introduction? Should mention that it’s not really possible to split up the DYKs, because they’re all transcluded at once by a template.

– In two-player games, clearing more than one line at once making combos causes “garbage” blocks to come down on the opponent’s side of the field.

– Berg knew at once that he wanted to make the play into an opera.

– On a pipelined processor, all of the stages can be working at once on different instructions.

– Technical support was provided by a company from Birmingham The most people watching at once was 2,733.

– If someone takes too much of a drug at once it is called an “overdose”.

– They hope to trigger their EMPs all at once to stop the machines.

- The player can hold up to two weapons at once or three when dual wielding.

- She is at once a brilliant scientist and a loving mother who cooks meals for her family on her Bunsen burner.

– Einstein, a Jew but not an Israeli citizen, was offered the presidency in 1952 but turned it down, stating “I am deeply moved by the offer from our State of Israel, and at once saddened and ashamed that I cannot accept it.” Ehud Olmert was reported to be considering offering the presidency to another non-Israeli, Elie Wiesel, but he was said to be “very not interested”.

– It is even possible to play four notes at once but this is very difficult and usually found in some modern French music.

– Marshal at once became one of the richest men in the Kingdom.

– The second stage is the same with the first stage except that the player needs to pick up two stones at once before the stone which was thrown falls down.

– It is done at once and does not need you to make sure you are doing it, which is different from the undo feature.

– Cable TV and Satellite television can provide more programs at once than broadcast can.

– He at once tried to bring down Arnold of Brescia, the leader of the anti-papal faction in Rome.

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