“astronauts” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “astronauts”:

– The astronauts had to think of a creative way to get around the problem.

– The “Resilience” space capsule will dock to the ISS after launch, where the astronauts will stay for about 6 months before returning back to earth.

– During the test, the astronauts would do everything they would do during the actual mission except fire the rockets that would launch the spaceship.

– Space Shuttles were used to carry astronauts and cargo into space.

– The “Genesis Rock”, got from the Moon by astronauts in the Apollo 15 mission, has been dated at 4.46 billion years.

– He was one of the Apollo 11 astronauts and the List of people who have walked on the Moonsecond person to have ever walked on the moon.

– Evans was one of the 19 astronauts chosen by NASA in April 1966.

– Cave reveals that the company is bankrupt and must use homeless people as test subjects rather than the astronauts and Olympic athletes they had used before.

astronauts how to use in sentences
astronauts how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “astronauts”:

- This was the first flight to take astronauts to Skylab, the first space station sent into space by the United States.

- Anders, Frank Borman and Jim Lovell were some of the astronauts the to leave the orbit of the Earth and go to the Moon.

– This was the first flight to take astronauts to Skylab, the first space station sent into space by the United States.

– Anders, Frank Borman and Jim Lovell were some of the astronauts the to leave the orbit of the Earth and go to the Moon.

– They can also be safer, in place of a thing that is dangerous, like when astronauts practice in a swimming pool rather than in outer space.

– The base of the lunar module and the astronauts footprints on the Moon’s suface could be clearly seen.

– He designed it so astronauts could use it on the lunar surface.

– This was the second trip by astronauts in NASA’s Project Gemini.

– It wasn’t going to go to the Moon – it was going to orbit the Earth while the astronauts tested and checked the equipment and machines that would be used to go to the Moon on another flight.

– The footprints that Neil Armstrong and List of Apollo astronauts#Apollo astronauts who walked on the Moonother Apollo astronauts left on the Moon will be erased by space weathering.

– Perry Rhodan is one of four fictional astronauts of the USA.

– This is why astronauts cannot talk to each other in space: they need a radio to hear each other.

– They could do a better search, but getting astronauts there would be difficult and expensive.

– NASA assigned 32 American astronauts to the Apollo programApollo lunar landing program, and 24, flying on nine missions between December 1968 and December 1972, orbited the Moon.

– The other astronauts on board were Jack Swigert and Fred Haise.

– Instead, astronauts use squirt guns to take a shower.

– Because of efforts of crew and ground control room, all three astronauts aboard Apollo 13 returned to Earth safely.

– He was the List of people who have walked on the Mooneighth person to walk on the Moon and the first, and youngest, of those astronauts to die.

– Some people are interested in sending astronauts to visit Mars.

– The particles are dangerous to astronauts and spacecraft.

– Webb, who was a director at NASA and created the Apollo program that put astronauts on the moon.

More in-sentence examples of “astronauts”:

– The movie stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as surviving astronauts from a space shuttle destroyed by debris.

– Famous astronauts John Glenn, Neil Armstrong and inventor of the airplane the Wright Brothers were born in Ohio.

– Collins joined the third group of fourteen astronauts in 1963.

– Some conspiracy theorists say that some astronauts were killed as part of a cover up.

– Analysis of lunar rock brought back by Apollo astronauts appears to show traces of Theia.

– Chaffee died along with fellow astronauts Gus Grissom and Edward Higgins WhiteEd White during a test for the Apollo 1 mission at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

– Yusef’s hooded eyes and broad physique led to his casting in intrepid or officials roles, such as astronauts and submarine officers.

– In October 2020, China selected 18 new astronauts ahead of space station construction to participate in the country’s space station project.

– He was the third mission to land astronauts on the Moon.

– He was one of the Mercury Sevenoriginal seven astronauts selected for NASA’s Project Mercury in April 1959.

– This is quite hard, so astronauts usually just take a “sponge bath” with a wet cloth.Toilets can be another problem.

– Colonel Behnken trained as an international space station crew member following the loss of Columbia and as a mission specialist for STS-400 the launch-on-need rescue flight for the last Hubble servicing mission.  He flew STS-123 in March 2008 and STS-130 in February 2010, logging more than 708 hours in space, and performing more than 37 hours in six spacewalks.  Colonel Behnken is currently assigned to the cadre of astronauts that will train and fly the initial test flights of the Boeing CST-100 or Space X Dragon commercially built spacecraft.

– His final and most successful rocket was the Saturn V, which carried astronauts to the moon.

– All seven astronauts who were on it at the time were killed.

– As of November 2018, four of the twelve Apollo astronauts who landed on the Moon between 1969 and 1972 were still alive, including Buzz Aldrin.

– Since the astronauts on the ISS do not feel any gravity, the toilet must be attached to the astronauts and gently suck away all their waste.

– Cenker and Magilton trained with career astronauts as well as other Payload and Mission Specialists, including those scheduled for the next scheduled flight, that of the “Challenger” mission, STS-51-L.

– The front building is where astronauts live in dormitories before launching into space.

– It usually has a crew of six astronauts or cosmonauts living on board.

– In the movie, a group of astronauts go to another planet and find lots of strange creatures.

– In 2018, prime minister Narendra Modi said that India will send astronauts into space by 2022.

– In a television program about the conspiracy theory, Fox Entertainment Group listed 10 astronauts and 2 others who conspiracy theorists said were killed.

– In the explosion, Scobee and six other astronauts were killed.

– Hams can also talk to astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station.

– The Dragon spacecraft is a cargo capsule designed to be filled with equipment and supplies for the astronauts on the ISS.

– The Commercial Crew Development program intends to develop commercially operated spacecraft that are capable of delivering astronauts to the ISS.

– Rumours about astronauts being able to see the Great Wall from the moon are scientifically not proven.

– Manned spacecraft are designed to keep good air inside them and to protect astronauts from extreme temperatures.

– This was the second trip to land astronauts on the moon.

– While the astronauts and the crew assigned to help the astronauts from the launch pad both tried their best to get Grissom, White, and Chaffee out of the fire, they could not.

– There would be no more astronauts going into space until the scientists figured out what had happened.

– Spacesuits also provide a supply of fresh air for the astronauts to breathe and create a normal atmospheric pressure.

– This was the ninth trip by astronauts in Project Gemini.

– During the Apollo 15 mission, an attempt was made to use the Lunar Roving Vehicle’s TV camera to view such an eclipse, but the camera or its power source failed after the astronauts left for Earth.

– This was the third trip by astronauts in NASA’s Project Gemini.

– She was one of the Mercury 13 female astronauts group.

– Also, nine of the twelve Apollo astronauts who flew to the Moon without landing between 1968 and 1972 are still alive, for example Michael Collins.

– The astronauts had to install some small mirrors to correct the light from the big mirror.

– The astronauts would be in space for many years, and it could be very dangerous because of radiation from the sun.

– In zero gravity, the astronauts do not use their legs very much, so they need to get lots of exercise to keep them from becoming too weak.

– He advised quarantine for returning astronauts and equipment and sterilization of equipment before launching.

– These colors are especially interesting to airplane passengers or astronauts passing above due to their somewhat artistic formations of shape and color.

– The only extraterrestrial sky that has been directly observed and photographed by astronauts is that of the Moon.

– Without gravity, astronauts can get big upper bodies and skinny legs.

– NASA uses this principle to prepare their astronauts for the weightlessness of space, so they had the astronauts work on parts of the space ship inside water tanks 25 feet deep.

– This was the third trip to land astronauts on the moon.

- The movie stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as surviving astronauts from a space shuttle destroyed by debris.

- Famous astronauts John Glenn, Neil Armstrong and inventor of the airplane the Wright Brothers were born in Ohio.

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