“asteroid” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “asteroid”:

– Schmidt-Caltech Asteroid Survey.

– The asteroid that hit Vredefort was one of the largest ever to strike Earth since the Hadean eon.

– The two ideas are not mutually exclusive: there is evidence water was delivered to Earth by impacts from icy planetesimals similar in composition to asteroids in the outer edges of the asteroid belt.

– This project was known as Small Main-belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey, Phase II or SMASSII, which built on a previous survey of the main-belt asteroids.

– At opposition, the asteroid actually appears to stop in place when compared to stars in the sky.

– Eucrites are achondriteachondritic stony meteorites that originate from the surface of the asteroid 4 Vesta, and as such are part of the HED meteorite group.

– In 1975, Eros became the first asteroid to be detected by radar.

– An asteroid in main-belt is named after him, 2448 Sholokhov.

asteroid example in sentences
asteroid example in sentences

Example sentences of “asteroid”:

– Adonis was the second Apollo asteroid to be found.

– A 2007 study suggests that the bolide may have been a piece of a much larger asteroid that broke up in a collision and also produced 298 Baptistina, 160 million years ago.

– He first discovered the asteroid 267 Tirza in 1887.

– Psyche does not belong to any asteroid family.

– Binzel and Schelte Bus added more to the knowledge about this asteroid in a lightwave survey published in 2003.

– It is the closest “big” asteroid: no asteroid closer to the Sun has a diameter above 25kilometres or two-elevenths that of Flora itself, and not until the tiny 149 Medusa was found was a single asteroid orbiting at a closer mean distance known.

– Some astronomers have argued that Thule’s present orbit is the natural result of the force of Jupiter on a body orbiting at exactly the distance from the Sun Thule does, in the same way as the Kirkwood gaps in the more closer parts of the asteroid belt.

– He discovered the first Trojan asteroid 588 Achilles.

– Meanwhile, the asteroid is getting closer to Earth.

– It is thought likely that both Sylvia and its moons are rubble piles from a past asteroid collision Other, smaller moons formed in a similar way may also be found.

- Adonis was the second Apollo asteroid to be found.

- A 2007 study suggests that the bolide may have been a piece of a much larger asteroid that broke up in a collision and also produced 298 Baptistina, 160 million years ago.
- He first discovered the asteroid 267 Tirza in 1887.

More in-sentence examples of “asteroid”:

– Then the asteroid hits the Earth in the Gulf of Mexico, near the Yucatan Peninsula.

– Herculina is one of the twenty or so biggest members of the main asteroid belt.

– Using Kepler’s third law, the mass and density of the asteroids can be derived from the orbital period and asteroid sizes.

– It is classified as a D-type asteroid and is probably made of organic rich silicates, carbon and anhydrous silicates.

– Antiope orbits in the farther third of the core region of the Asteroid beltmain belt, and is a member of the Themis family of asteroids.

– A major reason for this is the realisation that asteroid impacts, and some other events, have influenced Earth history.

– It is believed that Bennu broke off from another asteroid in the asteroid belt, but the gravitational pull of Saturn dislodged it into the range of Earth.

– Metis was found by Andrew Graham Andrew Graham on April 25, 1848; it was his only asteroid discovery.

– The unusual orbit suggests that it may be a captured asteroid or Kuiper belt object, or possibly that it was perturbed during the capture of Neptune’s largest moon Triton.

– Since Dactyl was found, other sightings have suggested that asteroid moons are common.

– Ceres is in the asteroid belt.

– In an interview, Gehrels was asked what he would do if an asteroid hit the Earth.

– In 1986, believing that the asteroid was of S-type and that it had a diameter of 15km, the length of 916 America’s day was thought to be 38 hours.

– In astronomy, the argument of periapsis is a way of talking about the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet.

– Although the biggest asteroid apart from the “big four”, Interamnia is not studied a lot.

– The Chicxulub asteroid impact and mass extinction at the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary.

– This asteroid has an unusually slow rate of rotation, taking 17.4days to complete a 360° revolution about its axis.

– S-type asteroids are the most common asteroid in the inner main belt, but become very rare farther out in space.

– Cerium was named after the asteroid or minor planet Ceres which was first seen two years earlier in 1801.

– The city Pellene, in Achaea, was named after Pallas, as was the asteroid 2 Pallas.

– It was the first of his nine asteroid discoveries.

– The outer planets are planets in the Solar System that are beyond the asteroid belt.

– The rest of the bounty hunters fall into a coma, while Samus manages to destroy the asteroid with the laser before she falls into a coma herself.

– The asteroid belt or main belt is a ring of small and large rocks and dust between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

– In his honor, Asteroid 5608 Olmos was named after him.

– The asteroid could be an artifact from this period.

– Most asteroids in our Solar System are in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

– Vesta is the second-most massive body in the asteroid belt.

– Binzel in 2002, based on the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey of 1447 asteroids.

– The potentially brightest C-type asteroid is 324 Bamberga, but that object’s very high eccentricity means it rarely reaches its maximum magnitude.

– Because of its poorly defined edges, and the location of Flora itself near the edge, this asteroid group has also sometimes been called the Ariadne family, when Flora did not make it into the group during an analysis.

– Scientists can now describe in detail how the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs produced its huge crater.

– Note that we already deleted lots of Asteroid articles, Rivers and Football clubs because of lack of useful content.

– Both mechanisms suggested are catastrophic in nature, though only the asteroid impact was sudden.

– NASA’s Sentry System is always checking the MPC asteroid information.

– It has orbited and studied the asteroid 4 VestaVesta, and it is currently orbiting the Ceres.

– Its dark surface and bigger than average distance from the Sun makes it very dim for such a big asteroid when seen from Earth.

– In 2011, the main belt asteroid “10090 Sikorsky” was named in honour of Igor Sikorsky.

– The asteroid is spherical, unlike the irregular shapes of smaller bodies with lower gravity.

– A robot engineer tells a story about Emma Two, a EM series robot, that abandoned him to die in a storm on the asteroid Titan.

– The asteroid 6385 Martindavid was named after him.

– Unlike the asteroid RFD, Razorflame was not informed of the Romanian rivers RFD since he had officially retired from the project.

– As a result, a large asteroid for example will have more gravity than a small one.

– V-type asteroids or Vestoids are asteroids that are similar to 4 Vesta, by far the largest asteroid in this class.

– It is currently the biggest asteroid to be visited by a spacecraft, and the first C-type asteroid to be so explored.

– Wolf was the first person to see a Trojan asteroid and know what it was.

– The Ananke group is believed to have been formed when an asteroid was captured by Jupiter and broken apart by a collision.

– This was the first time a moon orbiting an asteroid had been found by a ground-based telescope.

– It is the biggest of the class of dark C-type asteroids with a carbonaceous surface that are dominant in the farther part Asteroid beltmain belt, which lies beyond the Kirkwood gap at 2.82 AU, and is also the biggest body in this region.

– The main-belt asteroid 1850 Kohoutek was named after him.

- Then the asteroid hits the Earth in the Gulf of Mexico, near the Yucatan Peninsula.

- Herculina is one of the twenty or so biggest members of the main asteroid belt.

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