“assumed” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “assumed”:

– Pollard assumed that the employee would just ride Lightning Bar around and show him off.

– He worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1990, assumed various duties.

– He assumed office on March 6, 2014 and retired January 20, 2017.

– As an exception to this, if the unchanged, as it can be assumed an inflation of zero.

– Because Hulda had not seen the fairy in a long time she assumed that she has died, and proceeds to trade the wand to the peddler.

– Many members that assumed Armageddon would come in 1975 left at the time, but many other people joined and the group kept growing.

– He assumed the title of Duke of Normandy in the summer of 1144.

assumed use in sentences
assumed use in sentences

Example sentences of “assumed”:

– In addition, it is assumed that iron nails stuck in its back might hit and sink enemy ships with the water tank fulled.

– User has zero consistent history of contributing constructively to the project, and no edits from this user can be assumed as being made in good faith.

– Sir David John Weatherall, In 1974 Weatherall was appointed Nuffield Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oxford, and, in 1992, he assumed the most prestigious chair, that of Regius Professor of Medicine, which he held until 2000.

– Although Martel never assumed the title of king, he divided Francia, like a king, between his sons Carloman and Pepin.

– In the eighth grade, Price learned that Boynton, who she had assumed was a male, was in fact a female.

– This variation is assumed to be normal distributionnormally distributed around the desired average of 250g, with a standard deviation of 2.5g.

– Note that its value is not restricted in this template, as it is assumed to be valid.

– He and his friends were stopped by police for assumed stealing after his spending spree at Barney’s of $4,000.

– It was found that the contaminated swabs all came from the same factory, which employs several Eastern European women who fit the type the DNA was assumed to match.

– Ignatyev was trying to dispel British misgivings about Russia’s assumed role of a protector of the Orthodox ChurchOrthodox Disraeli feared – potentially threaten the vital Mediterranean routes to British India.

- In addition, it is assumed that iron nails stuck in its back might hit and sink enemy ships with the water tank fulled.

- User has zero consistent history of contributing constructively to the project, and no edits from this user can be assumed as being made in good faith.
- Sir David John Weatherall, In 1974 Weatherall was appointed Nuffield Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oxford, and, in 1992, he assumed the most prestigious chair, that of Regius Professor of Medicine, which he held until 2000.

More in-sentence examples of “assumed”:

– After Muhammad died, the Muslim leadership was assumed by Abu Bakr.

– They assumed that perfect information would be known to fully rational actors, leaving no room for risk-taking or discovery.

– It is assumed to have been an important military strategic.

– Because these laws are only slightly different, each is assumed to be like a mutation of the original universe, as if each universe was a kind of single-celled organism.

– This also applies to people who have been elected to such offices but have not yet assumed them.

– The value of name is assumed to be plain text.

– He subsequently assumed the post of Director of the United Nations Division.

– This idea was adopted by Major General Joseph Hooker after he assumed command of the Army of the Potomac.

– In May 2012 the replacement was selected and has been named as Peter Whish-Wilson who is an economist and winemaker who has previously stood fro the greens and assumed office on 21 June 2012 and Senator Brown resigned on 15 June 2012.

– He was confirmed, for a second time, as Attorney General on February 14, 2019, and assumed office later the same day.

– Markets are an abstract idea: assumed to be all the ‘actors’ selling one thing, service or type of thing or service, and all the ‘actors’ buying it.

– He assumed both positions with Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017.

– She had to halt the projected production that she assumed she would acquire in business orders at the fair.

– He is assumed to be responsible for the attack.

– The exact location of Kapilavastu is not known; it is assumed to be about 10kilometers to the west of Lumbini, where Buddha was born.

– It assumed the title of Gaudeshwar of the Pala rulers.

– In Hasidic Judaism, the institution of the Tzadik assumed central importance.

– He assumed office on 26 July 2014.

– In this use, it has the inverse function of quotation marks—denoting actions where unmarked text is assumed to be dialog.

– On 12 May 2016, he assumed the presidential powers and duties as Acting President of Brazil following the suspension of President Rousseff during her impeachment trial.

– Tiberius duly assumed the titles of Augustus when the old man’s long reign came to an end in AD 14.

– Today it is generally recognized that Hatshepsut assumed the position of Pharaoh.

– The flowering plants have long been assumed to have evolved from within the gymnosperms; but the known gymnosperms form a clade which is distinct from the angiosperms.

– They feel the need to have a typical ‘man’s job’, like a mechanic or engineer, and not the ones assumed to be more of a ‘woman’s job’, like a nurse or teacher.

– By the same treaty, Spain assumed the role of protecting power over the northern and southern Saharan zones.

– At this critical juncture, Hitler assumed personal control of the Wehrmacht high command, and his personal failings as a military commander arguably contributed to major defeats in the spring of 1943, at Stalingrad and Tunis in North Africa.

- After Muhammad died, the Muslim leadership was assumed by Abu Bakr.

- They assumed that perfect information would be known to fully rational actors, leaving no room for risk-taking or discovery.

– In September 1793, he assumed command of an artillery brigade at the siege of Toulon, where royalist leaders had welcomed a British fleet and troops.

– It was assumed that this song was one song in full, but former drummer Nate Kelley has recently told fans that the song was in fact two songs played in a medley.

– When talking about a single object being in opposition, it is assumed to be opposite from the sun.

– In response to this Indian armed occupying forces acted very quickly and illegally entered the abandoned state by invading it inhabitants and assumed full control on the poor defenceless people, then arranged a Referendum by the GOI under their own organised auspices and even appointed its own administrator on the 9th November.

– Since the apostle John, unlike the other twelve, is never named in that gospel, the “beloved disciple” is assumed to be him.

– As firms are assumed to be profit-maximising, the firm will thus produce at the output level where the marginal cost equals to the marginal revenue.

– While Louis assumed responsibility for decision making, he understood that he must rule within the constraints of the laws and customs of his kingdom.

– It is assumed that the cross was originally in the inner yard of the abbey.

– He was elected governor in the same year and assumed duties in January 1971.

– He assumed office at a critical period, when the republic was all but openly attacked by.

– Before counting starts, the result can be assumed to be zero; that is the number of items counted before one counts the first item, and counting the first item brings the result to one.

– The Director-General has assumed more personal responsibility in recent years, much like a CEO, where he was formerly more of a first among equals at the Directorate.

– The US repair efforts had been so well done that the Japanese assumed she must be a different, undamaged carrier.

– There was therefore a movement of hate and bloodthirsty fury, and a Slavic annexationist design, which prevailed above all in the peace treaty of 1947, and assumed the sinister shape of “ethnic cleansing”.

– He was appointed to the Court by President of the PhilippinesPresident Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and assumed office on October 26, 2001.

– An individual’s gender is often assumed by outsiders based on cultural norms: outward appearance, body shape and size, physical activity, etc..

– It was assumed that he could only have picked up a French folk song while living in France.

– In 1983, NJT assumed operation of all commuter rail service in New Jersey from Conrail.

– Until the early 20th century, scientists assumed that the majority of synaptic communication in the brain was electrical.

– At first Percy assumed Hades broke the oath not to have children after World War II, but Nico and his sister Bianca had been placed in the Lotus Casino, where ‘time stands still’ since before the oath was made.

– Idealab, a Californian company, became involved in 1999 and assumed the $50 million obligation to be paid over 10 years.

– The stars are in fact much farther away than was generally assumed in ancient times, which is why stellar parallax is only detectable with telescopes.

– Consequently, under the provisions of Title 43, U.S.Code, section 1458, the Department of the Interior assumed responsibility for the civil administration of the U.S.

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