“assets” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “assets”:

– Many people use a living trust to avoid probate, although even with a trust a deceased person’s estate will often still include assets that must be probated.

– However, Phoenix Finance purchased the team’s assets and tried to enter in the 2003 season but was not allowed.

– On January 1 2000 Rhineland-Palatinate disbanded its three “Regierungsbezirke” Koblenz Government RegionKoblenz, Trier – the employees and assets of the three “Bezirksregierungen” were converted into three public authorities responsible for the whole state, each covering a part of the former responsibilities of the “Bezirksregierung”.

– The bank acquired the deposits and most assets of Washington Mutual.

– The center is now a research institute owned by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

assets example in sentences
assets example in sentences

Example sentences of “assets”:

- The liquidator does a very similar job to the trustee in bankruptcy except that there are no assets which are protected so the liquidator can sell everything.

- Demirören Holding assets include the "Milliyet" and "Vatan" newspapers, Milangaz and several shopping mall in Beyoğlu.
- Bell Canada is one of the main assets of the holding company BCE Inc.

– The liquidator does a very similar job to the trustee in bankruptcy except that there are no assets which are protected so the liquidator can sell everything.

– Demirören Holding assets include the “Milliyet” and “Vatan” newspapers, Milangaz and several shopping mall in Beyoğlu.

– Bell Canada is one of the main assets of the holding company BCE Inc.

– On October 1, 1958 the agency was dissolved, and its assets and personnel transferred to the newly created National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

– Some assets are protected by law, but the trustee in bankruptcy will sell off all of the other assets and use the money to pay as much of that person’s debts as possible.

– Rejecting the idea that it is not possible to “meaningfully apologise for something a former generation did” Livingstone emphasised that London and by implication the rest of the developed world still profited enormously from the assets accumulated in the slave era, adding “It was the racial murder of not just those who were transported but generations of enslaved African men, women and children.

– Toxic assets played a major role in that crisis.

– In August 2008 Gartner observed that “organizations are switching from company-owned hardware and software assets to per-use service-based models” and that the “projected shift to cloud computing will result in dramatic growth in IT products in some areas and in significant reductions in other areas”.

– Many of the newly rich business people took billions in cash and assets outside of the country.

– In 1959, the assets of RKO moved to a new company called RKO General.

– Qadbak turned out to be a shell company with no assets and no investors behind it.

– These assets are highly valuable since they are the only physical samples available of Mars.

– Markets for some toxic assets froze in 2007, and the problem grew significantly worse in the second half of 2008.

– In 1972, Kinney National Company spun off its assets and renamed to Warner Communications.

More in-sentence examples of “assets”:

– Once all of the assets of the organisation have been sold, the organisation is then “dissolved” and no longer exists.

– They can also be structured on a range of different assets including Forex, Equities, Commodities and interest rates.

– Villanueva paid Velarde for the stocks and assets held by the channel’s then-owner Delta Broadcasting System.

– Hotlinking someone’s website assets can vastly increase their hosting costs.

– In financial world the word multimillionaire is used to categorize person with $30 million of assets or more.

– He was the head of Yukos, one of the largest Russian companies to emerge from the privatization of state assets in the 1990s.

– She owns 20 percent of the entire stock market assets of Versace.

– His assets in 2006 has been estimated at HUF 80 billion; In just over two years, his capital almost quadrupled.

– The trustee has authority over the property of the bankrupt person or business and may use some of the debtor’s assets to pay the creditors.

– Since Star India is owned by Fox it will automatically be one of the assets acquired by Disney.

– This article will highlight ways you can avoid hotlinking another website’s assets if you are a web user and how to protect against hotlinking if you are a website owner.

– The value of the assets were very sensitive to economic conditions, and increased uncertainty in these conditions made it difficult to estimate the value of the assets.

– Although the funds transfer pricing process is primarily applicable to the loans and deposits of the various banking units, this proactive is applied to all assets and liabilities of the business segment.

– On 14 July 2013 Egypt’s new prosecutor general Hisham Barakat ordered his assets to be frozen.

– Its assets included television production and syndication, feature films, home video, and broadcasting.

– When the market for such assets ceases to function, it is described as “frozen”.

– The former Chrysler Corporation acquired the Jeep brand, along with the remaining assets of its owner American Motors, in 1987.

– Meanwhile, the assets are stored in individual files in order to be loaded into separate layers and assembled modularly.

– In 2019, Prosus became the largest Internet company in Europe and Naspers listed its international Internet assets on the exchange Euronext Amsterdam.

– In 2002, Ross founded International Steel Group after purchasing the assets of several bankrupt steel companies.

– By 1903, the company had assets of about $28 million.

– In January 2021, a fast and large increase of GameStop stock and other assets took place on many stock exchanges.

– He was known for creating the high-yield bonds and leveraged buyouts to take over control of major companies, then doing paper switches of the assets into companies he owned.

– The Swiss Life Group is the largest life insurance company of Switzerland and one of Europe’s leading comprehensive life and pensions and financial solutions providers, with approximately CHF 185 bn of assets under management.

– He is the co-chief executive officer of The Riverside Company, a global private equity firm with $8 billion in assets under management.

– The gameplay is larger retained from that of its predecessor, in which players create their own custom courses using assets from various games across the “Mario” franchise and share them online.

– Others such as trade unions, universityuniversities or religions are large and well established, with many assets and many paid workers.

– They used the assets of the existing Blue Mont Central College.

– Warcraft 3 features both a single player campaign and online multiplayer gameplay, which includes custom user-made arcade games that use assets from the base game.

– The Company’s assets were acquired by the FranceFrench publisher Titus Software — its name was changed to Avalon Interactive on July 1, 2003.

– The act at the same time nationalized the company and transferred all its assets and employees to the SCA established by this act.

– The museum’s art includes some of the prefecture’s most important cultural assets and works by artists with some connection to the region.

– In 1983, the Korean cultural assets office sent a report of investigation and designated Kwon O soo to the making vocational technician of Kyungi Dongdongju.

– The theory assumes that wealth and monetary assets are identical.

– In 1871, the college was disbanded and its assets donated to the recently-founded Syracuse University, which subsequently founded a medical college.

– THQ’s assets were auctioned off and the WWE video game’s publishing rights were acquired by Take Two Interactive.

– It had assets of RMB 12.55 trillion.

– As a website user you should always try to avoid hotlinking assets from other websites.

– The tutorials and documentation make use of pre-built assets that are available in the default Unity program.

– If one thinks of single persons one will look at their personal property or assets like land and livestock.

– In 1946, the War Assets Administration gave the airport back to the County.

– In the 1990s, thousands of Japanese elderly people claimed to have been defrauded of their life savings by Moon followers’ awarded hundreds of millions of yen in judgments, including 37.6 million yen to pay two women coerced into donating their assets to the Unification Church.

– At the start of the 2005/6 season the English Chess Federation was created, inheriting the BCF’s assets and personnel.

– The CTA is an Illinois Government agencyindependent governmental agency that started operations on October 1, 1947 upon the purchase and combination of the transportation assets of the Chicago Rapid Transit Company and the Chicago Surface Lines streetcar system.

– However this puts the individuals assets at risk if they do not keep up payment.

- Once all of the assets of the organisation have been sold, the organisation is then "dissolved" and no longer exists.

- They can also be structured on a range of different assets including Forex, Equities, Commodities and interest rates.

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