“arrival” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “arrival”:

– This slowed down arrival of the rescue troops.

– It was moved after the arrival of the railway in 1844.

– Police stopped traffic as people gathered in the streets to see the arrival of the wedding party.

– Edwards’ arrival in Illinois ended Pope’s brief administration.

– The site where is Béziers has been occupied since Neolithic times, before the arrival of Celts.

– We later know that the body was placed on top of the train before its arrival at the station.

– With the arrival of European settlers in the area in the 1880s, introduced species, mostly Rabbits in Australiarabbits, sheep and goats have destroyed the vegetation cover.

arrival how to use in sentences
arrival how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “arrival”:

– Before the arrival of European colonists, smallpox did not exist in Mexico or even the entire American continent.

– On 27 July 1399, Richard left Reginald’s Tower as King of England and Wales; on his arrival in England, he was captured by the future Henry IV.

– Their arrival in the Americas was much later, about 15,000 years ago.

– On its arrival in the West it became Té which is still the name for tea in many countries.

– The Philistines clearly represent the arrival of a considerable number of outsiders, probably from Cyprus, with their own non-indigenous culture.

– Staartjes also presented the yearly arrival of “Sinterklaas” in the Netherlands.

– This is about the same time as the arrival in Australia of the dingo.

– Before the arrival of Europeans in the region, the damp climate at the bottom of the gorge was an important refuge during droughts.

– Gaur Rahman had died just before the arrival of the Dogras.

– However, it was resumed the next day, following the arrival of reinforcements from a column of the 2nd SS Das Reich division.

– It allowed Aboriginal people in the Territory to claim rights to land that their ancestors had lived on before the arrival of white people.

- Before the arrival of European colonists, smallpox did not exist in Mexico or even the entire American continent.

- On 27 July 1399, Richard left Reginald's Tower as King of England and Wales; on his arrival in England, he was captured by the future Henry IV.

– After he was demoted, and because of the arrival of Buddy Rogers as the featured star at MSG in 1961, he left the WWWF and briefly set up a competing promotion which was supported by Jim Crockett, Sr.

– The plot begins with the arrival of Mrs.

– In this period he wrote a Mass, a funeral march for Giuseppe Garibaldi and funeral elegy for Nino Bixio, performed in Genoa arrival of his ashes.

– The communities arrival was recorded on the “Thomas of Cana copper plates ” which existed in Kerala until the 17th century after which point they were taken to Portugal by the Franciscan Order.

– It is the only team from the northern areas who played the polo match in New Delhi on the arrival of the George VI of England and won the trophy there.

– The project was first published in August 2019 for the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in the Virginia colony.

– In addition to floor arrival notifications, the computer announces the direction of travel, and notifies the passengers before the doors are to close.

– Since their arrival in 1980, nearly 400 players have worn the Flames jersey for at least one regular season or playoff game.

– The arrival of cool and moist weather in the late autumn brought the fires to an end.

More in-sentence examples of “arrival”:

- Based largely on moprphological studies of epigenetic variations, the source of the original founding population has been attributed to Norway with the most obvious date of introduction being presumed to be around the 9th century AD with the arrival of the Vikings.

- On his arrival in New York City, Cornwallis was made second-in-command to General Henry Clinton.

– Based largely on moprphological studies of epigenetic variations, the source of the original founding population has been attributed to Norway with the most obvious date of introduction being presumed to be around the 9th century AD with the arrival of the Vikings.

– On his arrival in New York City, Cornwallis was made second-in-command to General Henry Clinton.

– The fighting was caused by the arrival of William Walker in Nicaragua.

– The origins of the division of the Saint Thomas Christians into Northist and Southist groups is traced back to the arrival of the SyriaSyrian merchant Thomas of Cana from Mesopotamia to India in the 4th or 8th century.

– But after the arrival of the harbour railway line extension in 1990s, there was an increase in population.

– The area of Watertown was inhabited for thousands of years before the arrival of settlers from England.

– They could not push the Russians back further because of the arrival of the Russian Tenth Army on the Germans’ left flank.

– Before the arrival of Europeans, Nevada was inhabited by Native American tribes including the Shoshone, the Paiute, the Washoe, and the Mohave.

– He may issue a pass to a vehicle’s driver that is stamped with the vehicle’s arrival time.

– They were present during the arrival of the First Fleet.

– The succession of able administrators from the Hoysalas, Chalukyas and the mighty Vijayanagara rulers, to the arrival of the Mughals in the 17th century and the British in the 18th century have contributed to the mix of culture and heritage that is as rich as it is ancient.

– People have always needed how-to guides, which appeared in manuscripts before the arrival of print.

– Since winning the presidency in a June 20 landslide, Santos has marked distance between himself and Uribe, signaling the arrival of a leader who, unlike his predecessor, intends to focus on a social agenda and the country’s frayed relations with its neighbors.

– The empire only lasted for about 100 years as the arrival of the conquering Spaniards in 1532 AD marked the end of their reign.

– By the end of the same decade, the genre began to go through hard times, due to the arrival of disco music.

– Upon the arrival of the Europeans in the “New World”, native peoples found their culture changed drastically.

– With the arrival of Soviet Forces, the father decides to leave for Italy with his family, living in Rome.

– Citizens of Iran can no longer receive a visa on arrival either.

– The time and date of arrival will be printed on the ticket.

– There may be an attendant on duty who will collect a flat fee for parking or issue a ticket noting the driver’s arrival time.

– The fleet was saved by the arrival of the Union ironclad “USS Monitor” which engaged the Virginia at the Battle of Hampton Roads.

– Some visas can be granted on arrival or by prior application at the country’s embassy or consulate, or sometimes through a specialized travel agency with permission from the issuing country in the country of departure.

– The year 865 saw the arrival of the Great Heathen Army in East Anglia.D.

– A separate building to the west of the arrival plaza and stairs holds a cafeteria and restaurant.

– They were saved from starvation by the annual arrival of a sea bird, a petrel, which nested in holes in the ground.

– WritingWritten history begins with the arrival of Europeans to Florida.

– King Kamehameha, the first king of Hawaii, conquered all the islands and then moved the Hilo mountain settlement to the shore after the arrival of outsiders.

– In 1999, with the arrival of vocalist Dave Williams.

– The Tamil Nagas, Yakkars and vedars were the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka before Vijanyan’s arrival and the land was under Pandiyan control.

– The arrival of the railroad in 1856 made it easier for more economic growth.

– Even after the arrival of the Spaniards, ethnic groups in Argentina adopted Mapudungun, for instance Patagonians or Tehuelche.

– Jamaican Patois was developed in the 17 century with the arrival of West African slaves.

– It has been suggested that this may be evidence of the survival of Khoi-San cultures since the Sangoan culture in North Eastern Africa prior to the arrival of Cushitic speaking cultures in the region.

– Rites of passage are rituals performed by human beings, individually or collectively as a social group, that symbolically acknowledge the departure from one phase of life and the arrival into another.

– The World’s Columbian Exposition was a World’s Fair held in Chicago in 1893 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the New World in 1492.

– Visitors typically arrive at a tram station in the arrival plaza between the administrative buildings and the museum entrance.

– Translations of the existing Quilon Syrian copper platesKollam Syrian Plates of the 9th century made by the Syrian Christian priest Ittimani in 1601 as well as the Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-DuperronFrench Indologist Abraham Anquetil Duperron in 1758 both note that the forth plate mentioned a brief of the arrival of Knai Thoma.

– With the arrival of could decrypt the message.

– The arrival of magic realism is part of modernism.

– The arrival of Roy Keane as Sunderland AFC’s new manager in August 2006 has had a massive impact in Sunderland’s once limited tourism industry.

– They have gathered for the arrival of Hercules after his successful labors raised him to the rank of God.

– When Christ comes his arrival will be announced by a trumpet call.

– Their arrival was largely accidental, and the Portuguese sought control of commerce, rather than territory.

– Every year, Washington celebrates the arrival of spring with a two-week Cherry Blossom Festival.

– Traditional Kashmiri and ChinaChinese accounts date its arrival anywhere between 900–2500 years ago.

– Upon Miller’s arrival at La Concha, Dozier killed him, sawed Miller’s body into multiple pieces, stuffed most of them into a suitcase, and disposed of it near an apartment complex in western Vegas.

– With the arrival of the spring weather, it would be possible to use large groups of troops and armour.

– In particular, the arrival of a female figure is a departure from the Indo-Arabic game, and the figure of a bishop is also significant.

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