“aristocracy” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “aristocracy”:

– An aristocracy is a government run by the people of a ruling class, usually people who come from wealthy families, families with a particular set of values, or people who come from a particular place.

– It is set at the conservative and Aristocracy aristocratic Welton Academy in English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry.

– A great many members of the aristocracy were present.

– In Ancient Greek, the word aristocracy means “the rule of the best”, but it has come to be linked with rule by Nobility.

– He often described British aristocracy and high society, making satirical fun of them.

– The practice of reserving areas of land for the sole use of the aristocracy was common throughout Europe during the mediaeval period.

– Rocafuerte was born into an Aristocracy aristocratic family in Guayaquil, Ecuador on May 1, 1783.

aristocracy - sentence examples
aristocracy – sentence examples

Example sentences of “aristocracy”:

- The French Revolution 1789 The power of the aristocracy had ended with the Revolution.

- Aristocracy is different from nobility, in that nobility means that one bloodline would rule, an aristocracy would mean that a few or many bloodlines would rule, or that rulers be chosen in a different manner.
- There are different kinds of aristocracy with different ways the government is set up.

– The French Revolution 1789 The power of the aristocracy had ended with the Revolution.

Aristocracy is different from nobility, in that nobility means that one bloodline would rule, an aristocracy would mean that a few or many bloodlines would rule, or that rulers be chosen in a different manner.

– There are different kinds of aristocracy with different ways the government is set up.

– However, Charles intended it to create a unified House of Bourbon.His favoritism during his reign toward the Roman Catholic Church and the aristocracy aroused great opposition, leading to the July Revolution of 1830.

– Eton has educated generations of British and foreign aristocracy and members of the Royal family, the most recent being Prince William and his brother Prince Harry.

– He supported a hereditary aristocracy and primogeniture.

– Mr Mahomed’s plan had been to serve “Indianised” British food which would appeal to the Indian aristocracy in London as well as British people who had returned from India, he said.

– This was a civil war between the aristocracy who did not like how the King named Henry III behaved.

– In the courts of the aristocracy musicians would often play a polonaise from the gallery while the people danced below in the reception hall.

– A person who rules in an aristocracy is an aristocrat.

– The aristocracy liked these stories.

– It was built in the late 1880s at the request of the Japanese aristocracy to increase Western civilizationWestern visitors to Japan.

– In modern era European societies, the term aristocracy has often been used synonymously with the nobility.

– These were: to reopen the slave trade; to extend slavery to the entire country and beyond; and to make the white man a slave to the slave-holding Southern aristocracy and the Northern capitalists.

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