“argue” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “argue”:

+ They argue that laws requiring people to get vaccinated violate individual rights.

+ While the other party argue that popular culture articles are at the same value of historical figures because of their importance and influence on modern society and technology.

+ During this, students could take up certain points and argue them.

+ They argue that inorganic matter like that would be life’s most likely last common ancestor.

+ But, I’d argue that they should be blocked on the first edit they did.

+ List of countries by future GDP estimates Economists from other investment firms argue that Korea will have a GDP per capita of over $96,000 by 2050, surpassing the United States and by far the wealthiest among the G7, BRIC and N-11 economies, suggesting that wealth is more important than size for bond investors, stating that Korea’s credit rating will be rated AAA sooner than 2050.

argue how to use?
argue how to use?

Example sentences of “argue”:

+ All the neighbours wake up and come into the street and argue and fight.

+ Many historians argue that she was from Sudan, since lions were plentiful there.

+ All the neighbours wake up and come into the street and argue and fight.

+ Many historians argue that she was from Sudan, since lions were plentiful there.

+ Different classes with different interests argue or fight each other.

+ See where they got blocked, tried to argue the same, got denied, and created a draft of the same article which went nowhere.

+ Opponents argue that defendants who are poor and/or non-white are more likely to get the death penalty than whites, even if they have committed the same crimes.

+ Fred Rogers, host of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood”, appeared before the committee to argue for the full $20 million.

+ The second part of the book talks about how some of the groups fighting against the fascists started to argue amongst themselves and how Orwell had to leave the country to escape some of the groups who had turned against him.

+ However, some people argue against vaccination, as they are worried about possible side effects from the vaccination.

+ By using the two conflicting terms, people usually have to argue with my facts first rather than assuming a gender and disregarding what I have to say.

+ He then started to re-think many of his ideas and began to argue for a more socially liberal Conservative Party.

+ Orwell’s “Notes on Nationalism” have been used by people on the right-wing of Scottish politics to argue against ‘identity politics’.

+ This caused him to argue that learning takes place within a zone of proximal development, which is made up of functions that are not yet fully formed, but are on the way to being established.

+ Others, like Solomon, argue that ‘life is useless’.

+ Also, there seems to be a lack of clarity as to what a warp drive is because some argue with a warp drive we would travel at incredible speeds if the concept is to warp gravity and “fold” it in on itself then its not speed that’s traveled but rather distance that was removed.

+ However, it is not the intent of Goldman Sachs to argue that these four countries are a political alliance or any formal trading association, like ASEAN.

More in-sentence examples of “argue”:

+ Philosophers argue over what makes up truth and how to define and identify truth.

+ The ending shows Calvin’s parents coming back home to find Rosalyn charge extra money for the job while Calvin’s parents argue if there’s another babysitter in town.

+ Johnson’s “Jane Austen: Women, Politics and the Novel” were printed, scholars were no longer able to argue that Austen was firmly “apolitical, or ‘”.

+ Some people argue that this is against the Old Testament, especially Exodus Exodus Chapter 22,25 and Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Chapter 23,19 which states that those who lend to someone in need will be blessed, but the point about usury is the high levels of interest, not the act of lending in itself.

+ But other people argue that this view is biased against the Chinese culture in favor of modern Western standards.

+ They argue that liberty without equality means the domination of the most powerful.

+ Some psychologists argue that while behavioral economics is a step in the right direction in explaining why people act they way that they do, it is still far behind in research.

+ Since one country acting alone would find it very difficult to introduce this tax, many argue it would be best done by an international institution.

+ He and his supporters argue that the event was a coup d’état.

+ While I am not into sports, I still need to ask: What is it that makes this person notable? – Given the search results, and the article we have, I’d argue to delete this article.

+ Today the former Italian enclave is dominated by Federal office buildings and law offices for the trial attorneys who argue in Judiciary Square courthouses, although Holy Rosary Church remains standing and continues to draw a heavily Italian congregation along with its “Casa Italia” cultural center next door.

+ Historians argue about the dates of the First Dynasty which was part of the Early Bronze Age.

+ The last article combines Charles Darwin’s idea of an ancient family with William Robertson Smith’s idea of human sacrifice being the origin of religious ceremonies, to argue that an ancient group of brothers killed their polygamous father and took his wives and then created totemism as an idea to create conscience and prevent their action from being repeated.

+ There are different versions, but they all argue something like: because we can imagine a perfect being, there must be a god.

+ Dostoevsky published his books in a series of journals, and every one made people argue about it and think very much about it.

+ Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge argue that the term “anti-feminist” is used to silence academic debate about defects of feminism like lack of intersectionality and visible separatism.

+ Some people think he is the greatest player who did not win an NBA championship, while others argue it could be teammate John Stockton, Charles Barkley or Patrick Ewing.

+ Some historians argue that the actual settlement of “Ramana” near Baku was possibly founded by the Roman troops of Lucius Julius Maximus from “Legio XII Fulminata” in the first century ADАшурбейли Сара.

+ However, his supporters argue that the human rights abuse accusation is mostly fabricated or exaggerated.

+ However, I believe none of the people who suggested a “three day” period, will argue extending that for one more day; on the other hand, the majority of the comments referenced either three or four days and the other options are far from consensus, in my humble opinion.

+ However, other taxonomists argue that there is a valid place for groups that are paraphyletic.

+ Some philosophyways of thinking such as existentialism argue that people’s choices and decisions are very important.

+ The green economists and the more conservative environmental economics argue that not only natural ecologies, but also the life of the individual human being is treated as a commodity by the global markets.

+ Robert Mueller released this official document to argue that Donald Trump is using Russia to help get him to become the current president.

+ After the performance of this opera he made a six-month trip to Lombard and Mantua, where again he had to argue at the court about not being paid his pension.

+ Many argue that the intricacy of the rope ties were too complicated to perform by one person.

+ Philosophers argue over what makes up truth and how to define and identify truth.

+ The ending shows Calvin's parents coming back home to find Rosalyn charge extra money for the job while Calvin's parents argue if there's another babysitter in town.
+ Johnson's "Jane Austen: Women, Politics and the Novel" were printed, scholars were no longer able to argue that Austen was firmly "apolitical, or '".

+ Under the theories of classical physics it is possible to argue that the laws of cause and effect are inexorable and that once the universe began in a certain way the interactions of all matter and energy to occur in the future could be calculated from that initial state.

+ Dependency theorists argue that poor countries have sometimes experienced economic growth with little or no economic development; for instance, in cases where they have functioned mainly as resource-providers to wealthy industrialised countries.

+ Lots of people argue how big the mountain range is.

+ But critics argue that the validity of the law is not sure.

+ Von der Porten in “The German Navy in World War Two” argue that by being armed and reporting the position of submarines to Royal Navy forces, British merchantmen placed themselves beyond the protection of international law.

+ Critics argue that this represents a serious breach of privacy on behalf of the Lacks family.

+ Believers argue that similar events are reported in different places also.

+ Critics such as Richard Dawkins often argue that the teleological argument would in turn apply to the proposed designer, arguing any designer must be at least as complex and purposeful as the designed object.

+ While there was not a lot of info, I could easily argue there was no real one sided POV push that often defines advert articles.

+ Only cases that have more than one argue date need to use ArgueDateA and ArgueDateB.

+ Some historians argue that the legal doctrines and legislation passed during the operations against Pancho Villa constitute a sixth declaration of war.

+ Pretty took her case to court using the Human Rights Act to argue not to prosecute anybody involved in helping her to die.

+ Some political groups argue that people should be able to choose whether or not to get vaccinated.

+ I would argue our Wiki is less of a “list of everything in the world”, and more of a tool/place for people who find ENWP too complex.

+ In Paris the music critics continued to argue about Ravel’s music.

+ We would argue that a simple Google for “Thomas John Bacon” would seem to indicate significance.

+ The solicitor general does not always argue them personally.

+ Their second album was indeed titled “The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek” although you could argue the third album used more humor.

+ He went on to argue thirty-two cases before the Supreme Court in 1940.

+ Gloria does not want Richard to argue with Archie.

+ Although the game still had worse reviews than in the first game, many people would argue that Itsuno made the game much better than it could have been under the first director.

+ Many argue the declaration was against the constitution, since there was no debate among the MPs in the Serbian Parliament.

+ Even newsgroups and message boards that do not have much to do with math argue about this.

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