“archaic” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “archaic”:

– Italy was divided between the industrial north and the rural, archaic South.

– Pottery styles of the later part of the Archaic age are the black-figure pottery, started in Corinth during the 7th century BC.

– The Archaic period includes the Early Dynastic Period Early Dynastic Period, when Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt were ruled as separate kingdoms.

– The Csángó dialect in Romania, however, is archaic and has changed less than the other dialects.

– It is to be distinguished from an archaic figure still visible, carved in the northern side of the mountain near Magnesia, to which tradition has given the name of Niobe, but which is really intended for Cybele.

– Sardinian is quite separate from Italian and said to be one of the languages, if not the language, keeping most archaic features of ancient Latin.

– Genetic studies and fossil evidence show that archaic “Homo sapiens” evolved to anatomically modern humans solely in Africa between 200,000 and 60,000 years ago.

– The suborder Suina contains perhaps the earliest and most archaic even-toed ungulates.

archaic - sentence examples
archaic – sentence examples

Example sentences of “archaic”:

- In the organization of the system, the Archaic period is after the Lithic stage.

- There has been many versions of Hawkman in DC Comics, all of them use archaic weaponry and have large wings, attached to a harness made from the special metal that allows them to fly.

– In the organization of the system, the Archaic period is after the Lithic stage.

– There has been many versions of Hawkman in DC Comics, all of them use archaic weaponry and have large wings, attached to a harness made from the special metal that allows them to fly.

– Medusa, in her archaic centaur-like form, appears in the incised relief on a mid-seventh century BCE vase from Boeotia at the Louvre 1988, fig p 87.

– It is dated to the Archaic period of Greek art ca.

– This is often necessary as, over time, the legislative process of amending statutes and the legal process of construing statutes by nature over time results in a code that contains archaic terms, superseded text, and redundant or conflicting statutes.

– Medea figures in the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, a myth known best from a late literary version worked up by Apollonius of Rhodes in the 3rd century BC and called the “Argonautica.” However, for all its self-consciousness and researched archaic vocabulary, the late epic was based on very old, scattered materials.

– This archaic sculpture has traces of coloured paint.

– What is known comes from three sources: Sappho’s surviving poetry, other ancient writings about her, and evidence about archaic Greece in general.

– The city was formed around 385 BCMogens Herman Hansen, “In An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis”, Oxford University Press, 2004, page 322, as a Greek colony by the name of Lissos.

– Some archaic groups stopped being food gatherers.

– The earliest known hominin fossils from the Philippines are from “Homo luzonensis”, an extinct species of archaic humans in the genus “Homo”.

– Macedonia or Macedon or the Macedonian Empire was an Ancient Greek Monarchykingdom of the Archaic and Classical Greece,.

– Since 1950 the necropolis of Casabianda’s is excavated and have revealed grave goods, from the Late Archaic period forwards, that include the finest works of art, in jewels, weapons, metalwares, bronze and ceramic plates and dishes in particular, Attic cups, and rhytons.

– The language is a sub-dialect of Ladakhi and an archaic dialect of the Tibetan language, but many of the consonants that are silent in most modern Tibetan dialects are pronounced in Balti.

– This includes some children, some adults who can understand ordinary English but are baffled by expressions like “come what come may” or archaic terms in some famous quotes, many deaf people who have difficulty learning to read because their own language has no written form and they can’t hear the sounds that make alphabets meaningful; and other people.

– The Archaic stage is characterized by subsistence economies.

– The Archaic period followed the Greek Dark Ages, and saw the rise of democracy, philosophy, theatre, poetry, as well as the revitalisation of the written language.

– The clerical script is an archaic style of Chinese calligraphy.

– Agriculture never made them stop hunting and foraging, even in the biggest Archaic societies.

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