“approved by” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “approved by”:

– The Constitution of Azerbaijan SSR was approved by the 9th Extraordinary All-Azerbaijani Congress of Soviets on March 14, 1937.

– It would be nice if in this case, anonymous users could suggest a change that could be approved by an established user.

– During World War II, after Nazi Germany defeated the French in 1940, French Indochina was controlled by the Vichy French government, a puppet government approved by Nazi Germany.

– It was approved by the Russian Empire.

– The Premier is formally approved by the National People’s Congress upon the nomination of the President.

– The National Security Advisor is appointed by the President, and does not have to be approved by the United States Senate.

– Lieutenancies became more organised soon, probably in the reign of his successor Edward VI, their establishment being approved by the English parliament in 1550.

– Ordinances must generally be approved by a local assembly and promulgationpromulgated by the mayor or governor of the local government in question, who may demand a second vote but may not veto the ordinance.

approved by use in-sentences
approved by use in-sentences

Example sentences of “approved by”:

– In the United States, the treaty was approved by the Senate in a vote of 82 to 13 on July 21, 1949.

– Both were approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

– In New Mexico, the agreement was approved by both houses, but in different years.

– This sustainable development specified certain criteria for selection of university cadres, which was approved by the college council, albeit not by the university council due to the political conditions accompanying the Arab spring in January 2011.

– The person is then approved by the Board of Governors.

– Many Ebola vaccine candidates had been developed in the decade prior to 2014, but as of October 2014, none had yet been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use in humans.

– The list has been compared to gazetteers and the Cornish names are in the standard written form and approved by the MAGA Signage Panel.

– This was when the Highland University charter was approved by the Territorial Legislature in 1858.

– A £155,000 loan was approved by the British Parliament and Captain George Grey was sent to replace Gawler.

– The Philippine Commonwealth had been created by the Tydings-McDuffie Act, which was approved by the U.S.

- In the United States, the treaty was approved by the Senate in a vote of 82 to 13 on July 21, 1949.

- Both were approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
- In New Mexico, the agreement was approved by both houses, but in different years.

– He was approved by the Senate on July 9, 2014, by a vote of 71-26.

– Of these, 10 were approved by the states.

– Under 2003, they had identical powers, and after 2003, laws still have to be approved by both parts in order to be passed into law, but in some matters, one part of the Parliament is superior to the others.

– The “Daily Post” newspaper said it was approved by all.

– It was officially approved by the Japanese Ministry of Education, and it was officially established in 1984.

– It was approved by the American Kennel Club one year later.

– In 1999 a referendum was held on the establishment of a new London authority and elected mayor, which was approved by a two to one margin.

– It is a Wikimedia chapter approved by the Wikimedia Foundation.

More in-sentence examples of “approved by”:

– The National Trust of VictoriaNational Trust does not like the development plans approved by Heritage Victoria.

– The president heads a Cabinet of ministers, which must be approved by the Parliament.

– When someone uses a method approved by search engines to rank their website, it is called a “white hat technique”.

– You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties–for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

– On 14 June, he was nominated as Taoiseach by Dáil Éireann and this nomination was approved by the President of Ireland.

– Only developers registered and approved by Synergix can use self-certification, and they are only allowed to have one IMEI number.

– Turkeys new Vice Presidential office and Executive system was created when approved by vote it June 2018 and it abolished the office of the Prime Minister of Turkey.

– Whedon wrote the song before the series was approved by Fox.

– The flag itself had only been approved by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan three days earlier.

– It is possible that the agreement needs to be approved by Congress.

– Under the Articles of Confederation, amendments had to be approved by a unanimous vote in all 13 state legislatures.

– It was not approved by the Union military.

– The treaty was approved by the provisional Panamanian government on December 2, 1903, and by the US Senate on February 23, 1903.

– Originally, the series was intended to be a trilogy, but film production for a fourth installment was approved by Bob Weinstein.

– These liberties and customs are approved by us with all and each one of its articles above, as long as law permits us to.

– Founded in 1918, to 1928 under the name University of Lublin, from October 16 2005, on the basis of a resolution approved by the Senate of the Polish Episcopate, the University changed its name to the Catholic University of Lublin John Paul II.

– Known because it is the first and only school approved by the Civil Aviation Authority in Taiwan.

– Only SFWA officers and past presidents suggest Grand Masters, and the final choice must be approved by a majority of that group.

– The only weight loss drug approved by the FDA for long term use is orlistat.

– Referees are approved by the United States Soccer Federation and Canadian Soccer Association, which run the sport in the two countries.

– Bill Clinton named him to be Ambassador to Mexico in 1998, but he was not approved by the Senate.

– Ekhtesari’s writing was approved by the Ministry of Islamic Guidance.

– CAQC is approved by Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China.

– It was approved by Pope Pius XII in 1950.

– It was approved by Parliament in 1982.

– Bashkurdistan was a national-territorial autonomy proclaimed on November 15 1917 by the Bashkir regional Shuro and approved by the Constituent Congress of Bashkurdistan.

- The National Trust of VictoriaNational Trust does not like the development plans approved by Heritage Victoria.

- The president heads a Cabinet of ministers, which must be approved by the Parliament.

– On 3 December 2015, impeachment proceedings against Rousseff were officially approved by the Chamber of Deputies.

– The test was approved by the government.

– It was one of twelve “articles of amendment” to the United States Constitution approved by the 1st Congress on September 25, 1789.

– His nomination was approved by the full senate on September 12, 2018.

– And also United Nations has made United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights accoding to the Vienna Declaration and the Yogyakarta Principles for LGBT rights by International Commission of Jurists and approved by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2006.

– The mandate was approved by the League of Nations in June 1922, and went into effect on 11 September 1922.

– He was approved by the United States senate with a vote of 87-11 on April 24, 2017.

– This template is used to create citations to theses submitted to and approved by an educational institution recognized as capable of awarding higher degrees.

– It was the last movie project to be approved by Walt Disney before his death on December 15, 1966.

– To become law, a bill must first be approved by both houses.

– This was approved by Eisenhower, as the northern armies had lost all communications with Bradley, who was based in Luxembourg.

– Those amendments will then have to be approved by the House of Assembly.

– He can make treaties with other countries, but these must be approved by two-thirds of the Senate.

– The development has been approved by the Chicago Plan Commission for its zoning change and will have up to 869 residential units, both apartments and condominiums.

– They must be approved by the Council at the Ministerial Meetings.

– The change was approved by the Iranian volleyball confederation.

– Any act of state was first to be approved by the Qur’an and the Traditions of the Prophet Muhammed.

– The flag was approved by the President of Malawi, Bingu wa Mutharika, on July 29, 2010.

– It has been approved by the B.I.P.M.

– Burnside’s plan, approved by Lincoln, was to move the army south to attack Richmond.

– Their appointment must be approved by the House of Representatives.

– Once these projects have been approved by the United States Air Force or other agencies such as the CIA, and are ready to be announced to the public, operations of the aircraft are then moved to a normal air force base.

– Facing a lack of cooperation from the premiers, Trudeau then announced his intention to unilaterally patriate the constitution from the United Kingdom and have a charter of rights and constitutional amending formula approved by national referendum.

– The western section from Oxford to Bedford was approved by the Government in November 2011, with completion of this section expected by 2025.

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