“apply to” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “apply to”:

+ The Court also acknowledged that the 13th Amendment does apply to private actors, but only to the extent that it prohibits people from owning slaves, not exhibiting discriminatory behavior.

+ Suffix codes “Y” or “Z” are not shown, as these could apply to variants of any or all vehicle types.

+ The same considerations apply to other planetary systems in the galaxy.

+ Many concerns are yet to be fixed, but most of them apply to VGA, not GA.

+ Bose Einstein CondensationBose-Einstein condensates and fermionic condensates are phases of matter that apply to particles called bosons and fermions, respectively.

+ However, this is only applicable in a closed system, and does not apply to the BZ reaction.

apply to some example sentences
apply to some example sentences

Example sentences of “apply to”:

+ I don’t like having tags on too many articles, and this could apply to nearly all our articles here.

+ Declensions may apply to nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and articles to indicate number.

+ These new requirements will apply to new accounts and privileged accounts.

+ These protections apply to all juveniles in the United States, not just Arizona.

+ The electric current that arises in the simplest textbook situations would be classified as “free current.” For example, the law can apply to the current that passes through a wire or battery.

+ In some cases, only one of the codes would apply to the current condition, but you may not always be able to determine which is which.

+ While green chemistry seems to focus on just industrial applications, it does apply to any chemistry choice.

+ Any country may apply to become a member of the IMF.

+ This can also apply to articles titles as well, but article naming is more difficult.

+ In the modern post-aether era, the concept has been extended to apply to situations with no material media present, for example, to the vacuum between the plates of a charging vacuum capacitor.

+ I don't like having tags on too many articles, and this could apply to nearly all our articles here.

+ Declensions may apply to nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and articles to indicate number.

+ Smith? I suppose the same spacing rule should apply to articles like U.S.

+ While it can apply to both men or women, it is most commonly used to refer to men.

+ If a group of Church of Satan members now wish to form a “magic circle” for something more than simple friendship and ritual, and can keep it active for a year and a day, the leader of the group can apply to have it called a Grotto and the leader called a Grotto Master.

+ Even if it is, it may not apply to your case.

+ It can apply to single sex schools, prisons, monasteries, but also to simple friendships.

+ In this article, the two limiting lines are called “asymptotic” and lines that have a common perpendicular are called “ultraparallel”; the simple word “parallel” may apply to both.

+ Why do men have standards of beauty which they apply to women? This is a question to which a typical femininist sociologist would reply: it is culturally determined, a belief system which serves to keep males dominant over females.

More in-sentence examples of “apply to”:

+ Although originally put in terms of species, it seems to apply to populations within a species.

+ If they obey the axioms of a vector space, you can think of them as vectors and the theorems of linear algebra will still apply to them.
+ In Greek, the word can apply to women, but in modern English it is mainly used for men.

+ Although originally put in terms of species, it seems to apply to populations within a species.

+ If they obey the axioms of a vector space, you can think of them as vectors and the theorems of linear algebra will still apply to them.

+ In Greek, the word can apply to women, but in modern English it is mainly used for men.

+ This exemption does not apply to settled disputes; for example, insertion of claims that the Sun revolves around the Earth would not be appropriate today; even though this issue was active controversy in the time of Galileo.

+ But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

+ I’d QD it, but the QD option based on notability doesn’t apply to TV series episodes.

+ It reasoned that Daubert was expressly limited only to scientific expert testimony and did not apply to “skill- or experience-based observation.” The tire expert’s testimony rested on observation and experience, and so the Eleventh Circuit reasoned the district court should have made a different ruling based on Rule 702 without the Daubert gloss.

+ If you are over 6 years old, you can apply to this system.

+ The Limes is often associated with Roman forts, but it could apply to any area near the walls where the Romans exercised loose control with military forces.

+ The term did not apply to freed slaves, which were usually known as “affranchi”, in French.

+ While several of the core ideas of the desktop experience on one hand apply to a connected mobile device, others do not: Users usually only look at their phone’s screen — presence status changes might occur under different circumstances as happens at the desktop, and several functional limits exist based on the fact that the vast majority of mobile communication devices are chosen by their users to fit into the palm of their hand.

+ Generally, this proposal from stewards would apply to wikis without an administrators’ review process.

+ If a user is reverting obvious vandalism, then the three revert rule may not apply to them.

+ Psychedelic music can apply to almost any kind of music, even classical.

+ Many topics have types of categories which usually apply to every article in the topic.

+ The following is a list of links to Infobox templates that apply to all areas of the world, so it can be transcluded in other documentation such as Location map Africa, Location map Bolivia, etc.

+ These rules also apply to research samples, which are allowed to be used as long as the quality of care is maintained and the patient identity is protected.

+ In my example above, QDA1 could also apply to some of these articles as there is no useful information.

+ Under the incorporation doctrine, most provisions of the Bill of Rights now also apply to the state and local governments.

+ Ukraine does not specify languages by name, but rather ratifies on behalf of “the languages of the following ethnic minorities of Ukraine”: July 2007, Ukraine’s entry on the states the following “Ukraine declares that the provisions of the Charter shall apply to the languages of the following ethnic minorities of Ukraine : Belarusian, Bulgarian, Gagauz, Greek, Jewish, Crimean Tatar, Moldavian, German, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Slovak and Hungarian”.

+ I’m not sure if G12 would apply to this.

+ Suffrage can also apply to states themselves.

+ The Kingdom of Denmark as a whole is a member of the EU, but EU law does not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

+ The Bill of Rights did initially apply to the states.

+ Often, these laws did not apply to white people.

+ Apart from this detail, all the variants of rounding discussed above apply to the rounding of floating-point numbers as well.

+ With either a diploma, or an “A” Level certificate, students can apply to go to universities in Singapore or overseas.

+ State electoral districts do not apply to the Upper House, or Legislative Council, in the states which have one.

+ Some believe symbiosis should only refer to persistent mutualisms, while others believe it should apply to all kinds of lon-term biological interactions.

+ There are many special rules that apply to emergency telephones.

+ The civil rights of a country apply to all the citizens within its borders.

+ At least one of the other deletion criteria must still apply to the page, and you must make mention of this in your rationale.

+ These indefinite periods apply to users and not their IP addresses.

+ Though the public debate is all about humans, the principles apply to “any living thing”, plants as well as animals.

+ Both apply to giving the program away or selling it.

+ The Court ruled that the Sixth Amendment does apply to police interrogations.

+ That way, different rules can apply to people of the same social class than to those of other social classes.

+ Critics such as Richard Dawkins often argue that the teleological argument would in turn apply to the proposed designer, arguing any designer must be at least as complex and purposeful as the designed object.

+ Students who apply to the school can choose to attend one of seven disciplines, called academies.

+ This weakness does not indicate the commitment scheme is worthless, because the “commit phase” did not apply to all interested parties.

+ Since the German state is not legitimate, its laws do not apply to them, they think.

+ These regulations apply to all prisoners of the DCC from the time of admission on, till the hour of discharge.


+ The term applies mainly to a person who works in a recording studio but can also apply to people who do the same kind of work, in other places.

+ You then apply to veterinary school.

+ Brady”, the Supreme Court had ruled that the Sixth Amendment did not apply to the states.

+ Modern research in syntax attempts to describe languages in terms of such rules, and, for many practitioners, to find general rules that apply to all languages.

+ There are several parameters that only apply to one specific religion.

+ To use this template, simply copy the text from the box below, paste it at the top of your article, then complete any of the parameters which apply to the archaeological site which you are describing.

+ A Nomothetic view of traits suggests that traits apply to everyone and it is possible to compare traits among individuals.

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