“appealing” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “appealing”:

– The last choice for appealing a court decision is to file an appeal asking the United States Supreme Court to hear the case.

– Jazz was very appealing to Mihailo Živanović.

– Pathos is the emotional appeal, meaning to convince an audience through appealing on emotional levels.

– It was created in 1928 by Los Angeles, California, and Red Buttons as an ice cream topping, and customers later discovered that it was an appealing drink when mixed with water.

– During the middle of the 19th century, the Democratic Party of the United States, appealing to the public attraction to the Manifest Destiny, declared that the United States had a claim over the entirety of Columbia District/Oregon Territory.

– Sowerby’s detailed and appealing plates in vivid colour and readable texts were intended to reach a growing readership interested in natural history.

– The idea of lingerie as a visually appealing undergarment was developed in the late nineteenth century by Lady Duff-Gordon of ‘Lucile’.

– Camko City is being constructed by Korean companies to modernize Phnom Penh so as to make it appealing to foreign investors and businesses.

appealing in sentences?
appealing in sentences?

Example sentences of “appealing”:

– Visual art can help make the gameplay of a video game more appealing to a player.

– In an attempt to make herring more appealing on the home market, companies tried to present it in a new way, creating herring fishsticks called “herring savouries” and were tested on the market against a bland control product of cod sticks, sold as “fish fingers.” Shoppers in Southampton and South Wales, showed an overwhelming preference for the cod.

– He is therefore appealing to the community to review its decision.

– Settlement during the Late Bronze Age was concentrated in the coastal plain and along major communication routes, with the central hill-country only sparsely inhabited; each city had its own ruler, constantly at odds with his neighbours and appealing to the Egyptians to adjudicate his differences.

– He adapted the story to be more appealing to adults.

– This is probably because Neruda wrote poems on all sorts of topics, appealing to people of all ages and interests: poems about love, on historical events, he wrote about native people, about nature and about simple things.

– Using turbochargers to increase performance was very appealing to the Japanese builders in the 1980s.

– However, he found campaigning, speech making, and legislative maneuvering, to be less appealing than the behind-the-scenes machinations that characterized so much of Boston politics in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries.

– When appealing to logos, an actor may cite facts or statistics to prove their points.

– Isagoras won the upper hand by appealing to the Spartan king Cleomenes I to help him expel Cleisthenes.

– It can come in a variety of different colors with different designs like cartoon characters to make it look more appealing to the baby.

– Based on the tastes of the era, the Nordic countries, which were appealing for their crispness, awareness of materials and practicality, set the example.

- Visual art can help make the gameplay of a video game more appealing to a player.

- In an attempt to make herring more appealing on the home market, companies tried to present it in a new way, creating herring fishsticks called “herring savouries” and were tested on the market against a bland control product of cod sticks, sold as “fish fingers.” Shoppers in Southampton and South Wales, showed an overwhelming preference for the cod.

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