“anxiety” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “anxiety”:

+ She found that playing in sports could help people with depression, anxiety and overcoming fears.

+ Very often, people with anxiety also feel worries.

+ Most people who have mood disorders also have other mental disorders, such as personality disorders and anxiety disorders.

+ Anxiety is progressive, when we think of negative thoughts, the anxiety becomes worse when we do not try to relax and it reaches to a point when we’re out of control.

+ Beck also developed Self-report inventoryself-report measures of depression and anxiety including Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck A.T.

+ Most people who have ADHD also have other mental disorders, most often oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, anxiety disorders.

+ The most common mood swings they have are between anger and anxiety and between depression and anxiety.

anxiety - some sentence examples
anxiety – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “anxiety”:

+ Still, rumination on its own, especially the brooding kind, has been shown to predict both having anxiety and getting it in the future.

+ These symptoms, more or less, define anxiety but they can also be signs of other problems, so the first port of call has to be a doctor or other health care professional.

+ Still, rumination on its own, especially the brooding kind, has been shown to predict both having anxiety and getting it in the future.

+ These symptoms, more or less, define anxiety but they can also be signs of other problems, so the first port of call has to be a doctor or other health care professional.

+ Instead, the disorders once classified as neuroses are now considered anxiety disorders.

+ She was sick with some health problems, like Depression depression and anxiety disorders.

+ Bergman suffered from bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder which she hid from her family and friends.

+ Intrusive thoughts are most common in obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is when someone with OCD gets intrusive thoughts that give them extreme anxiety and cause them to do the same ritual over and over again because they feel like bad things will happen if they don’t do it.

+ Symptoms of anxiety attacks are things like; sweating, shaking and tremors, palpitations, shortness of breath, hyperventilating, racing heart beat, tingling in hands and feet, feeling of impending doom, feeling you are having a heart attack.

+ It is an emotion of fear or anxiety anxiety “Latinate equivalent.

+ In 2006, he left the team during spring training because of depression and social anxiety disorder.

+ This relationship is thought to explain the part of the link between anxiety and rumination.

+ The song is about experiencing anxiety and panic attacks and that one just needs to breathe through the process.

+ Mental conditions that often come with narcissistic personality disorder, such as Depression depression or anxiety disorder can be treated, but there is no evidence that medicine can treat narcissistic symptoms.

+ Generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder in adults: management in primary, secondary and community care.

+ SSRIs work well for generalized anxiety disorder.

+ Rumination is in many ways similar and related to worry, which is central to anxiety disorders.

+ Quetiapine depression, though it is used off-label for anxiety problems, Tourette syndrome and autism issues.

+ These are therapies to help people ‘manage’ or ‘cope’ with their anxiety and / or anxiety attacks.

+ MAOIs and RIMAs are used to provide a second line of treatment for certain Psychiatrypsychiatric illnesses, most commonly types of hard to treat depression with not normal symptoms and anxiety disorders.

More in-sentence examples of “anxiety”:

+ So are the other problems SSRIs treat, like anxiety disorders.

+ There are various manners for treating anxiety disorders.

+ So are the other problems SSRIs treat, like anxiety disorders.

+ There are various manners for treating anxiety disorders.

+ The effects of these experiments were often harmful to the subjects, even years later, because of the intense anxiety or fear caused when someone unknowingly takes a drug like LSD.

+ Nearly all people with BPD comorbidityalso have other mental health problems, such as: mood disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and other personality disorders including Haltlose personality disorder.

+ Currently, LSD is being investigated as a clinical tool for treating people with anxiety and depression associated with having a terminal illness.

+ The state of anxiety can be calmed with the devotion of the Rosary that allows the person to pray and meditate with a great sense of peace.

+ The first section is about his life, his work as a psychologist, his research with Timothy Leary into Psychedelics at Harvard, and his anxiety when this research does not help him with his spiritual questions.

+ When anxiety occurs, the mind’s first response is to seek rational ways of escaping the situation by increasing problem-solving efforts, and a range of defense mechanisms may be triggered.

+ Neurotic anxiety comes from an unconscious fear that the basic impulses of the id will take control of the person, leading to eventual punishment from expressing the id’s desires.

+ General anxiety symptoms are things such as; continual tiredness / exhaustion, inability to relax, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, fear of public places, fear of socializing, frequent feelings of irrational anxiety / fear, compulsive behavior, worrying about making mistakes, regular nightmares, disturbed sleep patterns, excessive crying, headaches, stomach problems, diarrhea, nausea, aching muscles, and so on.

+ Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder involving panic attacks.

+ It was written that “vague anxiety about my future.” in his suicide note.

+ Even though this theory is most focused on how rumination influences depression, research on rumination also explains how it relates to other mental troubles too, like Anxiety disorderanxiety, eating disorders.

+ As the standards placed by others are felt as too much, it may often lead to anger, anxiety and depression.

+ Stress from life events, including past abuse, being intimidated or health worries, can trigger anxiety problems for many people.

+ Negativity, depression and anxiety are common in both neuroticism and imposter phenomenon.

+ If they cannot avoid that thing, they will suffer from very strong anxiety which can damage their social relationships, their ability to work, and other areas of their everyday life.

+ Other anxiety disorders include agoraphobia and panic disorder.

+ They are good at treating Depression atypical depression, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety disorders, social phobia and have also shown to help people to stop smoking tobacco.

+ When the distortion of reality occurs, there is a change in perception which allows for a lessening in anxiety resulting in a reduction of tension one experiences.

+ Opeth’s tour manager distributed 6,000 tickets for the concert, but before the band left for Jordan, Lopez called Åkerfeldt saying he was having an anxiety attack and could not perform, forcing the band to cancel the show.

+ It is also prescribed for obsessive–compulsive, panic, and social anxiety disorders in both adults and children.

+ Some people suffer a lot of anxiety over a long period of time which controls them and makes their lives difficult.

+ It is used as a drug to help treat Depression depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder and other mental illnesses.

+ Certain forms of therapy have also been used to treat anxiety disorders.

+ These fears would only be called phobias if they caused problems in the child’s daily life, or if they caused the child to suffer from severe anxiety or emotional distress.

+ They are used to treat Depression depression, anxiety disorders, and some other problems.

+ Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Benzodiazepines are also used to treat people suffering from GAD.

+ Some people with mental health problems, like anxiety or PTSD, use different kinds of animals to give them comfort when they are upset.

+ They make medications for bipolar disorder, clinical depression, generalized anxiety and others.

+ In early 2004, Lopez was sent home from Canada after more anxiety attacks on tour.

+ It may also have potential to help people diagnosed with cancer manage their anxiety about death.

+ It is legal in many places and is used in the management and treatment of chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, anxiety disorder, depression, diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, seizures, and in conjunction with allopathic approaches to diseases including cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

+ It is felt as anxiety or concern about a real or imagined issue.

+ As her popularity and stardom increased, her drug habits and anxiety got more and more out of control.

+ This belief leads to more anxiety and tension.

+ Moral anxiety comes from the superego.

+ These conditions are called anxiety disorders and can be treated by therapy and medicine.

+ In psychology, phobia is considered an anxiety disorder.

+ An antidepressant is a type of medication that is used to treat people with mood disorders including depression and also to treat people with anxiety disorders.

+ Anxiety conditions include phobia, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.

+ Places that make them feel unsafe and increase their feelings of anxiety and panic.

+ Reality anxiety is the most basic form of anxiety and is based on the ego.

+ Scientists saw that people who ate a Mediterranean diet had less anxiety and depression.

+ In recent years the prognosis for CP/CPPS has improved greatly with the advent of multimodal treatment, phytotherapy and protocols aimed at quieting the pelvic nerves through myofascial trigger point release and anxiety control.

+ This disorder is where the person worries about things a lot, which makes them have anxiety about things in their life, for example, about their body, as in BDD.

+ This forms the current theory that negative feelings such as depression and anxiety are triggered by thoughts.

+ These can stem from feelings of anxiety and a general lack of emotional control during the first few days of withdrawing, which results in swaying back and forth between anger and euphoria.

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