“antiquity” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “antiquity”:

+ The museum has art from Classical Antiquityclassical antiquity and European artists, and a large collection of American and modern art.

+ In 1864 Wallace published a paper, “The origin of human races and the antiquity of Man deduced from the theory of natural selection”, applying the theory to human beings.

+ After a long study and research work, in May 2015 he published “Tutta un’altra Storia”: a book about the history of homosexuality from antiquity to the second post-war period in which, for the first time in the history of Italy, topics relating to the daily life of gay life over the centuries are fathomed.

+ The Byzantine Greeks were the Greek people of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

+ The term “treasury” was first used in classical antiquity to describe the places built for gifts to the gods.

+ The warded lock was also present from antiquity and remains the most recognizable lock and key design in the Western world.

+ Bloodletting was the most common medicinemedical practice performed by physicians from antiquity until the late 19th century, a span of almost 2,000 years.

+ Silphium was a plant that was used in classical antiquity as a seasoning and as a medicine.

antiquity - some sentence examples
antiquity – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “antiquity”:

+ The warded lock also comes from antiquity and is still the most recognizable lock and key type.

+ The history of fortified buildings reaches from antiquity to modern times.

+ A forum in antiquity was a geographical area in which were the main buildings of power, as well as the large square on which the population met.

+ The only other astronomer from antiquity known by name who supported Aristarchus’ heliocentric model was Seleucus of Seleucia.

+ Montsoreau was identified under the name “Restis” at the end of classical antiquity as a port on the Loire at the confluence of the Loire and the Vienne.

+ The Dark Ages are given this name because Europe was in disarray in comparison to the orderliness of classical antiquity and life was short and poor.

+ During Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, the people of Caledonia were the Picts.

+ The practice was widely used in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

+ In Western Europe, this is the end of Antiquity and the start of the Early Middle Ages.

+ The Swat Valley, known in antiquity as Uddiyana, was a kingdom tributary to Gandhara.

+ A celestial globe from Classical Antiquity is in the Naples National Archaeological Museum, Italy.

+ Classical antiquity is the period in which Greek languageGreek and Roman literature flourished.

+ Other works he wrote include “Against Herodotus”, “The Sacred Book”, “On Antiquity and Religion”, “On Festivals”, “On the Preparation of Kyphi”, and the “Digest of Physics”.

+ The Phrygian cap or liberty cap is a soft hatcap, in the shape of a cone, with the apex bent over, which people in antiquity thought had to do with many different peoples in Eastern Europe and Anatolia, including Phrygia, Dacia, and the Balkans.

+ In antiquity this form of “hard Primitivism”, whether viewed as desirable or seen as something to escape, co-existed in rhetorical opposition to the “soft Primitivism” of visions of a lost Golden Age of ease and plenty.

+ In American Antiquity 31 Part 1: 203-210.

+ The warded lock also comes from antiquity and is still the most recognizable lock and key type.

+ The history of fortified buildings reaches from antiquity to modern times.

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