“anterior” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “anterior”:

– Frontal bossing is usually seen in a few rare medical syndromes such as acromegaly – a chronic medical disorder in which the anterior pituitary gland makes to much growth hormone.

– Each cell is around 10-50 μm in size and flattened in shape, with an anterior groove or pocket.

– Shortly after he debuted in FCW, he tore both his anterior cruciate ligament and his meniscus and spent six months rehabilitating.

– At the anterior end, the tube opens into a small cavity close to the brain, and then to the outside through a pore at the anterior tip of the animal.

– The nervous system is a ventral nerve cord, with one ganglion in each segment, and an anterior nerve ring surrounding the pharynx.

anterior example in sentences
anterior example in sentences

Example sentences of “anterior”:

- The pituitary gland consists of two parts: the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary.

- The average earthworm is a reddish brown color, with a pointed posterior and anterior end.

– The pituitary gland consists of two parts: the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary.

– The average earthworm is a reddish brown color, with a pointed posterior and anterior end.

– The gharial’s lower anterior margin of orbit is raised and its mandibular symphysis is extremely long, extending to the 23rd or 24th tooth.

– The most anterior parts of a fish’s brain are the olfactory bulbs.

– However he injured his anterior cruciate ligament in March 2005.

– Endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary are controlled by regulatory hormones released by neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus.

– When stimulating the anterior part, he could induce fall of blood pressure, slowing of breathing and responses such as wanting food, wanting water, needing to pee and needing to poop.

– Aggressive behaviour is associated with sex hormones, such as testosterone, and specific brain regions and systems such as the medial preoptic nucleus, prefrontal cortex-dependent response inhibition, and anterior hypothalamus.

– The body is horn-shaped, with a ring of prominent cilia around the anterior “bell” that sweeps in food and helps swimming.

– Conches have long eye stalks, a long and narrow aperture, and a siphonal canal with an indentation near the anterior end.

– On February 25, 2018 he suffered a non-fatal “massive heart attack” with 100% blockage of the left anterior descending artery.

– GnRH is responsible for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary.

– He could induce different types of responses in the anterior hypothalamus compared to stimulating the posterior ventromedial hypothalamus.

– Vietnam was ever called Văn Lang during the Hùng Vương Dynasty, Âu Lạc when An Dương VươngAn Dương was king, Nam Việt during the Triệu Dynasty, Van Xuan during the Anterior Lý Dynasty, Đại Cồ Việt during the Đinh dynasty and Early Lê dynasty.

– The gut is U-shaped with the anterior mouth at the center of the lophophore.

– He missed most of the 2011–12 season because of a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

– On January 22, 2010, Denny Hamlin tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee while playing basketball.

– The anterior commissure serves as the main cross-hemisphere communication in marsupials.

– They have no true head, although the anterior end is often slightly wider than the body.

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