“antennae” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “antennae”:

+ The antennae of bugs usually have five segments.

+ Most butterflies have thin slender filamentous antennae which are club shaped at the end.

+ Some are difficult to tell from long-horned beetles antennae “not” arising from frontal tubercles.

+ Of course, this rule does is “not” perfect – for instance, even though grasshoppers “usually” have short, thick antennae, the long-horned grasshopper has long, thin antennae like a cricket.

+ They have a frenulum to link the wings, and the antennae of the males are often feathered.

+ Unlike damselflies, however, ant-lion antennae are prominent and clubbed at the end.

+ Some moths have antennae that look like feathers.

+ Their antennae may be longer than their own body length, those of the grasshoppers are always relatively short.

antennae use in sentences
antennae use in sentences

Example sentences of “antennae”:

+ The Antennae galaxies are made up of two galaxies that are colliding, NGC 4038 and NGC 4039.

+ Arachnids have no antennae or wings.

+ Males differ from females by having the second antennae enlarged, and modified into clasping organs used in mating.

+ Thirdly, their antennae is different.

+ Their antennae are attached to their head.

+ Earwigs use their antennae for smelling and feeling.

+ The Antennae galaxies are two colliding galaxies.

+ In insects, smells are sensed by sensillum on the antennae and first processed by the antennal lobe.

+ Beetle antennae do not all look the same.

+ Potential predators may be deterred from eating spiny lobsters by a loud screech made by the antennae of the spiny lobsters rubbing against a smooth part of the exoskeleton.

+ But unlike the Antennae galaxiesAntennae or the Mice galaxies, they are still two separate spiral galaxies.

+ Skippers used to be classified in their own superfamily, Hesperioidea, because they have their antenna antennae clubs hooked backward like a crochet while the other butterflies have club-like tips to their antennae.

+ The Antennae galaxies are made up of two galaxies that are colliding, NGC 4038 and NGC 4039.

+ Arachnids have no antennae or wings.
+ Males differ from females by having the second antennae enlarged, and modified into clasping organs used in mating.

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