“amenities” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “amenities”:

– General Santos City celebrates the “Kalilangan Festival” every month of February “Kalilangan” It is a social gathering marked by exchanging of amenities among traditional leaders, elders, allies, and subordinates in varying tones, The Tuna Festival is also celebrates in Month 5th of September, mean named “Tuna Capital of the Philippines, The Pacquiao Mansion is one of the place often visit in this city.

– Arimalam Town Panchayat has total administration over 2,184 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

– The quarter is one of the most beautiful in Oradea, and has most of the facilities and amenities of the city.

– By the beginning of the 16th century, manor houses as well as small castles began to acquire the character and amenities of the residences of country gentlemen.

– In Bhatgaon, Male literacy is around 86.80% while female literacy rate is 65.46%.Bhatgaon Nagar Panchayat has total administration over 2,224 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage.

– It emphasised a “star” of boulevards, with public amenities downtown, an industrial district and sanitation.

amenities how to use?
amenities how to use?

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