“all the way” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “all the way”:

– In 1831 he walked all the way from the north of Italy to Rome and back.

– Each wheel also has a flange, which sticks out from one edge all the way around.

– Beryl caused inland flooding as it moved through Georgia, across the Carolinas, and all the way to Connecticut where it was absorbed by a frontal system.

– The winner of one game is the first to get all pieces all the way around, and off, the board.

– They also run all the way down to Bellingham, Washington sometimes.

– The most common have four or five but they can range all the way up to 6 per resistor.

all the way in-sentences
all the way in-sentences

Example sentences of “all the way”:

- In an "incomplete" fracture, the bone is not broken all the way through.

- Bamberg has a problem with road traffic because, although there is a bypass, it cannot go all the way round the town because of the hills.

– In an “incomplete” fracture, the bone is not broken all the way through.

– Bamberg has a problem with road traffic because, although there is a bypass, it cannot go all the way round the town because of the hills.

– The Earth goes all the way around the Sun in about 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds.

– Sometimes, an orbit level is not filled all the way and can only be filled with electrons from another element with a smaller number of electrons in a higher level.

– The Waddenzee runs all the way from Den Helder in the Netherlands to Esbjerg in Denmark.

– At the height of his power in 1810, Napoleon had controlled France, Spain, northern Italy, Germany, all the way to Russia.

– By the time the air has passed all the way through the inlet, it is traveling slower than Mach 1.

– I threw the guitar on my bed and walked out in a huff, but the next day I came back, picked it up and played it all the way through note-for-note! Once I got going, I started getting into bass-lines with a bit more subtlety to them…”.

– They chased them all the way to Dunbar, but Edward escaped back to England.

– Boats can now travel from Rotterdam in the Netherlands all the way to the Black Sea.

– The aim was to complete the work all the way to Bristol by 2016.

– There was music all the way through.

– A strange story is told about the work of this bird, and that is that this bird brings its father’s body, which is covered with a kind of fragrant plant gum, all the way from the Arab land to the Temple of the Sun and buries it there.

– Based at Sasaram which is now a town in the district of the same name in central-western Bihar, this jagirdar of the Mughal King Babur was successful in defeating Humayun, the son of Babur, twice – once at Chausa and then, again, at Kannauj Through his conquest Sher Shah became the ruler of a territory that, again, extended all the way to the Punjab.

– The child climbs up a ladder or some stairs, then sits down at the top and slides all the way down.

– Its front feet have some webbing but are not webbed all the way to the ends of the toes.

– This makes it easier to find the instruments than if they had been drawn all the way down the page.

– There are at least two dozen instances this past week, although going back I found similar edits all the way in 2018.

More in-sentence examples of “all the way”:

- It has a very long history set all the way back to the 1800s.

- Berlioz was more interested in the "idée fixe" which keeps haunting the young artist all the way through.

– It has a very long history set all the way back to the 1800s.

– Berlioz was more interested in the “idée fixe” which keeps haunting the young artist all the way through.

– It has a coastline stretching all the way up.

– If the shooter makes it all the way around the field without missing a bird, a second low single is shot on station 8, totaling a perfect 25.

– This made it so the ski pole would not go all the way down to the ground.

– Because the river is tidal from Teddington weir all the way through London, “this is only a problem at high tide”, which prevents the floodwater from escaping out to sea.

– Ahab rushed into his chariot and raced home, but the “Power of the Lord came upon Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel”.

– Mayfair was bordered by Hyde Park, LondonHyde Park to the west, Oxford Street to the north, Piccadilly to the south and Bond Street to the east, although the eastern boundary has been made longer recently, so now it goes all the way to Regent Street.

– It ran from October 1, 2009, including four games in Europe on October 2 and 3—until April 11, 2010, with the 2010 Stanley Cup playoffs currently being played, all the way up to early June 2010.

– In humans, the bones of each toe continue all the way to the heel, although in from the base of the toes they come together in the body of the foot.

– Like the phones, there are different models of Galaxy tablets, which can have screen sizes from 7 inches all the way up to 12 inches.

– Purbeck marble is found at outcrop, or beneath superficial cover, all the way across the Isle of Purbeck.

– This set had five CDs and compiled tracks spanning all the way back to the album “Little Earthquakes”.

– For aesthetic reasons however, developers went with a larger bowl all the way around.

– Since the water does not usually go all the way up through the sand, the sand above does not appear to move at all, and can support leaves and other small debris.

– That belief stems all the way back to ancient civilizations.

– They are notable as they are one of the few remaining independent watch companies in Switzerland and have a history all the way back to 1924.

– During cell division, enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue their work all the way to the end of chromosomes.

– Schalke 04 made it all the way to the Quarter-Finals in the 2011-12 UEFA Europa League.

– Like, but traverses all the way to the root node of the tree and returns it.

– The Maya civilization spread all the way from central Mexico to Honduras, Guatemala, and northern El Salvador.

– When it moves all the way around the clock, the minute hand moves forward one space.

– The lowest is corporal but players can progress all the way up to general.

– Just a thought, but perhaps we should clear user warnings that are over a year old and effectively stale, especially with dynamic IP ranges? Some IP talk pages are getting quite long with warnings dating back to 2006, and i’m not entirely sure vandals will scroll all the way to the bottom of the page if they “have new messages”.

– It lives in Pakistan, Kashmir, northern India, Nepal, Bangladesh, southwestern Yunnan Province in China, all the way to western Thailand.

– An old lady who had walked behind the box all the way from Regent’s Park brought Jumbo some beer.

– The opponent throws the leg away from them self and the wrestler continues to spin all the way out with their leg still extended to hit a leg lariat.

– When Schumann had a nervous breakdown, Brahms went all the way to Düsseldorf to see him.

– It carries the weight of a house from the roof and upper floors, all the way to the foundation.

– But, it probably lies between 1 in every 250, all the way up to 1 in every 10,000.

– Birds from the Amazon all the way to the Antarctic Coast are displayed.

– There are also windows going all the way from the floor to the ceiling in all three stories of the tower.

– The positions of the Allied armies stretched from southern France all the way north to the Netherlands.

– During her tenure as a stand-up comic, which lasted all the way to the 1990s, she was often called “The Queen of Comedy”, or “The Black Queen of Comedy”.

– They can be a very pale pink all the way to dark brown.

– Speakers of Algonquian languages stretch from the east coast of North America all the way to the Rocky Mountains.

– Appealing all the way to the US Supreme Court, his conviction was vacated and the fine returned to him.

– It caused a flood to rush all the way West to the Pacific Ocean near Ventura.

– These powers were common among the pagan god kings in pantheons ranging from the Finnish Ukko, to the Scandinavian/Germanic/Saxon Odin, all the way east to Zeus of the Greeks and Jupiter of the Romans.

– In a “complete” fracture, the bone is broken all the way through.

– The sleeves are shorter, and are attached almost all the way down to the body.

– The children sat on the stone steps of their house doors all the way up and down Chestnut Street in Boston, waiting for the carrier.

– If they have babies in the burrow they may hold it in their mouth all the way back to them.

– Since it was created all the way back in 2008, and was probably based on the enwiki version, I can’t accurately verify where the material originally comes from.

– The case went all the way to the Supreme Court.

– After he had graduated he packed all his belongings into his Volkswagen and drove all the way across the United States to California where he got a job as a forklift operator.

– He explored North Carolina all the way down to Florida.

– The music of the opera is excellent all the way through.

– Step on the pedal all the way to the left, move the throttle lever to “give it the gas” and gently move the floor lever forward.

– It takes eighteen months for Phoebe to go all the way around Saturn.

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