“all that” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “all that”:

– Euclid collected together all that was known of geometry, which is part of mathematics.

– Since my closure of this RFB was objected to on my talk page and the bit was requested to be removed and has been, I request an uninvolved bureaucrat to review the RFB and reclose it as they see fit taking into account all that has been said by all parties.

– The state that was once so well noted for its religious and ethnic toleration, ruled by a highly cultured and intellectually brilliant elite who maintained all that was best in the old Mughal order, was now no more.

– Jaypaw meets the Tribe of Endless Hunting, the tribe’s ancestors, and realizes that the tribe is not all that different.

– She comes, “with a very great caravan – with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones – she came to Solomon and talked with him about all that she had on her mind”.

– Being wounded was all that saved him from a court-martial.

– After the fugue state comes to an end, the person recovers the memories they lost, but usually forgets all that happened during the fugue.

all that in sentences?
all that in sentences?

Example sentences of “all that”:

- Q: Would you be interested in any of the following options? Select all that apply.

- Now all that lies there is The Bridge of Remembrance commemorating war dead stands at the western end of the mall.

– Q: Would you be interested in any of the following options? Select all that apply.

– Now all that lies there is The Bridge of Remembrance commemorating war dead stands at the western end of the mall.

– For the other sections it shows the full new text as if all that text was added.

– He thinks about all that he will lose.

– After all that happened, God talked to another spiritual leader in Judaism to help Abraham and his followers get back to Canaan, which he eventually did.

– I can keep doing what I do with or without the mop – so there’s no big deal regardless of how this goes – and, again, I won’t be actively seeking or thinking about adminship if this request fails, as it really doesn’t mean all that much to me – it’s a few extra buttons at the end of the day.

– The 90’s are All That gets it name from the children’s comedy series All That.

– A web browser is all that is needed to access the site and the 3D information; no viewers need be installed.

– He bought all that remained in captivity in Europe and brought them to Woburn Abbey, England.

– Most people think that the author of Acts also wrote the Gospel of Luke, as Acts 1:1 refers to ‘the former treatise have I made, Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach’.

– He stopped all that challenged him by scaring them.

– To avoid being eaten himself, RJ promises Vincent that he will completely replace all that food within the week.

– Simplicity is also important — “transportation” is less ambiguous, but I really doubt it’s used all that much outside North America.

More in-sentence examples of “all that”:

– A WikiProject one, I’ve been inviting people without a template and it’s getting annoying having to type all that “Hi, I’ve noticed that you’ve edited and I want to invite you to “.

– Many of them are not all that difficult to play.

– His pension was resumed 3 years after that, but all that money was used up for paying old debts.

– However, many scientists now believe that the cosmological constant is needed to fit in all that we now know about the universe.

– Other characters feel that money is all that matters.

– With all that work it is surprising that he had time to compose.

– There are also books that give all that information as well.

– As the main writer of these articles, I would like to say to you all that I am proud to say that we have written 25% or a quarter of all the Romanian River articles that need writing.

– Jogging is a very cheap way of keeping fit, because all that is needed is a good pair of running shoes.

– I haven’t seen the SikurMemukad.co.il website before; it doesn’t seem to be unreliable, but the article itself admits that all that this site had about this man is one interview.

– When the fires died out all that remained of Forsyth was the burned-out shell of the big brick courthouse.

– Proving that four colors are all that is needed turned out to be much more difficult.

– The design was called a “”unitary circuit”.” All that detail paid off because on April 25, 1961, the patent office awarded the first patent for an integrated circuit to Robert Noyce while Kilby’s application was still being analyzed.

– England was a very musical country at the time, but almost all that music was destroyed between 1536 and 1540 during the Dissolution of the Monasteries when Henry VIII was ruling.

– A time lapse is then shown of “Mapusaurus”, “Skorpiovenator” and Chaoyangopterid pterosaurs feeding on the carcass until the bones are all that is left.

– I slept through my watch!” Falling out of bed and through his tree house door, Donkey Kong slid down the tree house ladder without using any of the rungs, and assumed his characteristic fighting pose, with sun-blinded, squinting eyes! One swift blow was all that was needed to leave him sprawled on the floor, face down! he groggily rolled over to see the familiar wrinkled, white-bearded, grouchy face of his old granddad “Cranky Kong” peering down at him.

– IGN and Variety MagazineVariety in particular had strong praise for the pilot movie, “Spark of Rebellion”, but their only real criticism was the appearance of the Wookiees in the film, being cited as not all that impressive compared to the rest of the animation.

– An old and twisted apple tree was found growing by the side of “Plas Bach.” It is believed to be all that is left of an orchard planted by the monks who lived there a thousand years ago.

– Shortly after he died, all that was left were parts of Southern Italy, and Sicily.

– The RNA genes surviving today might be all that remain of this early condition.

– For most Condorcet methods, the pairwise counts are all that is necessary to figure out who won, who came in 2nd place, etc.

– This time we are also taking students with a good command of english and have stringent protocols to monitor and manage each and every edit they make before it reaches main space, what else can be done is all that I ask? Again I draw reference to point 4: in my statement: Sandboxes.

– In terms of spiritual development, Karma is about all that a person has done, is doing and will do.

– Euclid collected together all that was known of geometry in his time.

– According to records, they walked all that afternoon and were wet, and at night it got very cold.

– At 55 inches high, the crane does not make easy prey, for all that it stands out in its natural habitat of marshes and swamps.

– The full, detailed content of that footnote text is not at the top of the article but, instead, is coded within the section named “Notes”, thus shifting all that text into the Notes section, and deferring details away from the main text of an article.

– The “neurofibrillary tangles” are made up of “tau” protein and are all that remain of a now dead neuron.

– Some notable people who attended séances and believed in all that include the United States President Abraham Lincoln, and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln; the social reformer Robert Owen; the journalist and pacifist William Thomas Stead, and more.

– Aisha spent the next nine years of her life with Muhammad, she remembered all that she saw and heard with great clarity, and reported a great deal of Muhammad’s narrations.

– Today all that is left are stone ruins and the elevated railway water tank.

– These clumps, also known as ‘tau tangles’, are all that remain after a neuron has died.

– Definition: predestination is the divine foreordaining or foreknowledge of all that will happen.

– President Donald Trump said: “We all must be united condemn all that hate stands for.

– Maybe we just need to remember all that we have local oversights and that it’s important to inform them if there is something that should be removed.

– Thank-you, I hope you take on board all that I say, but i completely understand if you choose toignore what I have said because of my closeness to the situation.

– It is difficult to find out what Sabellianism really taught, because all that is left today are the texts of those who were against it.

– Generally, any two of the three starting laws are all that is needed in this type of derivation– all starting pairs lead to the same combined gas law.

– He thinks about all that happened.

– With all that the question remained, why farmers revolted against their own landlords but never joined to work together carefully.

– But when Kellaway unmasked The Mask and reveals once and for all that The Mask is Stanley Ipkiss, the angel counsel also has reveals a horrible secret about themselves as well.

– Now, all that the simple community will be expecting from the students are the same as from newbies and if 9 admins are unable to handle 50 students with the help of 1 CA per 5 students as well as an active OA.

– The chapel was demolished and all that remains is a basin for Holy Water, that was possibly made by Nicola.

– And, My edits are not directly from enWiki, well they are, but I do try to simplify them, i’m just not all that good at it.

– She is intelligent and her special skill is the ability to remember all that she has read.

– What I find amazing is that “your sister” not only did all of the above, but that she did all that and was editing from your house and from Ben’s, she also edited from both places at the same time and while she was playing around she made edits from your account seemingly from her computer.

- A WikiProject one, I've been inviting people without a template and it's getting annoying having to type all that "Hi, I've noticed that you've edited and I want to invite you to ".

- Many of them are not all that difficult to play.

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