“alkaline” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “alkaline”:

+ They are the dominant members of most terrestrial neutral to alkaline hot springs above 60 degrees Celsius.

+ In neutral or slightly alkaline water form is carbonate.

+ Some of them can also survive in highly salty, acidic or alkaline water.

+ Gerard said to “Rolling Stone”, “We love bands like Queen Queen, where it’s huge and majestic, but also bands like Black Flag and Bauhaus, Ministry, Nirvana, Queen, AFI, Cursive, and Alkaline Trio.

+ The evidence suggests that there were large changes around Lake Texcoco in terms of the balance between water and land plants, C3 and C4 plants, saline, alkaline and freshwater conditions, volcanic activity, reworking of lake sediments, and input from the drainage basin throughout the late Pleistocene and late Holocene.

+ AA, AAA, C, and D cells, including alkaline batteries, are of standard sizes and shapes, and have about 1.5 volts.

+ It is an almost pure-white alkaline earth metal, but when it is exposed to oxygen, it turns black quickly.

alkaline in sentences?
alkaline in sentences?

Example sentences of “alkaline”:

+ The alkaline earth metals are: beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium.

+ They are harder and less reactive than the alkaline earth metals.

+ It has more power than batteries with zinc, like alkaline cells.

+ The dianion S exists only in strongly alkaline aqueous solutions.

+ The Ebers papyrus suggests that ancient Egyptians bathed often and had animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts to make a soap-like substance.

+ Many can survive at very high or very low temperatures, or highly salty, acidic or alkaline water.

+ They are typically alkaline and tepid.

+ Potassium hydroxide is used in the electrolyte of alkaline cells.

+ An alkaline battery is a primary cell.

+ Wolfe-Simon cultured the organisms from this hyperSalinitysaline and highly alkaline environment.

+ Like the alkali metals, the alkaline earth metals are silvery, shiny and relatively soft.

+ In chemistry it is placed in a group of metal elements named the alkaline earth metals.

+ Duracell, Rayovac, and Energizer are common brands of alkaline batteries.

+ Manganese compounds, particularly manganese oxide, are used in alkaline cells and Leclanche cells.

+ The alkaline earth metals are: beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium.

+ They are harder and less reactive than the alkaline earth metals.
+ It has more power than batteries with zinc, like alkaline cells.

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