“alcohol” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “alcohol”:

+ An alcoholic feels like they need alcohol to live.

+ At the time, one of the most common tools used to test for alcohol problems was the CAGE questionnaire.

+ Drinking alcohol damages the liver.

+ Crown Royal is 40% alcohol by volume, 80 proof.

+ Chemists use a solvent such as ether or alcohol in the extractor.

+ Some smaller jurisdictions also exist, such as cities, towns, and townships, which don’t allow alcohol to be sold.

alcohol how to use in sentences
alcohol how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “alcohol”:

+ For some people, the acute phase of alcohol withdrawal can last longer than usual.

+ Most British cafés however, do not sell alcohol likely due to the prominent pub culture.
+ This means that in 2012, about 3 out of every 50 deaths in the world were caused by alcohol use.

+ For some people, the acute phase of alcohol withdrawal can last longer than usual.

+ Most British cafés however, do not sell alcohol likely due to the prominent pub culture.

+ This means that in 2012, about 3 out of every 50 deaths in the world were caused by alcohol use.

+ The ATF actively prevents dangerous criminals and criminal organizations from illegally trafficking firearms and explosives, illegal storage of explosives, arson, bombings, and acts of arson, as well as stopping the illegal sale of alcohol and tobacco.

+ Beers on the other hand usually have 4–8% alcohol in them.

+ This made them hate alcohol for the rest of their lives.

+ Corn, wheat, barley, oats, rice and millet are cereals, common grains whose seeds are used for food and to make alcohol such as beer.

+ In Sydney at this time, alcohol was used as a form of money, which caused a lot of unrest among the settlers.

+ Gin is a type of alcoholic drink with a high amount of alcohol in it, usually about 35-50% alcohol by volume.

+ Almost all soy sauce has some alcohol added during bottling.

+ The year 1982 had 26,173 alcohol related deaths due to drunk driving.

+ They ask for side-dishes and bottles of alcohol to the owners of the stores, restaurants and bars.

More in-sentence examples of “alcohol”:

+ She died of accidental alcohol poisoning in 2011 after years of drug and alcohol addiction.

+ He wanted to control the amount of alcohol being brought to Australia by the military and sold at a profit.

+ People very commonly drink alcohol with meals.

+ He teaches a course that combines Physical Education, as well as Health education, which includes information on drugs, alcohol and tobacco, as well as anatomy and physiology.

+ I have a problem though, Christianity and alcohol and Prohibition Era do not really fit there.

+ After he was elected, he ordered the enforcement of a law against selling alcohol on Sundays — but only in immigrant neighborhoods.

+ The European Union member nations have broadly adopted the recommendation of the International Organization of Legal Metrology which measures percentage of alcohol by volume at 20°C.

+ The mixture is then dried until the alcohol is gone, leaving the active terpenoid and terpene compounds which can be used immediately or cooked into bricks.

+ Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of mental and physical problems that can happen when a mother drinks alcohol while she is pregnant.

+ To keep this from happening, people who have stopped drinking alcohol are often given thiamine and folic acid intravenously.

+ Later, he became more open and stated in interviews that in the 60s and 70s he had suffered from serious addictions which affected his career, and he credited his family, and a period of spiritual study while undergoing rehabilitation sessions, for helping him to overcome his drug and alcohol problems by the early 80s.

+ The alcohol functionality has a very distinct vibration called OH-stretch that is due to hydrogen bonding.

+ This has been used for a long time, to distill alcohol and produce alcoholic drinks.

+ Thousands of drinkers used the Underground system on the last evening on which alcohol was allowed to mark the event.

+ Scott died of alcohol poisoning in London on 19 February 1980.

+ In June 2012 she was charged with driving under alcohol or drugs when she was arrested in April.

+ This is an example of how differences in religion, culture, laws, and attitudes about drinking can affect the amount of alcohol use and alcoholism in different areas.

+ In beer, the alcohol is generally 3% to 12%.

+ They can be made by chemical reactionreacting a carboxylic acid with an alcohol with some acid.

+ In some of these countries, drinking alcohol is illegal.

+ Research has shown that the CRAFFT is a good test for alcohol and drug problems in teenagers.

+ Alcopops are very sweet, and usually do not contain much alcohol, but many governments make it illegal to buy them in certain places or at certain times because they have distilled alcohol mixed into them.

+ They may teach older children or “adolescents” about avoiding injury or addiction to alcohol and tobacco.

+ They are one of the biggest alcohol producers in South East Asia.

+ However the coroner’s official report stated that Jones had drowned and declared the incident a “death by misadventure.” The coroner noted that his liver and heart were greatly enlarged by his long-term drug and alcohol abuse.

+ This is why drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

+ By 2004, several alcohol companies had released sugar-free or “diet” alcoholic products too.

+ One problem with disulfiram is that it does not stop alcohol cravings.

+ When a person has alcohol poisoning, 9-1-1 or another local emergency telephone number should be called right away.

+ Distillation can be done anywhere, whether it’s in a house or a laboratory, but in most countries it is illegal to distill alcohol without a license.

+ Bartenders at nightclubs serve alcohol and mix drinks.

+ Flogging is used in Qatar as a punishment for alcohol consumption or illicit sexual relations.

+ King’s changes had also upset their money making schemes through the sale of alcohol and other goods.

+ Lucy was nicknamed “Lemonade Lucy.” She did not serve alcohol in the White House.

+ The alcohol content is 5.1%.

+ After a stroke brought on by a cocktail of drugs and alcohol in 1981, Paul III was rendered speechless, nearly blind and partially paralyzed for the rest of his life.

+ One of his jobs was to control the supply of alcohol into the young colony.

+ This person will learn to associate the drinking of alcohol with feeling ill.

+ It was about Colonel Potter, who came there as a patient who abused alcohol after he lost his hearing in the TV series.

+ The alcoholic also needs to give their body time to recover from not having alcohol any more.

+ His wife was becoming worried about how much alcohol he was drinking in Helsinki, so 1903 she persuaded him to move the family to a place called Ainola in the Finnish countryside.

+ Ozzy Osbourne was fired from the band in 1979 because of his drug and alcohol addiction.

+ Among Galen’s causes were head injuries, alcohol abuse, and life experiences.

+ Over time, this behavior can turn into a substance dependency or drug and alcohol addiction.

+ This process produces both ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.

+ Naltrexone does block alcohol cravings.

+ She died of accidental alcohol poisoning in 2011 after years of drug and alcohol addiction.

+ He wanted to control the amount of alcohol being brought to Australia by the military and sold at a profit.

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