“afrikaans” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “afrikaans”:

– Many Black people did not like Afrikaans because it was the language of the apartheid government and the language of their oppressors.

– Mudge is the founder of Namibia’s Afrikaans daily “Die Republikein” and its publisher Namibia Media Holdings.

– He recorded over 27 albums in English languageEnglish, Zulu and Afrikaans over a span of 12 years.

– Most Coloured speak Afrikaans as their first language, although there are some native English speakers.

– The Afrikaans Language Monument is the only monument in the world dedicated to a language.

– English and Afrikaans is common in all the provinces as English is a medium of instruction.

– Later, Afrikaans was sometimes called “African Dutch” or “Kitchen Dutch”.

afrikaans how to use?
afrikaans how to use?

Example sentences of “afrikaans”:

– The word “apartheid” means “distantiation” in the Afrikaans language.

– Urban blacks normally speak English or Afrikaans in addition to their native tongue.

– Completed in 1975, it was built to celebrate the 100 years birthday of Afrikaans being declared as a different language from Dutch.

– They show the influences of different languages and cultures on Afrikaans itself.

– Most rich South Africans speak Afrikaans and English.

– A sizeable minority of those who spoke Afrikaans as a first language were not white.

– A different form of the word “geck” is still used in Dutch languageDutch and Afrikaans “gek”: crazy.

– On a large inscription at the entrance, two quotes from important Afrikaans poets are written.

– Its name means “earth wolf” in the Afrikaans / Dutch language.

– Heese says that until 1807, 36.8% of the ancestors of the White Afrikaans speaking population were Dutch, 35% were German, 14.6% were French and 7.2% non-white.

– The Anthiini can squirt their defensive secretions for considerable distances and are able to aim with a startling degree of accuracy; in Afrikaans they are known as ‘.

- The word "apartheid" means "distantiation” in the Afrikaans language.

- Urban blacks normally speak English or Afrikaans in addition to their native tongue.

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