“afghan” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “afghan”:

+ He worked as the Head of the Afghan group at UNESCO General Assembly in Beirut, Lebanon in 1948.

+ This stopped all communication among Afghan troops.

+ GulMarjan GulMarjan is an Afghan politician.

+ The Taliban is still fighting the Afghan and Pakistani governments in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan.

+ She formed the Afghan Youth Sports Exchange in the United States.

+ She started the Afghan Women Skills Development Center, a women’s shelter in Kabul.

+ Fatima Aziz was an Afghan physician and politician.

+ Even though both society and law try to stop homosexual activities, there is a form of bisexuality within mainstream Afghan culture.

afghan in sentences?
afghan in sentences?

Example sentences of “afghan”:

+ Imambara Zadibal caught fire again in June 1801, during Afghan rule in Kashmir, just before Ashura.

+ Many people who own Afghan Hounds say that they are “clownish” and silly, because they are very playful.

+ Mustafa Azadzoy is an Afghan footballer.

+ Following 9/11, Mazar Sharif was the first Afghan city to fall to the Northern Alliance.

+ He fought at the Third Battle of Panipat as part of the Afghan forces of Ahmad Shah Durrani.

+ In 2005, Peshawar district was home to 611,501 Afghan refugees — who made-up 19.7% of the district’s total population and 20% of all Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

+ Fences need to be very high to keep the Afghan Hound from escaping, because they can easily jump several meters in the air.

+ He united the different Afghan tribes and conquered what is now Afghanistan, Pakistan, eastern Iran and The Punjab in north western India.

+ Greene was killed after being shot by an Afghan solider while making a routine visit towards a training facility.

+ The Afghan National Anthem, known in Pashto as “Millî Surûd” in May 2006.

+ They liked the way the Afghan people were fighting them.

+ He was the first Afghan ruler to make the country more modern.

+ Thousands of American and other troops continued helping the Afghan government until December 31, 2016 when they were withdrawn.

+ Soon after coming to power Akbar defeated Himu, the general of the Afghan forces, in the Second Battle of Panipat.

+ Imambara Zadibal caught fire again in June 1801, during Afghan rule in Kashmir, just before Ashura.

+ Many people who own Afghan Hounds say that they are "clownish" and silly, because they are very playful.
+ Mustafa Azadzoy is an Afghan footballer.

More in-sentence examples of “afghan”:

+ In the conflict, the Taliban fight against the Afghan government and its allies.

+ She was shot while covering the Afghan presidential election, 2014presidential election, when an Afghan policeman opened fire at the car she was waiting in at a checkpoint, part of an election convoy.

+ Spear, Percival, ‘A History of India’ part 2 It was fought between the Afghan EmpireAfghan forces of Ahmad Shah Durrani along with his local Rohilla and other Pathan and Oudh allies, against the Maratha Empire.

+ He is the Acting Head of the Afghan Supreme Court.

+ In the early-18th century it became part of the Afghan Hotaki dynasty followed by the Durrani Empire.

+ In 2001, Akrami went to the Afghan Civil Society meeting in Bonn, Germany.

+ Sibghatullah Mojaddedi was a Afghan politician.

+ He brought 124 camels and Afghan people to breed camels at Beltana.

+ The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a war initially fought between the forces of the Afghanistan government and Afghan assistance fighters, supporter from abroad.

+ There are also NATO peacekeeping forces in and around the city providing assistance to the Afghan government.

+ In “The Intelligence of Dogs”, the Afghan Hound came in last place for “working intelligence.” This does not mean that the Afghan Hound is stupid; it means that it is easier to encourage other dogs to follow instructions than the Afghan Hound.

+ Zalmai Rassoul is an Afghan politician.

+ But after the death of Nader Shah, Ahmad Shah Durrani the Afghan in 1747 became the Padshah and most of the area was ceded to him along with Sindh by the weak Mughals, in order to save themselves from Afghan attack.

+ However, on 3 September 1879, Cavagnari and the other European members of the mission, along with their guards who were made up of soldiers of the Corps of Guides, were killed after Afghan troops mutinied against them.

+ Panni, 341 This name “Suba” was given by Afghan King Ahmed shah abdali know as i.e.

+ They are Tito the Chihuahua chihuahua, Einstein the Great Dane, Rita the Afghan Hound, and the Francis the Bulldog.

+ Jaora state was founded by ‘Abdu’l Ghafur Muhammad Khan, a Muslim of Afghan descent.

+ Many Afghan women work as politicians, some are ministers while at least one is a mayor.

+ Rohtas Fort is a garrison fort built by the great Afghan king Sher Shah Suri.

+ He was also the founder of the Afghan National Liberation Front.

+ In 1747, after Nader Shah of Persia was killed, a great leader named Ahmad Shah Durrani united all the different Muslim tribes and established the Afghan Empire.

+ Field Marshal Muhammad Qasim Fahim was an Afghan military commander, and politician.

+ On 29 July 2015, the Afghan government and state intelligence sources said that Omar had died in April 2013 two years previously in Karachi, Pakistan of tuberculosis.

+ Hamidullah Karimi, sometimes called “Hamidullah Nesar Ahmad”, is an Afghan football player.

+ Suhaila Siddiq was an Afghan politician.

+ In the conflict, the Taliban fight against the Afghan government and its allies.

+ She was shot while covering the Afghan presidential election, 2014presidential election, when an Afghan policeman opened fire at the car she was waiting in at a checkpoint, part of an election convoy.

+ Some Taliban sources denied that he had died; other sources considered the report to be speculative, designed to destabilise peace negotiations in Pakistan between the Afghan government and the Taliban.

+ Akrami worked with a group of women to start classes in English and computer literacy for Afghan women in refugee camps.

+ This was the foundation of the Afghan Durrani Empire which remained in power from 1747 until 1826.

+ Munir Mohamad Mangal was an Afghan general.

+ The Durand Line cuts through the Afghan tribal areas, politically dividing ethnic Pashtun peoplePashtuns and Baloch people who live on both sides.

+ In the long war, over one million Afghan civilians were killed.

+ After the Soviets left, different Afghan warlords began fighting for control of the country.

+ The Afghan Hound is tall and thin, with a long tail that curls and is held high up in the air.

+ The operation involved approximately 660 Soviet operators dressed in Afghan uniforms, including 50 KGB and GRU officers from the “Alpha Group” and “Zenith Group”.

+ When the U.S.-backed Afghan forces ousted the Taliban in late 2001, the level of violence increased.

+ Frogh helped start the Afghan organization “Research Institute for Women”.

+ According to this poll, 83 percent of the Afghan population does not consider the Taliban to be militants.

+ He participated actively in the Afghan resistance during Soviet Invasion.

+ The province is represented in Afghan domestic cricket competitions by the Badakhshan Province cricket team.

+ From the 16th to the early 18th century, Afghanistan was disputed between the Safavid dynastySafavids of Mughals of Lodi and Suri Afghan rulers in India.

+ Most of the land is barren, particularly the Iranian and Afghan side of the region.

+ For nearly a decade, anti-Communist Islamic forces known as “Mujahideen” were trained inside neighboring Pakistan to fight the Soviets and the Afghan government.

+ It was for the Afghan National Army.

+ In the War in Afghanistan afghan war Armée de l’Air and Marine Nationale used there Rafale like bombers and reconnaissance planes.

+ Quraishi got promotions for women in the Afghan National Police who were unfairly passed over for years.

+ Because of her job, she saw the difficult lives of the women in Afghan refugee camps.

+ The title ‘Sher Khan’ was impressed upon him after he wins against a lion while serving under Afghan noble Bahar Khan Lohani.

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