“affecting” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “affecting”:

+ Newspaper columnists are well known for their strip cartoons which can very often parody public opinion on major issues affecting society, such as the recent credit crunch.

+ But I am affecting them.

+ For interface messages, we saw the initiative affecting 42 languages.

+ There are four types of rosacea, three involving human skin and the fourth affecting eyes.

+ In that respect, thalassaemia resembles another genetic disorder affecting haemoglobin, sickle-cell disease.

affecting use in-sentences
affecting use in-sentences

Example sentences of “affecting”:

+ The main factors affecting the aerodynamics of a bullet in flight are the bullet’s shape and the rotation from the rifling of the gun barrel.

+ An example of apex predators affecting an ecosystem is in Yellowstone National Park.

+ The same storm that produced the Spencer, South Dakota tornado turned into a derecho affecting Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, and New York.

+ Dizziness is a common medical complaint, affecting 20-30% of persons.

+ The report of Hermann Bondi into the North Sea flood of 1953 affecting parts of the Thames Estuary and parts of London was what led to the building of the barrier.

+ As Ma-on was affecting Japan, the JTWC downgraded it to a tropical storm in the evening on July 19.

+ Hurricane Debby moved north-northeast, affecting Bermuda with tropical storm-force winds.

+ Design chemicals to have little or no toxicity, without affecting effectiveness.

+ For documentation messages, we saw the initiative affecting 24 languages.

+ The main factors affecting the aerodynamics of a bullet in flight are the bullet's shape and the rotation from the rifling of the gun barrel.

+ An example of apex predators affecting an ecosystem is in Yellowstone National Park.

+ The Folketing is where many political parties in Denmark meet to discuss important issues affecting Danish people, and to pass laws they agree on.

+ This is affecting the survival of the species.

+ Female voice over speculates on radiologic hazards affecting animals.

+ At the moment, the carbon cycle, and how human activity is affecting it, is a big topic in international news.

+ Promotion and defense of multilateralism and multilateral organizations as the appropriate frameworks to resolve, through dialogue and cooperation, the problems affecting humankind.

+ Nanotechnology has multidisciplinary character affecting multiple traditional technologies and different scientific disciplines.

More in-sentence examples of “affecting”:

+ Codependency can cause a person to have an overinflated belief that they alone are responsible for affecting the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and behaviours of those around them.

+ The group concentrates on issues affecting young people, including Social Security.

+ Codependency can cause a person to have an overinflated belief that they alone are responsible for affecting the beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and behaviours of those around them.

+ The group concentrates on issues affecting young people, including Social Security.

+ Because any text between “=” and the next “” is ignored, numbers and letters can be added without affecting output.

+ In the process, he recognized that ascertainment bias was affecting many of his calculations, and he produced methods to correct for it.

+ Fanconi syndrome is a disorder affecting the kidneys.

+ He was criticized by many for his “Stop And Frisk” policy, which has been criticized for disproportionately affecting Black and Hispanic men in New York City, as most of those stopped were not found to be guilty of any crime or wrongdoing.

+ Snowstorms affecting Northeastern United States often get their watermoisture from air moving north from the Gulf of Mexico and cold air from air masses coming down from the Arctic.

+ A number of security flaws affecting IE originated not in the browser itself, but ActiveX-based add-ons used by it.

+ From this survey, hallucinations affecting Olfactionsmell or taste seem the most common in the general population.

+ Enterobacteriaceae is a large family family of bacteria commonly affecting the stomach.

+ Different oligomers of various sizes are now floating around in the spaces between the neurons, which may be responsible for reacting with receptors on neighboring cells and synapses, affecting their ability to function.

+ On November 2, wind shear started affecting the storm, and all convection was gone by the next day, when it was located roughly 520mi off the coast of Oregon.

+ We cannot know for sure, though, that there is not something else affecting it.

+ It is possible that climate change is affecting their migration.

+ The idea that the processes affecting the earth today are the same as in the past is called uniformitarianism.

+ Humberto died on September 27, without affecting land.

+ The people and their leaders usually meet every eight days at the Eke Okwe market square to talk about matters affecting the community.

+ Some of the most common health problems are cancers affecting the adrenal glands, pancreas, and lymphatic system.

+ Later in the season, a hurricane hit Jamaica on October 12, affecting the island into the 14th.

+ In many different species of trees seed predation is considered a problem for the continued growth and reproduction of trees, in this case Rabbits are affecting the cork oak tree.

+ Climate also affects which organisms are present, affecting the soil chemically and physically.

+ Despite being critical of Malcolm Fraser whilst he was in office, Forrester later reflected that Fraser was one of the few Prime Ministers who sat down to talk with indigenous communities about issues affecting them.

+ Sometimes, a newer design will discontinue or alter the meaning of an instruction code, affecting code compatibility; even nearly completely compatible processors may show slightly different behavior for some instructions, but this is rarely a problem.

+ The California Independent System Operator Corp, or California ISO, declared an energy transmission emergency in southern California on October 23, due to wildfires affecting the lines.

+ Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting elderly men in developed countries and a major cause of death.

+ This is inline with the first part of its mission, which to help raise the level of public debate on issues affecting Wales, by placing quality information in the public domain.

+ The issues mattered to them, and were affecting people around the United States and the world.

+ Dry conditions continued into 1989 and 1990, affecting Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, Kansas and Missouri.

+ Also affecting convertibility is a series of customs regulations restricting the import and export of rupees.

+ There are two issues that could be affecting this.

+ The 1958 Atlantic hurricane season included every tropical cyclone either affecting or threatening land.

+ This disease was affecting many people among the Fore tribeSouth Fore people of New Guinea in the 1950s and 1960s.

+ During these years, Young was also entrusted with what he later called “enquiries concerning the activities of subversive persons and propaganda, and also with other matters affecting state security” – looking for spies.

+ Again in the same month, Khan reportedly found another major lock screen bypass Vulnerability vulnerability affecting only the Indian version of Glance, which allowed exfiltration of sensitive user data despite MIUI’s lock screen protection, which was eventually fixed by Xiaomi after several media reports.

+ The parody is an imitation of the original, but exaggerationexaggerating it, showing clichés which have been used, to make the original look ridiculous or to make a comment about an issue affecting society.

+ This value is much less sensitive to the factors affecting the surface gravity, mentioned above.

+ Hypoxia may be classified as either “generalized”, affecting the whole body, or “local”, affecting a region of the body.

+ In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.

+ The earliest symptoms may include twitching, cramping, or stiffness of muscles; muscle weakness affecting an arm or a leg; slurred and strange-sounding nasal speech; or having a difficult time chewing or swallowing.

+ The distribution of vaccines and other immune system affecting cures can be considered another level of acquired immune system, one governed by access to vaccination and medicine in general.

+ Each province is member to the League of Provinces of the Philippines, an organization which aims to address issues affecting provincial and metropolitan government administrations.

+ The traditional basis of life was challenged by these and other changes, affecting also the other major ethnic groups of the area, such as the Ezhavas and the Syrian Christians.

+ Global warming is currently affecting the Earth’s ice resources and its causes are also very complex.

+ They must have professional knowledge of issues affecting the physical comfort, safety and convenience of an interior’s occupants.

+ At around 5:00 pm on 2 September 1976, Mao suffered a heart attack, far more severe than his previous two and affecting a much larger area of his heart.

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