“according” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “according”:

– Viktor Yanukovych, along with Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko, became the biggest enemies of the Ukrainian press in 2012-2013, according to an annual survey by the Institute of Mass Media and the Independent Media Trade Union.

– Some 592 people were recorded killed during Hassan’s rule according to the truth commission.

– In 2010, the population was 10,038 according to the census.

– It is worth remembering that conspiracy theorists get paid by websites according to how many viewers they attract.

– There were 2,134 people living in the area according to the 2010 census.

– It was at this point, according to Bede, that Oswiu with a much smaller force attacked Penda’s army.

– A statistical parameter is different from its estimator in that the parameter is a fixed amount, while the value of an estimator changes according to some probability distribution.

– Sharia law is the main source of Qatari legislation according to Qatar’s Constitution.

according example in sentences
according example in sentences

Example sentences of “according”:

– The scarlet tiger moth uses both camouflage and warning colour according to its situation.

– They only have relative, subjective value according to viewpoint and circumstances.

– The standard hold for partners differs according to the type of dance.

– Plaintiffs as well as defendants sometimes do not present their issues according to these due process premises.

– The total population of Turkey is 79,749,461 according to the 2012 estimate.

– In his 1956 publication “Statistical methods and scientific inference”, he recommended that significant levels be set according to specific circumstances.

– The population of Neravy is 10890 according to 2001 Census of India.The male population is 5392 and female population is 5494.The literacy rate of the town is 81.19%.

– In 2019, Sohu ranked as the 7th most visited site in the world according to the Alexa internet ranking site.

– South Korea will overtake Canada by 2025 and Italy by 2035 according to their paper “The N-11: More Than an Acronym”.

– Important days fall in different times of a year according to Meitei calendar.

– About 2 million people visit each year, according to the “Washington Post” in 2005.

– At first, King David wanted to build a temple for God, but according to the Bible, God said to him through the prophet Nathan, “You are not to build a house for my Name, because you are a warrior and have shed blood.” However, he chose Solomon to build the temple.

– Jonathan Baillie, of the Zoological Society of London, said “The donor community and conservation movement are increasingly leaning towards a ‘what can nature do for us?’ approach, where species and wild habitats are valued and prioritised according to these services they provided for people.

– She is known for inventing a computerized telephone switching method which “revolutionized modern communication” according to several reports.

– The objective can vary according to the type of game being played.

– See an article in Hürriyet Daily News of 4 September 2011 ; accessed on 4 November 2012 Except for the Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University, entrance is regulated by a national examination, ÖSYS, after which high school graduates are assigned to university according to their performance.

– The parish of Altarnun includes the village of Fivelanes and the hamlets of Bolventor, Treween and Trewint, and had a population of 976 according to the 2001 census.

– McGill University ranks first in Canada for 16 consecutive years according to Maclean’s University Rankings.

– P’ent’ay Christians use the alleged “secularized teaching” of the current Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches, the alleged inability of most Orthodox followers to live according to the instructions of the Bible and the deuterocanonical books used by rural priests, as a proof to their belief in the Orthodox Tewahedo teaching is also mainly syncretized.

– So, according to the Condorcet criterion, B should win, despite the fact that very few voters rank B in first place.

- The scarlet tiger moth uses both camouflage and warning colour according to its situation.

- They only have relative, subjective value according to viewpoint and circumstances.
- The standard hold for partners differs according to the type of dance.

More in-sentence examples of “according”:

– The Department of Commerce announced in March 2018 that the 2020 Census will ask if individuals are United States citizens according to a request from the Trump administration.

– Apollo and Artemis used poisoned arrows to kill them, though according to some versions at least one Niobid was spared,.

– The library was built according to Japanese architecture.

– And this Declaration insists the international solidity and in the sprit of burden-sharing to ensure the right to political asylum according to the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees including for Palestinian people and also insists the importance of education about international human rights law, humanitarian aid, peace, tolerance, rule of law, democracy and social justice for all at any level of educations against illiteracy.

– The material for the dupatta varies according to the suit: cotton, georgette, silk, chiffon, and more.

– As a member of the Mars family, his share of the company and other assets were worth US$10 billion in September 2010, making him the 52nd richest person in the world and the 26th richest person in America, according to “Forbes”.

– The vast majority of LSD use extramedical and thus considered “drug abuse” according to some definitions.

– Saint Veronica or Berenice, according to the “”Acta Sanctorum”” published by the Bollandists, was a pious woman of Jerusalem.

– It is located in the Hadhramaut Governorate, According to the 2004 census, 250 people live there.

– The identification of Agni with Rudra is explicitly noted in the “Nirukta”, an important early text on etymology, which says, “Agni is also called Rudra.” The interconnections between the two deities are complex, and according to Stella Kramrisch:In the “Śatarudrīya”, some epithets of Rudra, such as “Sasipañjara suggest a fusing of the two deities.

– Page 2 According to the same source, the Greek population in Turkey was collapsing as the community was by then far too small to sustain itself demographically, due to emigration, much higher death rates than birth rates and continuing discrimination.

– The typical items linked to the movement were prestige items reserved to the upper class, according to Steven Shennan.

– The total population of the district according to the 1998 census was 725,000 and according to 1999 projection its population stands at 741,000.

– To prevent being sick, it is good to act according to some simple advice: Hand washing, regular check-ups, vaccination programmes, drinking clean water and using condoms.

– Clouds are classified according to how they look and how high the base of the cloud is in the sky.

– As a result of the anti-tobacco measures implemented in the Wehrmacht, According to a survey conducted in 1944, the number of smokers increased in the Wehrmacht, but average tobacco consumption per military personnel declined by 23.4% compared to the immediate pre-World War II years.

– The most recent, 2011 English language edition, was published in two volumes, Viktor Novak: Magnum Crimen: Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia : Dedicated to the Known and Unknown Victims of Clericalism Volume 1, Gambit, Jagodina 2011, and includes two chapters which had been excluded from all earlier editions of this book, which, according to Serbian historian Vasilije Krestić, were censored upon the request of two Croatian communist leaders, Vladimir Bakarić and Maks Baće MilićMaks Baće.

– The city of Rome was founded, according to legend, on 21 April 753 BC.

– As of April 2019, according to StatCounter, Edge still has lower market share than Internet Explorer and even with the market share of the both combined would only manage 3rd place after Firefox.

– As this cooled and contracted, it flattened and spun more rapidly, throwing off a series of gaseous rings of material; and according to him, the planets condensed from this material.

– Building nuclear plants is seen to be “a risky business”, according to several notable credit rating agencies and investment analysts.Bill Theobald.

– By 2007, the preferred platform for the purchase of security software had become the “appliance”, according to IDC, who estimate that by 2008, 80% of network security products will be delivered via an appliance.

– Sometimes, people need to lose weight, and eat according to a special diet.

– The decision is to be made according the the arguments made for and against deleting.

– Every festivals which are indigenous to traditional Meitei culture have particular fixed dates according to the Meitei calendar.

– Most generators will start the first paragraph with “L”orem ipsum dolor sit amet” ” and then words selected from its word list according to model sentence and paragraph structure rules, so as to approximate the distribution of English word, sentence and paragraph lengths.

– Whoever carts off government-owned items, of whatever sort, from said location to another, deliberately damages, destroys, squanders, alters or uses for any other than purpose than prescribed; apart from the penalty, according to circumstances, is liable to some or all of the prisoners for any losses incurred.

– Bramlett died on October 23, 2014, in Memphis, Tennessee, according to the Shelby County Mayor’s Office, aged 73.

– No weapons were used in the arrest, according to a statement from the Minneapolis police.

– For this criterion, until the adoption of the new classification referred to in article 8 of decree of 26 April 2002 referred to above, diplomas are classified according to the “nomenclature des niveaux de formation” approved by decision of the permanent group of vocational training and social advancement.

– When the Anglo-Saxons arrived in England in the 4th century, they may have created an “apartheid-like society” according to some historians.

– Similar to the prior version, spam filtering module misidentified valid e-mail and missed actual spam, according to PC Magazine.

– During marriage rites, Roman brides are supposed to have straddled the phallus of Mutunus to prepare themselves for sexual intercourse, according to Church Fathers who interpreted this act as an obscene loss of virginity.

– In 2007, the city was the third place in a list of “15 Green Cities” in the world, according the American website “Grist”.

– Many followers of Thelema learn and use other systems of spiritual thought, blending them according to their own will with Thelema.

– Greek words are normally first transcribed to Latin, and then loaned into other languages, and finally the loan word has developed according to the rules of the goal language.

– Eukaryotic cilia are structurally identical to eukaryotic flagella, although distinctions are sometimes made according to function and/or length.

– In addition, according to Sorkin, the storylines began to focus less on Sam and more on Josh Lyman, the deputy chief of staff.

– The high mechanical strength of the PTA’s bridges allows the crossing of vehicles up to class MLC 80 over a gap of up to 24 meters in a repetitive manner as they are stress and fatigue qualified according to the FINABEL code.

– Sakha’s population at the end of the Soviet Union decreased for some time according to data.

– Pages below are sorted according to the type of error.

– However, according to the SI brochure, it is an accepted unit by SI.

– Two branches descend from duke Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-AltenburgErnest the Pious, the father of the progenitor of this Saxe-Altenburg branch: Saxe-Meiningen and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha; according to old Wettin family law, they would have divided the actual territories between them.

– Vishnu is the preserver god, which means he protects the universe from being destroyed and keeps it going, according to this religion, and he has come to earth in nine forms so far, with Kalkione yet to come at the end of Kali Yuga to destroy evil.

– Each cell secretes pigments according to the activating and inhibiting activity of its neighbor pigment cells, obeying a natural version of a mathematical rule.

– The details vary according to circumstances.

– Vacuoles and their contents are distinct from the cytoplasm, and are classified as ergastic according to some people.

– Over Petrovo Polje, according to Lisina, performed famous Chetnik Rade Radić and combined power Chetnik’s Battalion “Karadjordje” and “Tankosić”, under the command of Mihajlo Đurić.

- The Department of Commerce announced in March 2018 that the 2020 Census will ask if individuals are United States citizens according to a request from the Trump administration.

- Apollo and Artemis used poisoned arrows to kill them, though according to some versions at least one Niobid was spared,.
- The library was built according to Japanese architecture.

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