“accomplishment” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “accomplishment”:

– The Battle of Maryang San is known as Australia’s greatest accomplishment in the Korean War.

– His main accomplishment was the creation of the Roman Empire, a political structure that lasted for nearly five centuries more.

– However, others thought it was possibly the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations’ “greatest” accomplishment in returning three men in a very damaged spacecraft back to Earth safely.

– Two years later however, he passed the review and went to 13-plus on the strength of his art accomplishment and got a scholarship to a school in Tolworth, near Surbiton.

– The Church of Satan say they judge whether Active Members can join the Priesthood by their accomplishment in society and recognition within a profession rather than knowledge of the occult.

– The award is for “outstanding accomplishment in technical management or engineering achievement in aerospace technology”.

– A badge is a device or patch which is displayed to indicate a special accomplishment or as a symbol of authority.

– The accomplishment that made Mitchell famous was when she discovered a comet in October 1847.

accomplishment use in sentences
accomplishment use in sentences

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