“accomplish” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “accomplish”:

– Punks say that people should “Do It Yourself”, which means that people should try to accomplish their goals using the materials in their own communities.

– However, to accomplish this, teams must first destroy 3 “towers” and an “inhibitor” in at least one “lane”.

– Thank you to all who helped accomplish this! I’ll be around to check if everything is alright with DYK and if the formatting is correct.

– Instead he chooses to deputize a junior member to accomplish the task.

– Caliph Uthman used the same method as of Abu Bakr, he would give missions to his generals and then leave it to them how they accomplish it.

– He would then leave it to his generals to accomplish their mission in whatever manner they chose, on the other hand Caliph Umar in later part of his Caliphate used to direct his generals as to where they would stay and when to move to the next target and who will be commanding the left and right wing of the army in the particular battle, this made the phase of conquest comparatively slower but provided well organized campaigns.

accomplish example in sentences
accomplish example in sentences

Example sentences of “accomplish”:

– In order to accomplish more, Voinovich felt that the terms for mayor and Cleveland City Council to be extended.

– Because there’s no time left, he transplanted his eyes to the young Nagato and takes Obito Uchiha as his agent to accomplish his plan.

– Even though most of these areas have similar human interactions, we still need special skills to accomplish the design goals.

– When this happens it is called apoptosis, also known as a ‘programmed cell death’ One way cells accomplish “apoptosis” by taking in toxic levels of calcium ions.

– It cannot be cured: people who have it will live with it for life, however people are able to overcome it and find alternative ways to accomplish tasks which may usually be difficult without support.

– The previous nationalists Bangla Desh government of Khaleda Zia promised to re-launch the peace process, but until now did not accomplish with its promises.

– I hope we can accomplish these goals in 2009.

– To accomplish this, the Constitution requires that a census be conducted every ten years.

– The fact is the creator of Barbie, Ruth Handler, fought sexism and overcame her domesticated gender role to accomplish her goals in the business arena as a female by producing the world famous Barbie doll.Gerber, Robin, “Barbie and Ruth” HarperCollins: 2009, print.

– It only wastes time and effort, and does not accomplish anything, such as renaming accounts to.

– The art of whistling is a hard task to accomplish but is much easier once mastered.

- In order to accomplish more, Voinovich felt that the terms for mayor and Cleveland City Council to be extended.

- Because there's no time left, he transplanted his eyes to the young Nagato and takes Obito Uchiha as his agent to accomplish his plan.

– Different scripts can also be used in conjunction with each other to accomplish several tasks at once.

– He was already an elderly man when he was elected pope and did not really accomplish much during his four year reign as pope.

– They might be notable; however, it is highly unlikely that they will ever evolve to something better than stubs since we do not have the number of users required to accomplish this.

– The promotion of their articles will, not only, give them inspiration into creating/expanding more articles, it can lower bad tension being built from them and can also make them feel better of themselves because they had accomplish a mile stone and could help push them into achieving even larger goals.

– Psychologists use the term “self-efficacy” to describe beliefs about one’s ability to accomplish particular tasks..

– Editors are encouraged to use other parameters that accomplish the same purpose as those that have been deprecated.

– There are three different events to accomplish at the competition.

– The latter then activate or repress systems of cellular processes that accomplish the final development of the organism.

– To accomplish the necessary changes, the Gregorian calendar skipped ten days between 4 October 1582 and 15 October 1582.

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