“accepting” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “accepting”:

– Jo Walton argued that Le Guin was important in both making the genre more open and accepting of new ideas, and in helping genre writers get mainstream success.

– When the field hospital was about to move, they stopped accepting casualties and sent those they had to other field hospitals.

– When the element boron is added to silicon, the boron “dopant” is called an “acceptor” because it likes accepting electrons.

– Fedotenko has also played for the Philadelphia Flyers for two seasons, the Tampa Bay Lightning for four seasons, the New York Islanders for one season and the Pittsburgh Penguins for two seasons before being signed to a 1-year-deal worth $1 million after accepting a tryout with the New York Rangers.

– In addition, the opponent has the choice of either accepting the table as it was left, or of having the balls re-racked and requiring the person who fouled on the break to repeat it.

– He is treated badly but sacrifices himself in accepting the punishment due others, and is finally rewarded.

– In 1890, the Latter-Day Saints stopped accepting polygamy.

accepting some ways to use
accepting some ways to use

Example sentences of “accepting”:

- Johnson formally launched his candidacy by accepting his party's nomination on August 14.

- Tourischeve shook Comăneci's hand before accepting her own medal.
- There are several other religions that are accepting of homosexuality, particularly new religions.

– Johnson formally launched his candidacy by accepting his party’s nomination on August 14.

– Tourischeve shook Comăneci’s hand before accepting her own medal.

– There are several other religions that are accepting of homosexuality, particularly new religions.

– As soon as it became independent from the Parish school, it started accepting both genders.

– The Lion is seen as a coded example of Garland meeting and accepting a gay man without question.

– He returned to Geneva, accepting a job as a professor.

– Nasch tells her that it may be Ben’s way of accepting her current condition.

– Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation, and public officials of accepting industry claims uncritically.

– On November 7, 2011, Harris had his left leg amputated below the knee due to complications of high blood pressure and diabetes, a condition he has had since 1992, but not accepting dialysis treatment, forcing him to retire on 2010.

– Thanks again for accepting Vinča culture.

– She barely looks at him, accepting his proposal only because she wants to get revenge on Ashley for marrying Melanie.

– As what some of the EN diffs have suggested, the editor is also having issues with humility and accepting his own mistakes with grace.

– Upon accepting the appointment, Hope quipped, “I’m speechless.

– He later joins the Zodiacs as the “Rat” at Leorio’s recommendation, accepting the position upon being told that Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou has the last batch of scarlet eyes that he needs to retrieve.

– Frederick was generally a champion of religious tolerance, including accepting Society of JesusJesuits, fleeing the suppression of Pope Clement XIV, as teachers in Silesia, Warmia, and the Netze District.

– The Wikimedia Election Committee is accepting candidates for the 2007 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election.

– Agilbert wandered in Gaul for a time before accepting the position of Bishop of Paris.

– The Dalmatian cities started accepting foreign sovereignty but eventually they reverted to their previous desire for independence.

More in-sentence examples of “accepting”:

- The Bavarians closed the University of Salzburg, banned monasteries from accepting novices, and banned pilgrimages and processions.

- The ICRC is responsible for legally recognizing a relief society as an official national Red Cross or Red Crescent society and thus accepting it into the Movement.

– The Bavarians closed the University of Salzburg, banned monasteries from accepting novices, and banned pilgrimages and processions.

– The ICRC is responsible for legally recognizing a relief society as an official national Red Cross or Red Crescent society and thus accepting it into the Movement.

– He is best known for chairing the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders and for accepting bribes.

– It’s theme is Christianity – with the Althing one man one night ponder decision for Iceland’s Constitutional Conversion to the New Christian Creed in 1000 AD – and also with the natural “Christian”, Old Njal, a good and decent owner who has bad pagan Chlidren, innocent and accepting dying a protomartyr’s death for goodness in his perpretrated burning wood-house.

– Following him means understanding one’s inner self, realizing oneself, accepting oneself as is, and becoming harmonious with one’s surroundings.

– On his return home he toured the East Coast cities, accepting testimonials, banquets and applause.

– The phrase can also be applied to accepting an idea or plan without a full understanding of it.

– Belinda, accepting her sorryapology, comes, and now Lady Delacour does everything Belinda advises her to do, and makes up with her husband, revealing to him how she is ill, that she had been hiding from everybody except herself and Belinda and her maid.

– But there’s no need for her to worry, because Melanie is as always totally loving and accepting of “our dear Scarlett”, walking her to every guest one by one, forcing them to greet her.

– After accepting the input, this function will always take one step to return an output.

– The Chinese media said he was “rude, arrogant and disrespectful” for accepting the Olympic flag with one hand, putting his hands in his pockets and not buttoning up his jacket.

– While accepting the Video of the Year award that May 23, 2011 and February 13, 2011 would see the release of Born This Way and this song respectively.

– Since January 2011 the synod of the Ancient Church of the East has split between those accepting the Patriarchate of Mar Addai II and those Old Calendarists rejecting it.

– The version we have of this template isn’t accepting some fields like birth_date.

– Greetings! The Project Grants program is currently accepting proposals for funding.

– For and the early “mimamsa” school do not accept a IshvaraGod while accepting the authority of the Vedas; they thus are “atheistic “astika” schools”.

– When she tricks him into accepting a cigarette, she gets his fingerprint and the police soon find out his true name.

– He is best known for accepting the strategy of “propaganda of the deed” which promoted direct action against a single person or institution to force revolutionary change and inspire further action by others.

– Humala was arrested by Peruvian authorities in July 2017 for illegally accepting bribes and awaits a corruption trial.

– This act forbids the Federal government of the United Statesfederal government from accepting same-sex relationships to get married.

– The book is dedicated to Pope Paul III in a preface that argues that mathematics, not physics, should be the basis for understanding and accepting his new theory.

– Many scientists were critical of Nye for accepting Ham’s invitation.

– Even Albert Einstein had trouble accepting such a bizarre concept, and in a well-known debate said, “God does not play dice”.

– However, around the 6th century, by accepting Buddhism, Silla made its royal power stronger.

– The Western Churches had no problems accepting the creed, but some Eastern Churches had.

– Wallace predicted that birds and other predators would reject conspicuous prey whilst accepting cryptic prey.

– His family, who were very conservative Baptists, had a hard time accepting this.

– It is reached by accepting Reginald’s offer by using the dummies.

– Steele Hall had been Premier of South Australia, when he won the seat in a by-election caused by McLeay accepting a diplomatic position overseas.

– This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others.

– We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates until May 28.

– Because the manifesto shows advantages of accepting of Esperanto as international auxiliary language, people consider it as the modern manifesto of finvenkism.

– To force column widths to specific requirements, rather than accepting the width of the widest text element in a column’s cells, follow this example.

– On September 6, 2007, Rivera was indicted and arrested on charges of accepting bribes.

– He orders them to seduce his son Robert into accepting a deadly talisman.

– They feared that accepting Darwin’s ideas would harm their morality.

– In the film, Dorothy is accepting of those who are different.

– Although many societies still exist under a gender binary, more and more around the world are becoming more accepting of ideas of gender outside of strict male and female categories.

– An election will be held shortly for the initial board, who will oversee the process of founding the company and accepting membership applications.

– We will be accepting proposals for 2 weeks, ending on November 23.

– I ask that editors please do a little bit of due diligence and use the usual vandalism warning templates where appropriate, instead of blindly accepting the Twinkle defaults.

– People have started accepting acts of Sex reassignment surgery to change their sex as a norm either compelled by Gender dysphoria.

– The Wiki software stopped accepting new inscription after 6…

– Many gays and lesbians became less accepting of bisexual and transgender persons in general.

– In mass-manufacturing, the quality of the finished article was traditionally achieved through post-manufacturing inspection of the product; accepting or rejecting each article based on how well it met its design specifications.

– But anyways as for why I am accepting it, I am accepting it because I am always willing to help the wiki in any capacity I am capable of.

– To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

– Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals for funding new experiments from September 1st to 30th.

– We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates from April 7 to April 20.

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