“acceleration” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “acceleration”:

– The rates of acceleration of each track.

– This velocity is the limit of the acceleration process.

– For a given particle, if the net force is increased, the acceleration is increased.

– Here, is the acceleration due to gravity.

– Using the constant, we can work out gravitational acceleration at a certain altitude.

acceleration in-sentences
acceleration in-sentences

Example sentences of “acceleration”:

– For example, velocity and acceleration are used by physics to show how things move.

– The brakes are used to enable deceleration, to control acceleration when going down slopes or hills and to keep the cars standing while they are parked.

– Such optical acceleration is known as moiré speedup.

– They are capable of swimming at speeds equivalent to two body lengths per second, with an acceleration time of five seconds.

– This is key in understanding the relationship between the derivative and the integral; acceleration is the derivative of velocity, which is the derivative of distance, and distance is the antiderivative of velocity, which is the antiderivative of acceleration.

– This means that gravitational acceleration is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the centre of Earth.

– It is often used in physics to display the speed, acceleration and distance of an object traveled.

– The first stage in the acceleration process takes place in the Cockcroft–Walton generator.

– Jerk is the change in the acceleration of an object.

– Therefore, the longer an object moves with constant acceleration the faster its final velocity is.

– Special relativity would apply when the energy density across 3D space is uniform, and so the gravitational field is scaled uniformly from location to location, why an object experiences no acceleration and thus no gravitation.

- For example, velocity and acceleration are used by physics to show how things move.

- The brakes are used to enable deceleration, to control acceleration when going down slopes or hills and to keep the cars standing while they are parked.

– Gravitational acceleration at the Kármán line, the boundary between Atmosphere of EarthEarth’s atmosphere and outer space which lies at an altitude of, is only about 3% lower than at sea level.

– It would require a continuous acceleration of 0.05 m/s for 50 years, and an equal deceleration at the halfway point.

– By 1914, automatic acceleration was being used.

– Tasks are calculation of physics, Artificial Intelligence or even acceleration of video and picture editing.

– The limiting beam energy is reached when the energy lost to the lateral acceleration required to maintain the beam path in a circle equals the energy added each cycle.

– The acceleration of an object changes with altitude.

– Mathematically, jerk is the derivative, or the rate of change of acceleration by time.

– Weak objects such as people can be damaged by high acceleration or high jerk.

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