“abstraction” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “abstraction”:

– The opposite of abstraction is concretism.

– In the 20th century the trend toward abstraction coincided with advances in science, technology, and changes in urban life, eventually reflecting an interest in psychoanalytic theory.

– Cache is also usually an abstraction layer that is designed to be invisible from the perspective of neighboring layers.

– An abstraction can thus encapsulate each of these levels of detail with no loss of generality.

– Islamic art is often based on Geometric abstraction or calligraphy to avoid idolatry, but Jewish art is somewhat broader.

– From the late 1920s the Russian avant-garde experienced direct and harsh criticism from the authorities and in 1934 the doctrine of socialist realism became official policy, and prohibited abstraction and different artistic expression.

– Computer scientists use abstraction to understand and problem solvingsolve problems, such as organizing data to be stored in a database.

– In this sense the process of abstraction entails the identification of similarities between objects and the process of associating these objects with an abstraction.

abstraction use in-sentences
abstraction use in-sentences

Example sentences of “abstraction”:

- Assembly language provides what is called an abstraction of machine code.

- The notion of abstraction is important to understanding some philosophical controversies surrounding empiricism and the problem of universals.

– Assembly language provides what is called an abstraction of machine code.

– The notion of abstraction is important to understanding some philosophical controversies surrounding empiricism and the problem of universals.

– Geometric abstraction is a form of abstract art based on the use of geometric forms in non-representational compositions.

– An Abstraction keeps only the most important information about something in order to make it easier to reuse.

– TCP/IP has four abstraction layers as defined in RFC 1122: link layer, IP layer, transport layer and application layer.

– Wyrsch’s artistic career was based on the expressive of figurative paintings, which he gave up in favor of abstraction for about ten years, to return to the figurative.

– Virtualization means that the users only see an abstraction of a computer resource.

– Different levels of abstraction might be denoted by a progression of arrows joining boxes or ellipses in multiple rows, where the arrows point from one row to another, in a series of other graphs, say graph 2, etc.

– Later in the 80s explores a brighter abstraction inspired by the landscape.

– Together they form a structural totality of the differentiating abstraction process.

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