“abstinence” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “abstinence”:

+ This means a man and a woman practice abstinence when the woman is fertile.

+ Both before and after the wedding, Crowder argued in favor of sexual abstinence before marriage.

+ Many methods can reduce the risk of STDs, but only abstinence is 100% effective.

+ Patients who had been treated for their addiction with multiple sessions of ketamine fared much better than those who had only had one session of ketamine with abstinence rates of 50% and 22.2% respectively.

+ After Bonnie is born, Scarlett says she will have no more children, and Rhett takes the news badly, since in that time, the only way to ensure no more pregnancies was total abstinence from sex.

+ Later that year, a significant faction of the OPC, led by Carl McIntire, broke away to form the Bible Presbyterian Church, a denomination which, unlike the OPC, required abstinence from alcohol and taught premillennialism.

+ She starts a teen abstinence group and a dead parents club.

+ Total abstinence from feeding on the flesh of cows is a hallmark of Hinduism.

abstinence in-sentences
abstinence in-sentences

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